Wednesday, December 30, 2015


After a public(and political outcry) Hartford Treasurer Adam Cloud today announced that he will be giving up and repaying any payment already received of his $20,000.00 pay increase. The increase raised many questions about the process, but now at least one more raise issued to a department head should be raising some red flags and even more questions about the process.

It now appears that Hartford's Human Resources Director is not immune to the pay raise bug. It appears that HR Director Henry  Burgos has received several raises in his short tenure with the City of almost  $20,000.00. Actually close to the amount received by Cloud. Burgos was a vocal critic of the Cloud raise, but apparently has no trouble keeping his own pay bumps quiet.

In documents uncovered today by 'We the People" , Burgos received a pay increase shortly after being hired.

Burgos was apparently given a pay raise of  $4,000 shortly after being hired , 4 months later was given another $10,000 raise , 6 months later he was given anther $3,000 raise for a total of $17,000 in less than 2 years

Burgos's pay raises have totaled $17,000 in the short time he has been with the city, only a couple thousand less than the $20, 000 raise Cloud proposed for himself. Burgos's raises also don't have any air of transparency around them either.

Burgos was originally hired at a salary of $140,000. but in a very short time increased his annual salary to  almost $160,000 according to the City's documents. That would put Burgos on par with the City Treasurer's salary if the Treasurer hadn't done the right thing and given up his increase.

The HR Department has approximately 16 employees. That is far less than the Police Department at over 400 sworn and Civilian employees and the Fire Department with similar numbers, yet Burgos is being paid substantially more than either the Fire Chief or Police Chief.

It is unclear at this time what process was followed for Burgos's raises. Did he do it himself or did someone higher up sign off on the raises and why? The City's "form B" which will show who initiated the raises and who signed off on them have been requested but haven't been provided as of yet.

And why should Adam Cloud be any different than Henry Burgos .

And if that isn't enough, I'll be looking at Henry Burgos's travel records , his recent trip to Las Vegas ,with him and his secretary on the City's dime, another interesting travel companion, also paid for by the City and the potential connection to the Dillon Stadium Grand Jury and James Duckett.

Stay tuned.


  1. Burgos shouldn't reimburse the city one dime. He must be fired.

  2. Henry should resign on his own, before the new administration dumps him.

  3. I wonder what inspired the city to give Burgos the $10,000 raise a little over a year ago. Rumor has it that it was for his agreeing to fix the Assistant Fire Chief's position for Terry Waller with the residency restriction requirement. SKB orchestrated the deal and Burgos agreed to it in return for $10,000 's of hush money per year. Burgos is just as dirty as SKB and all the other scum at city hall and needs to be fired. Someone who's having extra marital affairs with a member of his staff isn't what we need as a Department Head.

    1. Who is the staff member??? Check to see if any favoritism was given to that staff member (College Degree, Experience or even Qualifications) for the position. Would love to know or see the proof. Others staff members must be disgusted.

  4. Kevin may as well check out Cloud's p-card charges while combing thru Burgos. The dude Cloud loves him some luxury.

  5. Force Burgos to pay the $17,000 back, then fire him!

  6. Why do you think Burgos, slipped Adam's raise through. Burgos is incompetent and needs to GO. Raises sent to HR are suppose to have supporting documents attached to the form and then his job for for his salary is he is suppose to review & confirm the process was followed and then signed off by him.

  7. HR's Burgos is definitely related to the hiring of the only Hartford resident "qualified" to be the Assistant Fire Chief, that piece of garbage Terry Waller.
    Did anyone interview Saundra KB about this (under oath of course).

  8. Burgos claimed that the residency restriction for Waller was a typo!!! Does he rally think the people of Hartford are that stupid? The test fixing and the hiring process for Hartford and specifically the HFD is still corrupt and its all been on Burgos's watch. He needs to be fired before the city of Hartford becomes another victim of one his raises which was probably just a typo.


  10. If Bronin doesn't fire corrupt Burgos quickly the new mayor's tenure will be tainted from the get-go. A mayor can't establish trust and integrity if the HR Director isn't held to the highest ethical standards possible. Burgos has been disastrous from day one its always all about him. Affairs, unethical and corrupt practices and now padding his own pocket? Its been way too long since Hartford had an HR Director who was honest and above board. Why should any City employee do the right thing if the HR Director is so corrupt and dishonest?

  11. He went to Vegas with his secretary? Paid for by taxpayers? What possible explanation could there be? What "business" reason would there be for an HR Director to need his secretary to travel with him to Vegas?
    What does his wife, who - like Burgos - never moved to Hartford have to say about the Vegas trip?
    Enough is enough.
    And who authorized his raises? Why was it secret?

  12. What? There is more to come out on Burgos? Who is the mystery travel companion aside from his secretary? And Burgos may be linked to the Dillon stadium scandal and grand jury? Can't wait for the details! Unfortunately I can't say anything with Burgos is a surprise.

  13. Burgos was and still is as corrupt as could be. However he shouldn't be blamed for the illegal raises that were added to his already fat salary. It was a payback from SKB and Segarra for tailoring the Ass. job to Terry.

  14. The attack on decent people needs to stop. Why don't you speak about the fact the African American leaders made deals behind close doors with the New Mayor promising positions for votes. Henry Burgos is being attacked because someone has been promised that position. He is a man of integrity. His wife and family did in fact move to Hartford. Check the facts before you try to destroy good families that bring balance and good to Hartford. That department was a mess and Mr. Burgos has brought order. The truth always will have more weight than someone who is bitter because He got caught.

    1. If what you're saying is true put your name to it an could this blog be sued for defamation of character if these comments are inaccurate??

  15. at 9:52 - if Burgos is a "man of integrity" and a good family man than he has nothing to worry about with Kevin researching his traveling to Vegas on the taxpayer's dime with his secretary and these other issues. And you speak of "deals behind closed doors" you not think deals were made behind closed doors for Burgos to give himself almost $20,000 in secret raises? Or do you think there was no deal and he did it on his own, in other words theft? Because it being public and transparent is not an option here. It was either a quiet deal when he was hired, or shortly after, or he approved his own raises without anyone's knowledge. Not much integrity in either option here.

  16. You must be drinking the cool air. Why doesn't someone look for the evidence instead of assuming the worst. The only hispanic left in the admin and they want to tarnish His name. Hopefully the Mayor does not drink the cool aid unless He is part of this

  17. My last comment. This election was very divisive between the Hispanics and African Americans of the city. If people want to be honest of what happens in Hartford instead of blogging because they did not get a position than hear this.
    1. Is this blogger going to call out Mr. Bronin as He has Mr. Perez and Mr. Sagarra.
    2. Why has there been very little to say about the promises to the African American community and the Fire Chief position, as a promise for votes.Mr. Huertas had a difficult task and was set up by not giving Him the team He needed and now the person they are bringing does not enjoy the trust of the department but things were promised.
    3. Our city needs true leadership and someone to unite the Hispanics and African American communities again.
    4. Was Mr. Burgos position also promised to a particular group and now we need to make up things?

  18. Mr.Burgos is a Great Director! He has devoted his life to the City of Hartford for two strong years! That department was destroy when he took office. He is a great add to Hartford! We need more people like him! Cloud is the fraud!

  19. The City of Hartford is lucky to have him!!!! Im sure the State will take him back in a heartbeat! Mr. Burgos is what you call a leader!

  20. The attack on Mr. Burgos seems to be a poor attempt to tarnish his name in an act of revenge/payback. There is an assumption Mr. Burgos put through the raise for Treasurer Cloud on his own. Mr. Cloud's claim the HR Director has to sign-off on all raises, while factual leaves out the first part of this process: Authorization for the raise must already be obtained in the form of approval by the City Council or some other authority. Cloud's raise was push through by others in the know and not Mr. Burgos. If Kevin (a staunch Cloud supporter) wants to investigate someone, start and end with Treasurer Adam Cloud! There was nothing noble or altruistic in Treasurer Cloud's decision to give back his raise. Faced with two possible press releases (1. being disavowed by Luke Bronin or 2. being praised for doing the right thing by giving back the raise)and an audit investigation, Treasurer Cloud chose the politically correct path but do not confuse this choice with an honest sense of responsibility to the citizens of Hartford.

  21. "Why don't you speak about the fact the African American leaders made deals behind close doors with the New Mayor promising positions for votes". Henry Burgos is being attacked because someone has been promised that position! This statement is indeed very true! Burgos is a great leader! He worked hard to be where he is today! The State had no compliants!

  22. Henry Burgos is a great director, he empowers his employees! HR is very fortunate to have him! HR had no leadership before he took office! That department would not be where its at today if it wasn't for him! Thank you Burgos for all of your hard work, you are truly a gain to the City of Hartford! You got HR running again and thats excalty what we needed!

  23. Burgos is a fraud, he corruptly fixed Waller's position for Asst. Fire Chief, he is banging his secretary and has given himself nearly twenty thousand in raises. He needs to be fired!!!

  24. Burgos is super greedy, he'll never reimburse a single penny of his raise and his adjustment, which, most likely, was the result of making Waller the HFD AC. Any doubts? I'd like to hear.

  25. I see many posts from people who are doing nothing but repeating the rumors that they hear and not because they have facts... you're attacking someone you don't know. Someone that's a good and honest man. Henry Burgos will recover and will be an asset to whomever hires him. These posts when written anonymous show how many cowards don't have the backbone to stand by what they claim they know. Get a life, they're probably all written by the same faceless coward that is disgruntled with how life turned up for them. If someone doesn't have the gull to place their name by their accusations it's nothing but gossip. So keep the idiotic comments to yourselves.
