Friday, March 11, 2016



  1. We hope Mayor Bronin will discuss every issue - good and bad - important to Hartford, including what he intends to do with individuals from the corrupt Segarra administration. Above all: will Segarra and his lieutenants ever face justice?

  2. If Mayor Luke will tell us that we're facing a hugh deficit is not going to be enough. He must explain how we got to be in this miserable situation, beyond that stadium lies, and what's going to be done with the people who brought us to this miserable situation.

  3. 8:21am

    I think we will eventually get the full story, or at least as close as possible. Sources are telling me that it appears that revenue and collection estimates used for the budget process were grossly over-exaggerated and then never reconciled for accuracy. It may have looked good on paper but it was a fraud.

  4. This "massive budget deficit", as Mr. Bronin himself called it, must be fully investigated. MUST.

  5. Did you hear TJ Clarke interview with Dennis House this morning, saying that the previous administration was not to blame for the poor finances of Hartford.
    This is ridiculous. I thought we already got rid of an idiot and corrupt president of Hartford city council.

  6. TJ Clarke will not blame Pedro Segarra and his administration for the disastrous financial situation Hartford is stuck in. WE BELIEVED YOU WERE BETTER THAN THIS TJ. SHAME ON YOU!

  7. I'm wondering what connection TJ has with Pedro, why is he protecting him, what TJ himself has to hide

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I watched the interview, TJ talked some crap about misbudgeting /misfinancing /misunderstanding or something like that. Anything, just to get Segarra out of this mess. TJ Clarke presented himself very well as the new idiot on the block.

  10. Who is TJ going to blame for all this, Mayor Bronin? Or maybe he should blame himself? It's obvious that the last administration, with the unprofessional, irresponsible, poor leadership of Pedro Maria Caviar is the most responsible for what's going on now.
    Bronin's responsibility in his State of the City address this evening is to tell us the entire truth, everything he knows about the financial mess he inherited from Segarra two months ago.

  11. 12:33pm
    Make sure you add CORRUPT administration. Pedro was a corrupt mayor.

  12. Have you seen Pedro Maria lately? Where is he hiding?

  13. If what Bronin presented yesterday is true, then Pedro must give an explanation. Under oath!

  14. He won't go after Pedro because he doesn't want any real facts brought forward. The city is in a bad place as we all know, but nowhere near where Bronin sais it is. That's why he wants this bill giving himself absolute power because if he has to actually prove his case he is done!
