Friday, January 29, 2016


On January 29, 2016 at 1:30PM, members of the Shooting Task Force executed a court ordered Search & Seizure Warrant,at 74 Congress Street, room #7.

Upon execution the target of the investigation, Accused Valentin, was located and detained. Seized was a Kel-Tec .380 caliber Model P3AT Auto Pistol, s/n KGR77, with  magazine, containing five live .380 rounds of ammunition. The firearm was stolen out of New Britain, CT (one of fourteen stolen). Also seized was 2,694 wax paper envelopes each containing suspected heroin, a plastic bag containing 15.1 grams of raw heroin, $297.00 in United States currency, cellular phones, safe and gun cleaner.  was placed under arrest.

Accused; Valentin, David, M/Hispanic/36 (07/19/1979), of 74 Congress Street (#7), Hartford, CT.Charges; Criminal Possession of a Firearm, Theft of a Firearm, Possession Narcotics and PWITS Narcotics. arrest for the listed charges and transported to the PSC for booking procedures


  1. Great news and great job HPD.

  2. They have to do something to justify all that overtime Uncke Jimmy gives them. How does one Sgt make 148 k in ot year after year,mad well as the rest of that unit. If it was production based on value paid they are very well short.

    1. Why are you mad? Patrol officers were the top money makers......year after year.

    2. Lol, no wonder the blue line is so thin, with "brothers" and "sisters" like this.

    3. Thank you 9:54 AM. It's sad, the newer generation knows nothing about the "brotherhood".

    4. Andrew Weaver for chief. Everything will be ok Andy.

  3. 2,694 bags of heroin were seized. Excellent job by whoever is involved at the Hartford Police Dept. Excellent job!
    Now is the time to seize the other 200,000 or more bags of heroin and other illegal drugs packed, sold and abused daily in our city.
    Lots of luck!

  4. What about all the out of town guys coming to Hartford to satisfy their drug habits (just wondering if these are also the guys that Segarra the idiot blamed for dumping their snow in Hartford streets)

    1. Where else would they get their drugs? Avon?

  5. Here's my question how do these drugs get into Hartford where are these drug factories I'm pretty sure the Black an Hisoanic men that sell an use these drugs don't own boats planes or trains something to ponder on

  6. I just find it funny that the only news that mainly gets published is about stf. There are patrol officers and other units that do a good job and do far more than stf. Stf does good work but let's give credit to other officers and detectives as well.

    1. 7:02 is talking about all those patrol officers seating in their cruisers the entire shift, working very hard with their smart phones and tablets.

  7. I can't post it if I am not aware of it.

    1. My only guess to that would be I never ever see unusual's emailed to the entire sworn police except from the 1st sergeant and the narcotics sergeant. Maybe other sergeants, especially in patrol, should send out to everyone to recognize officers and get info out. There has to be a correlation on how you gather your info and how unusual's are sent out.

  8. 3:40PM

    How about letting him spend a few weeks as a Lieutenant first?

  9. It's a joke Kevin that he will fully understand. He complains about everything. Rather than running his mouth to everyone about certain people behind their back, he should just tell the person. He might just get a little respect that way.

  10. 4:13pm

    very little, you have to earn respect, it isn't automatically given
