Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Word today is that Jason Martinez, the Hartford Firefighter who received severe burns in a structure fire over a year ago, has recovered enough from his injuries to return to work.

Martinez is undergoing refresher training classes today and will report back to his firehouse for his shift at 5:00PM today .

Best of Luck Jason on your continued recovery and may you and all of Hartford's first responders stay safe.


  1. Typical lack of respect for the "little people" who make up the lower tier of the Hartford Fire Dept, I just finished working a a 48 her shift ,do you think anyone from above passed along this most excellent news???? NO THEY DIDNT ! I HAD TO FIND OUT FROM A CONCERNED AND INFORMED BLOGGER! SO MUCH FOR THIS SO CALLED "BROTHERHOOD" AND "MORALE" BULLS@&T. !! WELCOME BACK JASON!

  2. welcome back Jason, nice to hear the news. Good luck.

  3. Geraldo Pagan the firefighter who has been trying to sue the Fire department for harassment is on a work related injury leave ,was seen today delivering home heating oil for a private company while collecting a city paycheck for work related injury!! Kevin please look into this matter this guy is a cheater and lyer and has been trying to sue the Hartford Fire department any chance he gets for a payday. I hope Travelers Insurance has him arrested for fraud. I guarantee he will call back in to work after seeing this blog ASAP!!

  4. 8;41PM

    please private e-mail me with any additional information, such as the oil company he was delivering for.

    I'll try to get the ball rolling, thank you for the info.

  5. Geraldo pagan is geting paid under the table for "that " company. Its a relatives. They cook the books. But Travelers workers comp will love that !

  6. Mr.Pagan has been a problem from day one. Mr.Pagan does not follow rules and protocols. He is also a lazy firefighter. He must be related to someone at city hall because he always waks away smelling like a rose no matter how bad he screws up. For years he's been know to harass females he has dated with the police being involved several times .Using city electricity to wash his personal clothing at Engine 2s house after being told not to. Parking inside the firehouse when told not to when he only had 1 week out the academy. Once decided to turn one of the rooms at Engine 2 into his personal space after being told not to. Wearing a lieutenants shirt one time he was in charge of Ladder 3 for one shift, mind you Geraldo Pagan is a private he is not a lieutenant or captain and was yelled at by then District 2 Chief Sorry Charlie at the time. The list goes on and on of department violations committed by this individual.

  7. Is this the same Gerry Pagan who during his first year on the Fire department had baseball cards made with his picture in bunker gear and would hand it out to all the women he encountered at car accidents and fires after being told not do that.

  8. Welcome back brother Jason stay safe!!

  9. Inland Diesel oil fill port on Main St East Hartford Kevin .That's where many of the oil heating companies fill there trucks for home heating oil. There is video cameras on the premises and also a log book that all drivers must sign which can not be deleted because it goes to the federal government to keep track of what companies fill at that location and the driver who is filling the tanker

  10. Geraldo Pagan needs to go ASAP.!!!

  11. A nice photo op of Mr Pagan slogging the oil hose toward a house would be wonderful to make as Exhibit 2 after Exhibit 1, The log book.

  12. When the hate stops working, they start telling lies. What a way to spoil great news about a brother firefighter. Welcome back Jason.

    1. No lies buddy. Pagan is on video ,mark my words he will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and so should you for sticking up for scum like!! Jason we love you brother welcome back!!

    2. Hey Michelle stop sticking up for your BFF Pagan. Your another city employee who has been robbing tax payers for many years. I can't believe you have been promoted to a training Lieutenan when you have no clue what is it to be in a burning building. How dare you train other firefighters when you walk around in croc shoes and long braids that not even a fire helmet would fit properly you are a disgraced to the HFD the only reason you were able to joined the HFD was because you were a former city employee who kissed a** at all the right places to get here. I guarantee you can not perform 1% of what you will be teaching at training division you and your cronies are s pathetic joke to the HFD. You should be embarrassed to wear the uniform and even more embarrassed to go cash your pay check every Friday.

  13. Geraldo Pagan has many powerful connections. So you all better walk softly. Remember fellas, everyone has skeletons in the closet around this dept ....

  14. Good news that Jason is back.

  15. Welcome back Jason! You are a true hero.
