Wednesday, December 30, 2015


I fully understand the severe housecleaning that is going on at Hartford City Hall. It is long overdue and I commend Luke Bronin for hitting the ground running. We need it.

Word this afternoon is that Darryl, COO is out. That makes sense since Hill was supposedly in charge of the oversight of many of Hartford's bad deals. He also serves on the Stadium Authority, supervising a project that is at least $10 million over budget and most likely much more by opening day. Hill was a signatory on most of the Dillon Stadium payments now being investigated by a Federal Grand Jury.

Word is that Hill cleaned out his City Hall Office this past weekend.

Kejuan Dillard is another City Hall staffer shown the door, long overdue. Dillard began his career with the City after great success in putting up lawn signs during the first Eddie Perez campaign. His reward was a high paying job in the former Mayor's Office.Dillard then went on to prove his benefit to the taxpayers of Hartford by neglecting to bill contractors for more than $3 million dollars in invoices for City services provided by HPD and other agencies for special events.

 Nelky Maldonado , the daughter of State Representative Millie Gonzalez has also been shown the door. Nelky landed in the Segarra Office just in time for campaign season. She has been bouncing around City Hall for years but could never find her niche, but having Minnie as your mother apparently equals job security... until now.

Several other separations from City service I can fully understand and appreciate.

One I can't understand is the reported termination of Licenses and Inspections Director Dan Loos. I don't know if it is fallout from the Deller fiasco. But I know Dan Loos as the ultimate professional in his department. My relationship with Loos could have been a very difficult.

As an outspoken critic of City Hall, it could have potentially put me in a difficult  position as a licensed contractor that needs to obtain electrical permits from L&I to get my "real" job done. It had been a problem in the past, but never under Dan Loos. He always seemed to be very professional and never political.

Under Loos, building permits that used to take months to get now just took days .Inspections for completed jobs now took a matter of hours to get scheduled and have an inspector show up, not weeks.

Several advancements took place under Loos's direction that helped to make Hartford appear as a business friendly City. One project currently under way between Loss , L&I and MHIS is the on-line permitting process. This was supposed to be "live" sometime in February. Who knows now.

Loos could frequently be seen around the City on nights and weekends checking on permitted projects like block parties and other events to make sure they were in compliance with their permits.

There may be reasons I am not aware of, but Dan Loos always appeared to me to be the type of City employee we would want.


  1. Sorry to disappoint you Kevin, but Dan Loos was fully aware of the illegal activity - including dangerous structure - at Terry Waller's property on Park St. (and most likely problems on other Terry Waller's properties). Dan did absolutely nothing to enforce the law. I'm not sure if this was because of pressure from SKB or from Segarra and it really doesn't matter, he must go.

    1. I'm familiar with 287 Park St. and the structural work done there during weekends earlier this year in order that Terry could sell it for around $200,000 (he purchased it the year before from the City of Hartford for $15,000).

    2. Yes SKB was in charge of those property sales, this is equivalent to inside trading.

  2. Mr. Loos is and was a very effective and competent professional. It was a mistake to let him go.

    1. Anonymous at 4:19 PM, ask any secretary, any L&I employee, they'll tell you that Dan never returned any phone call for messages left on his voice mail. That's how efficient he was.

  3. Segarra put a hell of a lot of pressure on Loos to bring a higher revenue to the city. I'm told that Segarra pushed so hard, that L&I brought in last year about $12,000,000 to the best of my knowledge.

    1. 4:47 however Segarra wanted much more

  4. Mr.Loos' departure is a big loss.

  5. I agree with Kevin. As Director of L & I, Dan Loos had a HUGE job in Hartford with not enough resources (personnel). He was known for going around the city and checking permitted events or zoning violations that had resulted in a higher number of complaints. He answered questions honestly at NRZ meetings about the capabilities of the department and offered suggestions where he could.

    1. Alyssa, according to your comment, Dan was known for going around checking permits. If this is the case, why didn't he stop the illegal work Terry Waller did with his people on his Park Street property. The work took place for several weeks and Dan turned a blind eye to it.
      THIS IS CRIMINAL (bith Terry Waller AND Dan Loos).

  6. Dan Loos is a great loss to the city. I want to point out a bigger issue with the incoming staff. With all the posturing about having senior staff being Hartford residents, The incoming Chief of Staff just bought a condo in Windsor. I hope the incoming mayor enforces the same residency requirement. A little disappointed that leaders of Children and Families and MHIS are staying. Dr. Colon has been a defacto assistant chief of staff and "Chief Innovation Officer"? The title speaks for itself.

  7. Dan: Thank you for all you did. It's a shame you didn't get the chance to show the Luke team your great work ethic and competence. Kevin is right, you will be missed. Good luck.

  8. mayor bronin better watch himself , minnie is on the hunt. ....

  9. 4:59PM,

    Any chance that you could provide me with information on the sale? Privately by calling or e-mail is fine. Any chance that Waller might have "inside" information from City Hall sources on someone potentially interested in that property before he bought it from the Tax Collector's sale?

  10. Don't understand how Bronin's team could come in and "clean house" if they havnt taken office yet legally? Yes understand a lot needed to be replaced but removing Dan is a HUGE mistake. He was well respected in the code and construction community. That dept is grossly understaffed and he took over a division that was in disarray. Damn shame Luke didn't take the opportunity to have known him by actually speaking to him as he stated he was going speak to all unclassified staff after he took office. Hope this one dosnt come back to bight him....

    1. 8:50pm: Dan's dept. understaffed? Are you kidding? The people in his dept. take the longest lunch breaks, coffee breaks, any break. Go to L&I office see how easy, how slowly they move their behinds

  11. "Bight" him??? WoW
    Must be another city worker commenting

  12. Nelky Maldonado, Minnie Gonzalez' daughter, is out of the mayor's office? Oh s**t, her mother is going to take it to the streets again.

  13. Kejuan Dillars is out after 11 years. Gee,what exactly did Kejuan do for 11 long years. He used to call himself HARTFORD SPECIAL EVENT COORDINATOR. Hartford any event 'messupper' would be more appropriate. Ask him where are the millions of $$$ owed to the city that he forgot or neglected to bill, maybe one of those organizations who didn't pay Hartford can now hire Kejuan.

    1. Kejuan gave himself the title GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATOR. No joke.

  14. Wonder if Loos' departure has anything to do with Sara Bronin. That department has a lot of interaction with her commission.

    1. Luke better have his wife step down, don't start out with the history of the past. Luke will not be the Great White Hope, Hartford thinks he will. Kevin mark my words. Luke has already before taking office has promised politicial jobs to the Black so-called advocates for helping him win the black vote. Again mark my words, keep an eye on the upcoming appointments, jobs and who they are connected to, watch.

      kevin I may call you with what I know about the back door promises.


  16. Loos must be investigated before he leaves, tell us what he knew about 287 Park, when he knew it and what exactly did he do about it.

  17. When will the Mayor's right hand, the Captain of the Mayor's empty "cabinent, Jose Colon Rivas be shown the door. Colon was the other man in Pedro's life competing with Charlie O for the strings of Hartford's Puppet aka Mayor. You remember the lies Colon told about where he resided.Colon is Pedro's solider and Sergeant of Arms. Colon is Puff the Magic Dragon...

  18. Chummy Chummy ChummyDecember 31, 2015 at 9:15 AM

    What did all of you expect? Bronin is the new mayor, best believe it and recognize all you complaining cry babies. The gravy train is over!!! We The people asked for a new mayor, we got it. You think the Texas tornadoes were strong!?!? Bronin is going to rip through city hall like an F5 tornado. Strap in, get ready, and stop the complaining. You've all been doing nothing for the past four years.

  19. They don't want Jose Colon to sabotage anything at the mayor's office, so they will show him the door at the very last minute.

  20. They don't want Jose Colon to sabotage anything at the mayor's office, so they will show him the door at the very last minute.

  21. Freeman will be Steve Harris' flunky so the SOCIETY can imagine they are something again. But they will realize soon into the disaster that Freeman and Jones were the wrong answer. Luckily there will be a third wheel to take the blame. Whoever takes the second Assistant Chief job better be seriously on the ball because they will be the fall guy.

  22. Steve Harris who? He is only a community leader in his own big head and his shipwrecked Society, which he touts to be a pioneer of. You see he secured a job for his cousin, Janet Flemming the "women of color" who ripped off too many campaigns to count. Let the games begin... Shame on you Luke.

  23. When is maribel la looser packing her bags?? How mich does she make? 80 k. Im sure the u-haul truck has a couple more spots for next weeks removal at 550 main st.

  24. When are Maribel and Hilda loves obituaries and tacos packing their personal belongings and showing the door out?? Any door out, front door or back door, their choice.

  25. I think Hilda is already gone, Maribel is packing to be out soon, probably to be out in a couple weeks

  26. Kejuan Dillard is a lifelong city resident and dedicated professional. Not a carpetbagger who took advantage of an apathetic population to get himself elected. Enjoy your single term Luke. May your vast plans for gentrification blow up in your face. Brookman you're an ass.

    1. Kejuan dedicated? Not really.

      Kejuan talentless? Absolutely.

      Kejuan ass kisser? Big time.

      Go back to Travelers, maybe they'll let you answer their phone lines again.

  27. I see you still think very highly of yourself Kejuan, I'm sure your co-workers will miss you strutting around City Hall. And just for the record, I've been called worse

  28. When will Burgos in HR get sent packing? Long overdue! If the ship is to be righted you have to start with the top of personnel and set a high standard.

  29. City Hall smells a lot better now that Caviar, SKB and Darnell Hill are gone. Time to send the Comptroller packing with her Girl Scout cookies.
