Saturday, February 27, 2016


No, those aren't words from Donald Trump on the "Apprentice". Those are the words of Vincent Mauro  Jr., Chief of Staff to the Connecticut Senate Democrats advising Hartford political operative Angel Morales of his "involuntary termination" from his position as a clerk with the Connecticut Legislature in a letter dated June 15, 2015.

Sometime last spring, I had spoken with a downtown business owner who asked me if I knew a guy named Angel Morales . When I stated that I did, he related to me how Morales was shaking him down and explained that he ( Morales) worked for the State of Connecticut and that he (Morales ) could help him out with any liquor issues the business owner might be having.

He said Morales showed him some State Identification and also told him that he did entertainment promotions on the side. I guess the business owner originally agreed and then had second thoughts. When he told Morales that, Morales threatened to have his business shut down and apparently became very confrontational. I was told that another Hartford business  owner had the same situation with Morales. Morales was also allegedly bringing under - age young men into the second establishment  and the owner was concerned about having minors near alcohol in his establishment.

 The second business  owner also claimed to have found Morales in a storage room in a , let's just say compromising position with a young man and he apparently told Morales and the young man to get off his property..

I had told the first business owner that he should contact the State Capitol Police and make a complaint if he felt Morales was attempting to extort money from him for protection based upon his position at the Capitol.

A little hospital issue cropped up for me and I didn't follow up on the issue... until now.

It appears that one of the business owners did get in touch with the Office of Legislative Management and made a complaint. On May 5, 2015 Morales was issued a letter of disciplinary Action detailing the allegations against him. The letter speaks for itself .

The letter also details an allegation that Morales apparently deposited his Capitol paycheck through a TD Bank phone app and then apparently tried to get double the  amount by going to a check cashing service and cashing the actual check. As of Thursday, Legislative management was unaware if  Morales had made restitution to TD Bank or the check cashing service for the missing money.

It is also interesting that the last paragraph of the warning letter seems to urge Morales to get help through the Employee Assistance Program and they "strongly recommend hat you contact them if you feel they can help you ". That might be the best thing Morales could do.

Morales is also under investigation by the State of Connecticut Elections Enforcement Commission for misuse of Citizen Elections fund money You can read more about that here in Jon Lender's recent Courant article .

It seems as though Morales's fraud knows no bounds. According to documents obtained through an FOI request. Morales applied for unemployment compensation after his termination claiming he was laid off  for "lack of work". The State chose not to contest the claim

For another "We the People " posting on Morales, click here. This was when I was involved with Morales's run for State Representative from the 4th District. Luckily I smartened up to his conman antics quickly before I got in too deep. This posting was also the subject of e-mails sent around the Capitol apparently warning about Morales, from documents provided me through an FOI request.


  1. Kevin, please check your spelling, I think it should be Moral-less not Morales by what I know of him

  2. Extortion and fraud and the Larceny of double cashing the check, why is there no criminal investigation or is the Legislature worried that people will find out more than just the elected legislator's are extortionists?

  3. Fantastic investigative work by using FOI request, Kevin. Can you or anyone else provide insight into the question at 8:45 about criminal investigation? It was my understanding Morales has gone to jail previously for impersonation. These latest incidents are obviously criminal in nature.

    But wait, let's remember who obtained the job for him with the SENATE Democrats: John Fonfara.

    When it's been known for years that Angel Morales DOES have a problem and is forever preying on young men. Whether it was at the Hartford Library (complaints made to police), at his campaign office (police report documented on this blog and in the Hartford Courant), at offices rented out by the Central Baptist Church (former politician's nephew), or at a public polling place (complaint made to SEEC) -- Mr. Morales' deviant behavior continues on without getting the REAL help he needs. But don't worry, our local political machinery will ensure nothing happens. Next up: Job at the MDC.

  4. Why did the Office of Legislative Management not contest his unemployment benefits? Lack of work seems quite different then "involuntary termination" Someone dropped the ball on that one...

  5. are totally wrong about Mr Morales and his next job. I have it on good authority that Mr Morales has submitted his resume to Mayor Bronin to head the department of Youth Services. Or maybe Mr Morales can get a job as a towel boy at the Touch of Class Escort Service or as a clerk at the Library since he seems to spend a lot of time there trying to meet and hook up with young boys.

  6. It's the way things are done on the island.


    2. Alcatraz Island would be great for Morales

  7. Alyssa at 9:42 PM: Shame on you for suggesting a job at the MDC to (he is no angel) Angel Morales.
    Jobs at the MDC must be reserved to Minnie ("we will take it to the streets") Gonzalez' family members with criminal history and/or her talentless family members.

    1. 11:21 you mention Minnie Mouse Gonzalez, in my opinion one of the most corrupt politicians in the legislature.
      Where is Minnie, where did she disappear, where is she hiding?
      Haven't seen or heard her since Pedro Caviar Maria Segarra was going, going, gone.

  8. 10:17 PM

    They might not have wanted to have it on the record what their employees are doing if they had gone to a hearing at the Labor Board. This is one of the more difficult FOI requests that I have tried to obtain. The State Capitol Police responded to me within minutes after my request, telling me they had nothing responsive to my request. Legislative management was a different story. My original request was made February 9th and I didn't get the documents until February 26th, the day after I contacted my State Rep and my State Senator and a media reporter explaining the delay and asking for their assistance. Interesting how that works for documents that should have been readily available. Maybe you can see now why they stalled, maybe Legislative Management thought I would just go away.

    1. Thank you for sharing this... the state capitol police has always been responsive to the press and Legislative Management has always tried to hide the facts...


  10. 11:32

    What island? Guess, numb nut.

  11. @1:21

    Library? Ya think? Truly, I thought I saw him there on Sunday but I am not on the look-out for such fine upstanding citizens. If he is crusing the library, he will only find the homeless and unwashed. Hey, your right. Maybe his offer is to come home with him for a hot & cot.

  12. 10:01pm

    Kind of sad, but that was clearly the case here. I still question why Legislative Management got involved in something that is clearly a criminal matter instead of referring it to the appropriate agency.

  13. @1:21: maybe he serves at the behest of former mayor Maria Nancy Segara. Who knows.

  14. 7:36am
    Minnie Gonzalez is too busy "taking it to the street." If you don't hear from Minnie in the streets just look for her in Hartford/MDC sewer system, where she belongs.

  15. Send Minnie Mouse to be together with Pedro Maria. After all, they go a long way together, supporting each others corruption and stupidity.

  16. Sounds good to me, Minnie Mouse Gonzalez and Pedro Maria Caviar Segarra: BFF. Forever.

  17. M orales
    S egarra
    G onzalez

    The MSG team. What a great team. See anything in common here?

  18. I knew this morales slime all the way back in the early 1990's. He was parading around the old civic center / pratt st area as a holy roller and conning people and praying on little boys. nothing changes, he will be back in jail in due time.
