Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Before tonight's meeting with Hartford's Legislative delegation, Mayor Bronin made a few comments to the media. Here is the raw video of those remarks.


  1. How about we buy a new car for every 20 year employee that makes over 150 k a year? Where are you holton?

  2. You were credited as the source of breaking news by The Hartford Courant and NBC News. WSFB seems to not have credited you.

    Well done, Kevin. I may criticize you especially about gun issues. But I appreciate your dedication for finding Hartford news.

  3. Good job fire dept union. Hey vinny, that rat deal you made with segarra and cigna really worked out... Ehh
    I bet you will crawl into your rabbit hole to hide until you can collect that plump pension.
    Once again, thank you vinny, you are filth.

  4. 11:10
    I can't do it on my own . Without great sources and people that are willing to call me and give me information I wouldn't know most of this. There are many good people out there that really want to see Hartford go in the right direction

  5. City leaders are considering requesting legislation that would give Hartford the power to reopen union talks.

    Sen. John Fonfara, D-Hartford, who attended the gathering, said he didn't want an outsider making critical decisions for the city.
    The State imposed the school districts on the towns. The State imposed labor unions on the towns.

    1. Sen. Fonfare was a Pedro Caviar supporter all those years, wasn't he?
      Sen. Fonfare was a supporter of the stadium that is killing us financially, wasn't he?

  6. Whatever money Bronin is going to try and get back from the unions isn't going to change a thing. The real lost money is in City Hall. He wants to keep the focus on union contracts to not have the light shining on city hall. There should be Hartford political con artists going to jail. The city hasn't been funding the pension fund properly or the insurance plan for new hires. Before you ask for money back from the people who make their contributions you should get your own house in order.

  7. @12:22

    You are being very naive. There are investigations ongoing which take a long time to conclude. These investigations are not public. frequently, organized labor over argues conditions, pay and benefits and local, state and federal employees are often offered more than private industry. And this disparity is NOT fair in the public interest who foots the costs. It is not the purpose of government to generously employ. That is not what government is supposed to do.

    This time, for who the bell tolls, it tolls for thee; the public sector. If you don't like your shrinking benefit package, grow a brain and get creative and go into private business and take risks like we all do in the self-employed area.

  8. How about all the Malloy team he brought in from Corp Counsel to Dept Heads, Deputies... this was the plan, the Malloy plan! We traded one puppet in for another puppet.Hartford was out foxed. Sorry to say the blacks that voted for him, the blind sheep, will have to look at the minority employees in the eye, when they get screwed, by Bronin/Malloy the Dream Team.

    How"s Judge Killingly looking now? If he can't do the job, step down!

  9. Bronin is a fake! Really has he been in office 3 months before he bamboozled Hartford with Malloys greedy little hands, which he has been trying to get on the city purse for years! Hartford are you really going to be a steryotype?

  10. Tic toc. Tic toc. No Union email or communication to any members. Holton and fig could care less. Let the 25 year guys get burned by the city.
    Shevchik was right, but all you idiots played american idol and picked lazy 20 year guys with bloated pensions.
    The new mayor and the new state police chief are going to tear this place to pieces.
    Way to go holton. .....

  11. 11 year patrol vetMarch 10, 2016 at 8:26 PM

    Where is the monthly union newsletter been? Did i miss it the last 2 years?
    I think we should auction off the union office to help the city out and make holton drive spare 9 to his hot yoga classes.
    Now that gps is active on car 13, lets see how much exhaust fumes can fill the garage at 20 sergeant street.
    You greedy 20 year guys sold us down the river.
    Dont expect any special parking treatment when disney on ice is at the run down civic center.

  12. @3:48

    You're a fool.

  13. 6:50

    I don't believe that Fanfara was a supporter. As to whether he intact ex with Segarra, probably. It is his responsibility to intact with all le rd officials. He should be able to the best of his ability, to work with everyone.

    Are you for real or just out of medication this week?

  14. 11:37am

    Did you proof read your posting? maybe it is time for a med adjustment for yourself

  15. Yes, March 11, 6:50 am you are correct about Sen. Fonfara. Fonfara also never takes a stand on anything especially when local Democrats are running for re-election. He is known as a man in hiding. His license plate dose not read Senator and did not when he was State Rep. For someone who has been in the legislature for over 20 years his district dose not know him. This is government at it best.

  16. @2:04

    First the spelling; it is "does" not "dose." Second, John Fanfara my choose not to use a politically influential car plates because he DOESN'T want to court special privileges. My one complaint is that he doesn't always return messages. But his style is to listen and act on issues that are legitimate. I have made such suggestions thinking he had no interest with my comments only to read that he indeed, acted on the suggestions. No, John is not your average politican. He is better and I am quite content having him as my senator.

    Sorry to throw water on your comments.

  17. @2:04 AM

    I forgot to ask but what the hell are you doing up at 2 AM posting comments? Are you that lonely?

  18. 2:04 AM: Sen. Fonfara's tongue is stuck in Julio Mendoza and Angel Sierra's butts, to secure SAMA support and the latino votes they pretend to represent.

  19. We should all act together, get John Fonfara, Minnie Mouse Gonzalez and Edwin Vargas (in alphabetical order) out of office. Enough with these people. We did a great job dumping Pedro Maria Caviar out of office, now it's time to get this trip Fonfara, Gonzalez, Vargas out. O-U-T.

  20. first of all it has ZERO to do with "greedy 20 year" guys give me a break you guys who think that need to get a brain and look at the issues....Shevchik is a politician with no spine and will basically sell us all down the river he is not the answer look at the issues and why we are where we are it has nothing to do with 20 year guys, they didnt sell anyone down the river, its comical some of you even think this... holton is actually the only one right now who is trying to help
