Wednesday, January 27, 2016


According to sources, Hartford's Interim Fire Chief's tenure will probably be one of the shortest in Hartford history.

Scott Brady named acting interim Chief  took over the reigns approximately 2 weeks ago after former Chief Carlos Huertas was shown the door at the start of a new Mayoral term began.

Brady's appointment was somewhat unusual due to the fact that Brady, according to numerous sources within HFD, was campaigning heavily for the new Mayor's opponent Pedro Segarra.  Brady , again according to sources, was visiting firehouses and speaking with firefighters advising them not to support Bronin, that Segarra was much more favorable to their upcoming contract negotiations. Apparently supporting Segarra was to benefit the firefighters Union.

In the end, apparently, everything works out for the best . Brady is not on the short list to be named as Assistant Chief under the incoming new Chief Reginald Freeman. At least one of the Assistant spots has been filled by HFD retiree Frank Costello. Costello is reported to be starting next Monday as Assistant Chief , at the same time Freeman takes over. Costello retired as a Deputy Chief of Training  for the fire Department.

The only fly in the ointment is a Hartford Ordinance that took effect January1, 2016. Any new hire or new appointment  that is a retiree will have their salary capped at the amount of the annual base salary minus the amount of their pension benefit, provided however that the annual compensation shall not be less than 50% of the annual base salary.

So much for double dipping being profitable anymore.

Here is the ordinance and its wording below. The pertinent part is on page 2, highlighted.(I guess Ken Kennedy did do at least one thing worthwhile in 14 years)


  1. Great work Ken Kennedy.

  2. Good for the HFD Chief Costello is strong in operations and won't put up with slackers and rule breakers Watch out Vincent

  3. May the best men lead the Hartford Fire Dept.
    Now, did Huertas return - with or without his ego - the luxury $70,000 SUV?
    Carlos, your free rides are over.

  4. I am told that Chief Costello was/is very competent and was highly regarded here. I am not so sure about the second name I am hearing

    1. Who's the second name your hearing?

  5. Must not be a supporter of yours!

  6. It is good to hear that Brady the union Wiesel is getting the boot. Frank is a good choice and will bring some integrity back to the job. Brady has always been a dirty snake and I hope someday that karma will finally catch up with him and he gets what he deserves. Kevin what is the second name you are referring to?

  7. Kevin, why is Brady still working for the HFD? He is only there for one reason and that is the useless Huertas brought him back under the influence of the union puppeteering. If the idiot who brought him back is gone why isn't Brady kicked to the curb with him. Everyone knows that Brady has always only cared about himself and lining his own pockets. If Bronin knew how much Brady was bad mouthing him before the October primary he wouldn't have kept him a day after he took over as Mayor. You need to smarten up Bronin!

  8. I find it typical of Brookman to tell one side of the story. You have no problem bringing up how Brady was campaigning heavily for Pedro Segarra and was visiting firehouses and speaking with firefighters advising them not to support Bronin, that Segarra was much more favorable to their upcoming contract negotiations. However its okay for your boy Nolan to be calling up and convincing all resident firefighters to vote for Bronin? I know of several guys he even convinced to change their party affiliations from Republican to Dem just so they would be able to vote for Bronin in the primary. I guess its okay when Nolan does it but God forbid Brady supported Segarra so he could to keep his job. You are such a hypocrite and you probably won't post this.

  9. Well I guess Dan was at least smart enough to pick a winner

  10. Anonymous @ 11:24 - I guess you were wrong, lol

  11. Shady Brady was the trash brought in by Horrible Huertas. Huertas's garbage should have been dumped out before he was forced to resign.

  12. A/C George Blesso

  13. Hey Kevin why did you remove the comments from the Welcome Back Jason post??

  14. No comments have been removed unless it wasn't approved and allowed through in the first place
