Thursday, October 15, 2015


"We have a Hartford Police Department Major Crimes Fraud Detective looking into the matter.

As a matter of standard protocol, we have notified the Connecticut States Attorney's Office as well as the United States Attorney's Office.

HPD Deputy Chief Brian Foley


  1. Typically Federal Investigations start through the US Attorneys Office. It would appear that due to the nature of the alleged frauds much of this will eventually fall under Federal law, in my opinion from what I know so far. Only time will tell.

  2. The investigators better ask Deller questions, lots of questions. Who knew what? When did he know? Who authorized what? What exactly was his roll in this brand new scandal? His control and authority in this disfunctional department. Why did Deller spend time and efforts to hide and silent the illegal structural work done secretly during weekends by Terry Waller in his Park St. property, which Deller knew all a long, instead of concentrating and dealing with the important issues, such as running over budget by millions in his ballpark, like the crap with this soccer stadium.

    1. 11:37 Deller, as well as EVERYONE at License & Inspections, were fully aware of the illegal work performed by Terry Waller at 287 Park street, including structural work, asbestos removal and more. Everyone at L&I knew, including every secretary there. The ENTIRE department has to be investigated.

  3. HPD? Who the hell will investigate the police! All is not well in that department either.

  4. If I may change the subject, a federal court judge just dealt the Scarborough St 11 a setback.I have said this before, I was at the press conference at city hall and when their attorney announced that he was "boning up on zoning law," I realized that they had hired the wrong person. They hired a friend and this attorney stands a greater chance in loosing the case because he doesn't know zoning law and perhaps the federal process. He is making missteps.

    What do you think, Attorney Rubinstein? Kevin?

  5. Yo, Pedro Peter Maria Caviar Segarra, your entire administration is falling apsrt, melting down, collapsing. The time has arrived for full investigations and prosecutions.


  6. Whatever happened to Sgt Steve Mcguire who was under

    investigation for having relations with city

    Prostitutes? Did he go to Prison ? or was He McGuire

    just fired from the Hatford Ct Police Department?

  7. That is not a name or an incident I am familiar with, I'll ask. When was this alleged?


  8. Kevin,

    In 1999 Steve Maguire ran out of town Htfd

    on an FBI investigation to his ties to city Prostitutes.

    It seems it was buried but Maguire was guilty as hell.

    As usual nothing happened,Croughwell was the Chief at the time.

    Timmmy Hogan did the investigation.


  9. Steve Maguire was also caught in a Wethersfield Ct.
    cemetary with a Latino Prostitute. several years ago . Maguire had a huge cold sore
    on his lips. Steve Maguire is married with a son and daughter.

  10. McGuire sounds like a model officer for the PD !! But I'm sure he had the complexion for
    The protection !!!

  11. We all know only a certain persuasion gets investigated an if your part the good ole boys club you are protected !! Hey look at the Sgt who made the most money in the PD last year he got caught beating a citizen damn near to death at a bar an it's on video nothing happened !!?

  12. Ohhhhhhh the same Sgt that had all those police officers join that Pyrsmid Ponzie scheme that went south some cops lost damn near a 100K an more over that fiasco not to mention all the citizens that lost money on that yea he's a spring chicken!!!

  13. Back again Will? As usual, your info is false and inaccurate. Hope your doing well!

  14. I love how Will Smith refers to himself as "retired officer". Will, you didn't retire, you were TERMINATED, and you will NEVER ever be back.....fact.

  15. We, the People being reduced to a sewing circle of little ole bitties with nothing better to do than gossip about each other.
