Thursday, December 10, 2015


Mother's Against Drunk Driving kicked off their holiday drunk driving prevention efforts with a press conference at Hartford Police Headquarters this morning.

Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman, HPD Chief Rovella and others spoke about the importance of the efforts to avoid unnecessary tragedy during the Christmas period.

Please think twice about having that drink and driving, find a designated driver beforehand.
Lt . Governor Wyman and others at the podium today

By car, horse or motorcycle, HPD will be out in force getting Drunk drivers off the road.

 HPD Chief Rovella and his "enforcers", Traffic Division Enforcers that is. On the lookout for impaired drivers on Hartford's streets


  1. MADD are on a very important mission. It's about life and death. Bless all the mothers at MADD, unfortunately many of them suffered real pain caused by drunk drivers.
    MADD mission should be carried out during the holidays season, during weekend, during the entire year.
    God bless you all at MADD!

  2. Rob allen is my heroDecember 10, 2015 at 8:16 PM

    Rob allen is my hero

  3. 8:16pm
    and it is "Allan", please spell your hero's name correctly and if you are half as much of a cop as Lt. Allan, the City would be lucky


    Obtained by Judicial Watch this week, the notice is titled “Enforcement Options With Alcohol-Impaired Drivers” and directs the 4,000-plus U.S. Border Patrol agents in the Tucson, Arizona sector to “release” individuals under the influence and “allow them to go on their way.” The document acknowledges that this feels counter-intuitive for Border Patrol agents, but eases concerns by answering a hypothetical question for the officers who have sworn to uphold the law: “If you allow this driver to continue down the road and they kill someone, aren’t you liable?” The answer is no, according to the new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) memo. “There is no legal requirement for a Border Patrol agent to intervene in a state crime, including DUI,” the order says, adding that “therefore there is generally no liability that will attach to the agent or agency for failing to act in this situation.”

  5. Why didn't you print all the short jokes about Rob?

  6. 1:05 pm, clearly it must be you posting them all if you know I am not letting them through. Since you seem to be such a tough guy with your nasty remarks, why don't you grow a set and go say it to his face instead of hiding behind "Anonymous".

  7. Mr Brookman,
    How financially intelligent is it for a luxury item such as a horse going to be good for an obtuse city budget?
    I question whether this sound thinking is helping the cause. The honorable Ken Kennedy would not sign off on this type of luxury item...

  8. Kevin,forget this guy with his short jokes,why wont you post my comment about Nancy wyman ? She and Malloy are dangerous liars and need to be exposed

  9. I have not received any comments about our Lt Governor

  10. 8:53pm. The mounted unit is one of the best public relations tools , money can't buy that benefit, they are also very effective when it comes to crowd control. The mounted unit could be more effective with higher visibility in our parks and corporate areas like downtown and Asylum Hill

  11. 8:53am and another question, when did Ken Kennedy become "honorable". Have you been following the Dillon Stadium Grand Jury Investigation?
