Friday, October 23, 2015


I'll be Tony Terzi's guest tomorrow , Saturday ,October 24th for the 9 o'clock hour . Tony can be heard on WDRC, 1360 am.

Tune in if you have a chance .

And if you have a free minute, take a second and "like" Tony's Facebook page, as he is trying to increase his social media presence.


  1. Kevin, I just saw Linda Baer parking her Mini Cooper behind city hall and entering city hall from the back gates. It was 8:05 PM (plate#6AX***). Any idea what exactly is she doing at city hall on a Friday that late? Is it the overtime for the shredders at city hall?

  2. I think it is probably too late for the shredders the damage is already been done .maybe she has been put in charge on the inmate visitor list and keeping it updated


  4. I know Linda. Trust me, she's up to something

  5. Segarra's inner circle consists of Saundra Kee Borges, Charlie Ortiz and Linda Baer. This little lady is not going to be at city hall on a Friday night for nothing. No way.

  6. Linda Baer is like a puppy, always running around, but she's also always cooking something.

  7. @ 10:30 PM I'd say she's more like pest than puppy

  8. It's Linda Bayer. Bayer, like the pharmaceutical company making aspirin. You need a huge dose of aspirin dealing with Linda Bayer.

  9. Kevin, Linda reads your blog frequently. Everybody knows that. Why not ask her directly: Linda, what were you doing last night at City Hall? Who was there with you and what exactly did you do there? That's it, no big deal.

  10. I heard the radio show, Kevin. Great job!! I know you have been on the show before and I think that Tony should have a segment with you at least once a month just to keep the city leaders on their toes.

  11. You guys don't get it, Linda Bayer, in her position and her power, is filling up all the boards and commissions in the city of Hartford. There are more than 30 of these boards and commissions, some with power to make important and serious decision for many years to come. So she's filling up all the possible vacancies.

  12. wakes and funerals should be about respect not about being ordered to do something

  13. 9:50 AM Tony has already scheduled me for two weeks from today thanks for your confidence

  14. Cooper was out of line ordering the firefighters to attend Stewart's services. It makes it look like he was just trying to fill up the church. That is something that should be at the individual firefighter's discretion and as far as I know there is no precedent for it.

  15. It's funny how it wasn't a problem when it was done for Chief Nolan's funeral. There wasn't a problem having an apparatus display for someone who didn't die in the Line of Duty. Things are only wrong when they don't fit the Nolans' agenda!

  16. @7:12

    Linda Bayer says: So you want to know what I was doing Friday night evening at city hall? I am a dictated staff person ensuring that the wheels of city roll smoothly. I don't have a 9-5 peon job like you probably do. Very specifically, we, the gang of the elite, are planning a coup in order to keep our jobs. The police are onboard. We have over 500 men in arms waiting for the signal to secure every Hartford district. You, the people, will listen to us and you will do as we say.

    First order of business is to build a ski resort on top of the mountain of trash in the North Meadows. It will add to the success of Dunkin Donuts Stadium. By the way, have you tasted the new Halloween donuts they are selling? Absolutely delicious. Yes, the skiing will be fun to ski right onto the Connecticut River. We will be a major vacation destination once again. That is all for now. I am being call d back to the chief's office to plan a sumptuous First Night party at Max's again.

    Ta ta.

  17. the First Night party at Max's - will it include caviar again? whose credit card this time?

  18. Charge the caviar to the city credit card, if they find out make sure you blame the waiter. It's easy.

  19. We now learn that Segarra, Deller, Hill and Kennedy, these 4 idiots, met in July, just 3 months ago, secretly or not, to discuss yet another stadium, in addition to the Yard Rats ballpark, in addition to the scandalous Dillon stadium, not to mention in addition to the XL Center we already have.
    Incompetence and corruption all the way, that's exactly what it is.

  20. Come on WTPH bloggers, leave Linda Bayer alone. She is a tireless champion for this City and a valued contributor to so many Hartford efforts. Her institutional knowledge of municipal government and the numerous programs that have "slithered" through City Hall over 30 years is unmatched. I don't care if she lives in Wethersfield and understood she was operating as a consultant.

    Can blog readers agree that one issue the next mayoral administration is going to have to deal with is, that Hartford has failed to obtain the BEST candidates for city positions because of the residency requirement/bonus. We hire only those who "promise" to live here or who maintain apartments here. Those are NOT the best candidates, admit it. Just look at the string of disasters hired BECAUSE of this false policy.

    Our city is in such dire straights right now. We need the best and brightest no matter where they come from, to help pull us out of our current sad state of affairs. No company/corporation/non-profit has any kind of residency requirement because they obviously want to draw from the most capable pool of candidates.

    And let's not forget that within the last 25 years, many of the most shameful characters who have scarred the reputations of both our fire and police departments were FROM Hartford. The residency issue/policy is DEAD and no longer works for this city.

    1. Out of who there is currently left in Department heads who truely grew up in the city,,,?

  21. BRAVO, Alyssa. The jobs should go to those most QAULIFIED regardless of their residency.

  22. Alyssa, first, let me bow my head in shame for beating up on Linda Bayer. I like her but I got caught up in this bully moment. On to issues; I don't know if residency is dead. Not from the voice of Cynthia Jennings. She wants to see anything that moves and slithers down the street who is unemployed, to be employed by the city of Hartford. And if you take a close look at employees across departments, there remains a lot to be desired. decades-long semi insider positions favored by friends of employees have made for a lower standard to,flourish.

    1. Are there any positives? People who rose to leadersip based on Merritt, experience, and education?

  23. There is no residency for City Council....Cynthia Jennings lives in Windsor

    1. We all hope smart a** Cynthia Jennings will be out in 3 days. After all, she only wants to be a councilwoman 1 more year so she can collect her pension.

  24. The laws and rules apply to "us" only, not to the mayor and his cronies, not to Cynthia Jennings and her "friends."

  25. 12:55 am, I think MHIS Director Sabina Sitaru is Hartford born and raised as well as Police Chief James Rovella. One of the nun's who taught him at South Catholic remembers him well and recalled a few stories about "Jimmy" as a student. Unfortunately I have been sworn to secrecy on those. Both are great examples of love for our City and a true example of caring for their neighbors and friends in the City they have called home for the majority of their lives ( unlike those that are here to collect a paycheck and commute home on weekends rather than live here)
