Sunday, February 28, 2016


On Saturday, February 27th, 2016, at 2359 hours, Patrol Units were dispatched to the area of 50 Vine Street for a Shot Spotter activation (#76253) indicating three shots fired. HPD Dispatch also received citizen callers reporting shots fired in the same area.

As units arrived in the area, Traffic Officer Taylor observed a group of males in an alleyway, within close proximity of the Shot Spotter alert. When the group observed Officer Taylor, they immediately fled west towards Vine Street, at which point Officer Taylor pursued the group on foot. Several individuals were apprehended.

One in particular, Accused Jonathan Frater, was observed clenching his waistband, exhibiting signs of a person armed with a firearm . Officer Fogg began to pursue Frater south on Vine Street as other officers had stopped other individuals in the group. Officer Herrmann joined the foot chase with Officer Fogg at Albany Avenue at Burton Street.

Officer Herrmann was able to pursue Frater westbound over a fence, through rear yards, towards Sigourney Street. Frater fell then continued west from the rear of 398 Sigourney Street, where he was met by Officer Steinmetz. Officer Steinmetz ordered Frater to get on the ground which he did, and was taken into custody by Officers Herrmann, Steinmetz and Fogg.

Officer Herrmann went back to the area where he observed Frater fall on the ground after scaling a fence, and in the mud located a Smith & Wesson .32 caliber revolver.

Frater was transported to HPD Detention for booking and processing procedures. Frater was held on a $500,000.00 bond.

Accused; Frater, Jonathan, M/B/18 (08/21/1997), of 66 Deerfield Avenue, Hartford, CT.
Charges; Unlawful Discharge of a Firearm, Carrying a Pistol w/o a Permit, Reckless Endangerment 1st
Degree and Interfering w/ Police.
Firearm Seized; Smith & Wesson .32 caliber Revolver, s/n AT48038.

Great effort by all involved to take more illegal gun off of our streets

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