Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Well, that didn't take long.



Deputy Director Debra Carabillo to Serve as Interim Director




(Jan 27, 2016) Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin today announced that he has reluctantly accepted the resignation of Henry Burgos, Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations for the City of Hartford. Mr. Burgos, who began working for the city in 2013, will depart from his position effective January 27.


“I have been impressed with Henry’s dedication to the people of Hartford thorough his management of all aspects of the City’s Human Resources Department, and I’m sorry to see him leave City Hall,” Mayor Bronin said. “Under Henry’s tenure, the City saw drastic modernization of our onboarding and applicant tracking and testing services. He has been an advisor and an invaluable resource during this transition period, and his departure is a loss for City Hall.”


Mr. Burgos stated, “It was a pleasure to serve Connecticut’s Capital City. My tenure as director was the most rewarding experience of my career. I’m grateful for this opportunity to serve the citizens of Hartford and I look forward to pursuing personal and professional goals in the near future.”


As Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations, Mr. Burgos has been responsible for directing every aspect of the City’s Human Resources Department, including, but not limited to, labor relations, recruitment, employee relations, employee benefits and contract negations. As a member of the senior management team, Henry played a key role in the City’s budget development process and was a member of the Personnel and Finance Committee, where among other things, he engaged in the monitoring of the City’s budget. 


Mayor Bronin has appointed Debra Carabillo, Assistant Director of Human Resources, to serve as Acting Director of Human Resources while a search for a permanent replacement in underway.





  1. What about his little (secretary) or Mrs. Extramarital with no degree, is Mayor Bronin going to investigate all of the employees in that department. It would be wise

  2. I want to know if every new appointed person had a drug test.

  3. I'll be impressed when the Mayor dumps Adam Cloud.

  4. 4:34 PM

    Please learn the system. Adam Cloud is a duly elected official, the only ones that can "dump" him are the voters of Hartford. And if you aren't aware, Adam was reelected in November by an overwhelming majority of those voting

  5. Bronin can't dump Cloud. However, Bronin can and should dump Bayer, Cruz-Aponte and LaLuz. He owes it to Hartford residents. Get rid of the last stinky trash in Hartford.

  6. sorry, I wasn't aware LaLuz was out. She should have issued a press release like she used to do daily for Segarra: Who, what, when, where, why and all that crap.

    Did LaLuz AKA LaLose and LaLoose left on her own or was she forced to go?


  8. Linda Bayer supporterJanuary 27, 2016 at 9:09 PM

    Linda Bayer will show all of you. You all cry and wine and attempt to pollute the hardest city hall worker ever. Linda will run circles around anything Mrs Bronin can bring to the table. Linda Bayer has a big fat city pension waiting for her anyways. So go ahead, hand her that big sack of cabbage you bunch of disingenuous folks ..

    1. Linda Bayer, a part of the failed, corrupt, previous administration is the biggest pollutant in city hall.

  9. If memory serves me correctly, CT Capitol Report reported that La Luz is now working for the State of CT at the Board of Regents for Higher Education as Communications Director making $110,000. I'm sure googling will turn up the article for those who are interested.

    1. It's true. I feel so sorry for them.

    2. I remember one summer day, 3 or 4 years ago when Pedro Maria stated how rare it was to find someone with talents like Maribel La Luz.
      Very rare... finding an idiot like Pedro Maria complimenting another idiot like Maribel La Lose. Very rare indeed.

  10. Henry Burgos resigned. Finally. Took him 27 days to announce his resignation.

  11. Imagine Maribel LaLuz as the Director of Communications for the Board of Regents of State Colleges and Universities! You may ask yourself, "How is it possible that a woman who could barely write a coherent press release was able to score such a prestigious and lucrative state job? Does she have hidden talents that never came to light when she worked as Director of Communications for Mayor Pedro Segarra? Does this mean that she is, indeed, qualified to do more than just ask "Do you want fries with that?"

    Or is it because her uncle is State Representative? Take a guess.

    1. 12:11 am, Maribel La Luz has a talent you'll never have: she's Edwin (another idiot) Vargas' niece. Let's see YOU having such a "talent" yourself!

  12. Maribel a rare idiot!!

  13. Drug tests for all new recruits, HFD, Police and everyone else.

  14. Its about time Burgos got the boot and integrity get restored to the HR Department. Other than give himself and Cloud big raises,take a trip to Vegas with his secretary, and other "secretive" matters he doesn't want to comment on, what has he done for the City?

  15. The effective date of Burgos' resignation was the same day the announcement went out? Couldn't be that he didn't want to stick around for the stories about his travel with companions and spending on the city's dime, right?

  16. Listen this is the way it goes in politics. The worse people get hired. And they all have connections. Qualified are not that is the way it goes. The average person and most qualified has no chance. Remember Linda Bayer is above the status quo...and she doesn't even live in Hartford. Linda go get a job in Wethersfield where you live. Some Hartford resident can replace you immediately. Of course Maribel LaLuz is well connected. Her Uncle Mr State Rrepresentative is in the inner crowd. LaLuz is a survier.

  17. Maybe new drug tests for present, newly hired and appointed Hartford employees should be done every three months. Drugs are rampant and rising. Drug dealers are everywhere.

  18. 1:09pm

    It is not about LaLuz and who her uncle is, he is a State Rep with very little drag and will probably be voted out next go round. Do a little research on who her father is and what he delivered to Governor Malloy last election to see his mouthpiece daughter rewarded with a $110,000 a year job.

  19. Maribel LaLuz suffers from a condition called "connectioneza." It's a rare and serious condition. As a result, LaLuz will always get higher paying jobs despite her being talenless.

  20. Does LaLose suffer from CONNECTIONEZA; it looks more like TALENLESSA.

  21. Amazing how all these once staunch progressives are either getting fired or jumping from the sinking ship. Both locally and nationally these insane progressive cultural Marxists are taking the butt wooping of their lifetimes. The ideology and policies of socialism have failed once again, this time right here in the good old USA. Whats funny is that some of these progressive dummies are still blaming the Neocon clown George Bush for their failed administration. The irony is that the crazed, merchant led dems. have produced a conservative groundswell farther to the right than the NeoCons they blame for everything.

  22. Can someone confirm that Burgos returned the city car keys, his p-card, any and all access he used to have, including computer and email passwords. In short, Henry, EVERYTHING.
