Thursday, October 22, 2015


Second chances are important  in society, everyone makes mistakes. But 3rd, 4th , 5th and 6th chances.  Where do we draw the line and realize that some people just don't want to change or are unwilling to change? Angel Morales might be just one of those people.

Morales, a convicted felon, has had more than his share of opportunities to get his life in order, apparently to no avail. He was even given an opportunity in the State Legislature as a clerk with a Senate Committee. That apparently came to an end after an investigation by the State Capitol Police..

Now Morales is apparently be under scrutiny by the Office of the Attorney General . The case involves a referral by the State Elections Enforcement Commission (SEEC) regarding Morales 's refusal to pay back civil penalties regarding missing funds from his unsuccessful run for the legislature and funds from the Citizen's Election fund that were unaccounted for by Morales and his campaign Treasurer. The amount in question was detailed in a complaint filed and heard by SEEC was $19, 381.85. As part of that decision Morales and his Treasurer Jason Lopez were ordered  to pay fines totaling $10,000 and $5,000.00 respectively.

Apparently those fines have not been paid and SEEC now wants to refer the matter and collection and enforcement to the Attorney General.

Morales was recently paid at least $5,000.00 dollars by the Hartford Democratic Town Committee, according to paperwork filed, for election efforts.

You can read more about Angel Morales and his antics in the attached posting and HPD Police Report


  1. Hey, this has been brewing for a while, DC Ford and OFFICER M. Gentry in a relationship for over a year... seems like this would a conflict. Both are married and both are very open. Everyone in patrol knows and is uncomfortable with him showing up at every call she shows up to.

  2. I guess the next mayor, Mr. Luke Bronin, will not appoint Angel Morales as the chief attorney for the city. Or the head of Human Resources...

  3. Who was the Fire Officer in Charge of 16's Firehouse that refused to go to Former Fire Chief Stewart's Funeral and then had a nerve to write a fire-service to complain about it.

    What ever happen to pay homage to your former leader.

    1. Who was the Deputy Chief, who had the nerve to order fire company's to go to Stewart's wake? Who does he think he is "God"? He should be fired.

    2. Hey Cooper, when you were forcing Engine 16 and other officers and firemen to attend Stewart's services, did you let them know it was okay to wear wigs?

  4. 10:11 AM: How about Angel Morales as Chief Financial Officer?........

  5. Since Mr Morales likes to hang around in front of the library at night trying to pick up teenage boys,he would be perfect to head Youth Services.

  6. This was not the first time in my career that I was forced to go to a north end funeral. Therefore, the other day I really did not mind going all the way there. I could definitely see the other side of the issue though. I think we are off the line far too much with apparatus displays, political stunts, and funerals of people we never met. One day this will bite us in the butt with a first due job while we are posing somewhere like trained monkeys.

  7. I normally don't like holding back comments, but I do not want this to evolve into a forum to discredit the memory of former Chief Stewart. I did not agree with a lot that he did, but he was just buried this week and I think he is due his respect as a former Chief. Whether it was correct or a mistake for firefighters to be ordered to attend his wake and funeral is a something the current administration needs to address. Please refrain from the debate here and address your concerns through the proper channels. If nothing else, please show some respect for the position. For all those criticizing Chief Stewart's actions, please keep in mind that if you should be fortunate to one day rise to a level of authority in HFD, treat those beneath you with the same respect you are demanding here.

    In the mean time , Rest in peace Chief Stewart, and thank you for your service to the City of Hartford.

  8. I think I speak for many of the men and women who proudly wear the uniform of the Hartford Fire Department: “Enough Is Enough”. It is a small group of individuals who are destroying the reputation of what was once a proud department that stood as a role model for other departments across the state of Connecticut and New England. Many of us put on the uniform because we want to protect and serve the citizens of Hartford, provide for our families and contribute to the legacy of a department that for many years enjoyed the honor of being recognized as a class one fire department. It appears that the small few are simply here for self-serving purposes that provide no kind of positive enhancement or enrichment to this city or our department. Chief Cooper is one of the most honorable men I know, a stand up guy who gives 100% every time he puts on the uniform. He was doing what I would think any other chief would do when a Chief of this department passes. No, he is not God nor has he ever come across as one. Chief Cooper made the decision as the Deputy Chief of this department because it was the respectful thing to do. He has allowed companies to travel outside the city to attend funerals but I guess that’s different because it’s not a “north end funeral”. We travel to other cities and states to pay our respects to fallen brothers and sisters whom we have never met. How is this any different? Does it matter that the funeral service was on the north end? I didn’t know there was a difference between a north end funeral and any other funeral. In fact, just what is a “north end funeral”? Is this a metaphor for what is the real underlying issue? The last time I looked in the mirror I didn’t see a ”trained monkey”. I saw a man proudly wearing and representing the uniform of the Hartford Fire Department; upholding the oath that I took when I was sworn in as a Hartford firefighter. “To protect and serve the citizens of Hartford”, which means more than just sitting in the fire house waiting for the bell to hit. Companies spend more time off the line for training, hose changes and mechanical issues and it has never been an issue, so why now would it bite us in the butt if a first due fire comes in. I think those of you who have plagued this department with rhetoric and behavior that resembles racial bias need to ask yourselves if this is where you really belong. You don’t have to be here; in fact you can do the rest of us a big favor by leaving and allowing us to work to bring this department back to prominence and stand as a pillar of excellence as it pertains to the fire service in the state of Connecticut and New England. Or you can come out of the Dark Age and accept the idea that this department has changed culturally in the interest of all mankind; you can be a part of the solution as opposed to the problem. I write this not as an individual using the mask of anonymity but as a member who wants to be a part of a department that exhibits service, honor, respect and excellence.

    Pump Operator Kevin Joiner

    P.S. For all you newer firefighters on the job, take the time to formulate your own opinion based on your own interaction with others. We should all be striving to be leaders and not followers.

  9. Is it Angel Morales
    - or -
    Is it Angel Moral-less?

  10. Kevin,
    I thought you had intended to put this subject to rest but since you allowed Kevin Joiner's post I would like the opportunity to respond. I honestly don't know why this matter has reached the point of being a subject on your blog. The officer that refused the order to attend Stewart's funeral did so based on his personal beliefs. He did not prevent any other firefighter from his crew that wanted to go to the services from attending. Cooper should have let it go. I personally would not want anyone to be forced to go to my funeral. This issue has nothing to do with public safety in Hartford. It's time for people to move on from this.

  11. Pump Operator Joiner could not be more wrong, Chief Cooper does not have the right to force his incompatible beliefs on whom or what individuals he wants. Ordering someone or company to attend a wake is neither what a standup guy does nor is it the respectful thing to do. You need to get your facts straight, when companies attend wakes outside of the city it is because they have requested to do so, they are not forced to go by District 1. This was a wake not a funeral, which is how it is different. No one referenced it to be “North end funeral” you came up with that on your own racial bias so it seems you created your own underlying metaphor. I think those of you who condone Chief Cooper’s actions are the ones who have plagued this department with rhetoric and behavior that resembles racial bias and need to ask yourselves if this is where you really belong. So Pump Operator Joiner you don’t have to be here either; in fact if you believe Chief Coopers behavior is acceptable by any means you can do the rest of us a big favor by leaving and allowing the rest of us to bring this department back to the honorable Class 1 Department it had the reputation of being. If you continue to practice law, I would suggest that you should refrain from providing misleading facts. It is not what good lawyers do.

  12. The Department would have to be trained to get back to a Class 1 Department. It would also have to rid itself of those who condone covering up the murder of one of our own. Let us angry Irishmen see what we can do before we walk out the door. Despite the fact that all of our other schemes have failed.

    1. You sound like someone who is so insecure with themself that you try and pawn off the blame of your own incompetence on the respectable Irishmen you're jealous of. It is losers like you who take the class out of the Class 1 Fire Department. If anyone has failed believe me it's you.

  13. 6:26am. You smelled something stinking in Denmark too when D/C Nolan was illegally removed from the Board of Inquiry into FF Bell's death. It appears that the powers that be wanted to control the narrative by keeping Nolan away. Sure smells like a cover up to me.

  14. Why are Irish guys always characterized as angry? Could it be a thousand years of oppression from the British imperialists and being sold in to indebted servitude to arrive in this country as slaves worth less than those sold on either the Muslim or African slave trade? And the drinking.

  15. Kevin, Can you facilitate a comment from former Chief (excuse me ,I just threw up in my mouth a little bit) Billy Smith and FF Vinny Graves on the history of racism in the Hartford Fire Dept,,,,IS IT WORSE NOW OR WHEN THEY WERE NEAR THE END OF THEIR CAREER????? AM "I" THE ONLY ONE WHO REMEMBERS OUR "RECENT HISTORY" ????

  16. You left out that the Irish do not use the race card. We are not big on self pity.

  17. So how about that Franklin ave fire last night what's the story with L2 and L6? Capt Ericson good firefighter but why didn't he let chief 69 Jones girl cut the roof? Did she give up the saw or did he?

  18. You must be a new kid because who is chief 69 jones its chief 67. You new kids

  19. Why did Dalton get more time off than that loser Pattersom.
