Friday, January 29, 2016


The new DMV software implemented this past summer has been full of problems. Recently NBC Connecticut Troubleshooters  Len Besthoff exposed some of those issues, such as numerous registrations suspended over insurance coverage issues . This was a software mistake and most of the suspended registrations did actually have proper insurance.

The problems eventually led to the resignation of the DMV Commissioner.

Today another software glitch raised some its ugly DMV head.  A city of Hartford vehicle was involved in a traffic accident this morning. According to sources, as an HPD Officer was preparing the accident report, he ran the registration plate for the vehicle. The registration came back from DMV as suspended for unpaid taxes.

The only problem is that  the City of Hartford is tax exempt  and doesn't pay automobile taxes.

Wethersfield, we have a problem.

HPD and DMV worked together to identify the problem and Hartford's registrations for all City Vehicles apparently were quickly restored.


  1. I know you think Len Bestof is doing an awesome job with his investigations ,but I think he is mediocre ,in the fact he doesn't follow through to the end. Ben needs to stick a microphone and camera in the face of the people who are messing up our cities and state,,how about asking Governor Malloy about his commissioner appointments,especially the last one at DMV??? How about tracking down Pedro Segarra and hold him accountable for the Yardgoat stadium mess ??? CT's reporters are spineless and disappointing !!!!

  2. Let Best Hoff and troubleshooters are underwhelming. Enough of the crumbling foundations! And they didn't follow up on DMV and their latest issue about sending wrong address and owner files to town assessors.

  3. My question is who made the software for DMV, was it made in house or developed by a outside contractor.paid along with how and why did they win this contract.

  4. These are the types of problems that arise when you buy a per-packaged program to handle state specific DMV laws and regulations. This system had already been rejected by several neighboring states BUT because it worked for Kansas it was deemed OK for Connecticut. If you want a real EYE-OPENER you should spend a day at an Emissions test location and see the number of vehicles that do not have plates that match the DMV data, and yes the test go on they are not failed due to no plates
    or incorrect plates being used on the vehicle. I have even seen a vehicle with Connecticut plates ant when a registrations is asked for an out of state title is handed to the person performing the test. No wonder there are so many vehicles on the streets without proper registrations, insurance and plates. Our tax dollars are just spent with no input from the people on the front lines, not the emissions inspectors, not the person at the DMV window renewing the registration or license.
    Now we, the state of Connecticut has a new system that is not capable of handling the volume or the state specific issues that arise at the time of registration. One that I am personally familiar with is an out of state vehicle purchase from a dealer. the new system can not calculate the proper amount of tax based on the sale price, it has to be figured out manually by the DMV clerk when you are registering the vehicle. Even sadder with this, a purchased package, you can't go to your IT staff and say I need this fixed. Wonder how much this has cost the tax payers in dollars, we all know how much time it's costing us to go to the DMV office. And don't forget to pack a snack, you'll get hungry waiting for your turn!!!!

  5. 8:55am

    I haven't followed this closely, but I think I remember reading that it was developed by 3M

  6. 8:37am

    It would be overwhelming if one of those crumbling foundations was yours. And where is the rest of the media on exposing these issues, It seems to be all about chasing the latest shooting, accident or fire. Had you heard about the DMV mess anywhere else before NBC Connecticut dug into it? I didn't think so

  7. For the longest time the DMV has been a disaster. The former DMV Commissioners former D-East Hartford Mayor Currey and former D-Bridgeport Senator Ayala had no clue. The Governor appoints people who do not qualify for this job. It is Democratic politics as usual. And the Connecticut taxpayers pay the bill. What else is new?

  8. Nothing to see here, move along. Nothing a new tax hike can't cure!

  9. Channel 30's news reporter Len Bestof is one of the best in the state. The media industry has changed drastically. Bestof has adjusted well and dose plenty of research before he states he stories.

  10. What do you expect? After all, it's the D-M-V.

  11. Maybe Charlie Huertas can go over there and straighten things out. The floors need a buffing.

  12. Kevin,I'll try and send this again.....the crumbling foundation story is TEN YEARS OLD ! Blumenthal "played" your friend Bestof BIG TIME,,Those people in Len's report filed complaints way back when Blumenthal was the attorney general and you know what he did when he had the power and chance???? NOTHING !!!! Bestof gave this LIAR AND IDIOT positive exposure when he obviously didn't deserve it.Len is not alone when it comes to our "investigative" reporters falling way short of their mark. Just take today's Hartford Courant story about "DAN WILL LIE MALLOY",,,he's up north stumping for Hillary Clinton while his own state is going to S#%T !!! AND NOT ONE CT REPORTER CALLS HIM OUT ON THIS! WHAT A JOKE,,,AND THE SAD PART IS I THINK I'M THE "ONLY" ONE LAUGHING ! PLEASE,I BEG OF ANYONE TO SAY I'M NOT ALONE!!!

    1. 7:54pm Dan and Hillary deserve each other. They are both failures. This guy Malloy runs to Washington DC for the State of the Union address, now he's campaigning for the other Clinton. His state is in deep financial trouble, again. One of the biggest corp. in the world announced earlier this month that they are leaving, and Malloy is not around. Hillary needd all the help she can get, let's see if Malloy can be of any help.

    2. Malloy went as governor to China with bunch of his friends. Malloy went to Ireland as governor with bunch of his friends. Malloy went to D.C., he went to New Hampshire, but all the problems are right here in CT.

  13. 7:54PM

    Ok so ten years old, what's your point There has been more movement and action on this since NBC Connecticut's exposure than there has been in 10 years

  14. Kevin ,you have no problem with waiting ten years to fix something? Then why so involved with Hartford's mess? Its gonna take a few lifetimes to get it back on track.That was just crumbling foundations ,please don't make me list Hartford's improprieties.

  15. This is what happens when you put a political hack in charge who has little experience administering an organization of this complexity and size. Couldn't our esteemed Governor find a no show job for him somewhere else in State Government. This bumbling administration in Hartford can't get out of their own way.

  16. The software was developed by 3M, it was installed in two other states and was a complete failure in both of those two other installations. Yet WE >>> CT GOVERNMENT BOUGHT IT JUST THE SAME. Someone in the state is a budding friend of the 3M family,brother or cousin for sure.

    What type of organization keeps doing the things the same and expects a different outcome.

    The State has issues with every thing it does for the citizens, every department, every group in the State is screwed up. There is no hope for this state, time toleave and go to anouther less costly state for the same idiotic BS
