Monday, December 7, 2015


This is the cover photo from the program for the Memorial Service held for Hartford's former Deputy Mayor , and one man political powerhouse Nicholas Carbone.
I had the good fortune of meeting Nick through an introduction by another Hartford political legacy, John O'Connell. They both came from a time in Hartford's history that they were known by what they did for Hartford and what they left as their imprint on Hartford.
It is unfortunate that we far too often wait for someone to die before we talk about their lives. Nick would have  been very proud by those that attended Saturday's service at the Bond Hotel and by what they had to say. Some of the comments were very colorful about a man that put his city first in just about everything he did. It was also fitting that the event was held in the ballroom of the Bond Hotel with its spectacular views of Hartford, overlooking Bushnell Park, the Memorial Arch and the State Capitol..
Much of Nick's influence came from his ability to successfully work the Halls of the Capitol as well as drawing in its occupants as he moved his ideas forward. From Senator Richard Blumenthal, Congressman John Larson, Judge Bob Killian and many others, they all spoke of how Nick worked to mold the future of Hartford in a personal, yet unselfish way.
I spent many a morning breakfast at Allegro or the First and Last Bakery listening to Nick (listening more than talking myself)  as he relayed his experiences over the years. There probably aren't too many people that were as well versed in Hartford or municipal government than Nick was. As a true mentor, Nick would impart his knowledge on anyone willing to listen.
There were many mornings after meeting Nick for breakfast, I would get engrossed by his knowledge and would eventually look at the time and realize it was well after noon and we had been talking for hours. We weren't always on the same side of issues, but that was one of the things about Nick, he had a way of presenting his side and many times drew people together more than apart.
In a time when we have a hard time remembering outgoing politicians for what they did for Hartford ( other than maybe a Grand Jury or two) you just need to take a ride around Hartford and recall what Nick did to leave his mark on the City he loved..
Rest in peace Nick, you will be missed but hardly forgotten


  1. It was my honor to work with Nick in many campaigns and issues from 1965 until he passed away. He was the most important deputy mayor/mayor over the last 100 years.His legend will grow even more as time in peace Nick....your friend,Bruce

  2. When did he pass away exactly ???
