Wednesday, April 20, 2016


The home of former Hartford Mayor Pedro Segarra has been placed on the market for sale. Actually to be clear , it is the home of Segarra's husband, Charlie Ortiz, apparently the brains and the money behind the former Mayor's operation.

If you are interested in owning the home, which may go down   as the residence of one of Hartford's worst Mayor's in history, it is listed at $685,000

Maybe we can start a "go fund me" page to actually hire the moving company to get Segarra as far away from Hartford as possible


  1. He is not going far. In fact just down the hill. Would you like to know where? It's what aging people do... You know, the boomers.

  2. I am not sure how he as the nerve to show his face on the streets of Hartford after what he did to our City. Sure, let us know where he is going. Maybe when the Dillon Grand Jury is done , hopefully it will be a Federal jail cell

  3. nice closet and 2nd floor porch.

  4. He is moving to 31 Woodland Street. I heard he bought a nice double condo that belonged to that chap who use to own Japanalia. That building is full of gossiping old fogies and full of his supporters. Him and Charlie won't find many young men around that place just a bunch of aging queens who also lost their crowns.

  5. Who is the idiot who robbed the city blind. Fuel and everything else needed to start a landscape company. No one else works overtime but him. He don't look anybody in the eye. His boss knows, but pretends nothing's wrong. POS is the description for both. This is going to the courant. All they need to do is ask his employees.

  6. @6:49

    You got it. It is 31 Woodland. Ya, once a person who still lives there and who once worked for the city went on and on gossiping about other city employees who lived there and he sounded exactly what you described. "That woman had so and so over and they are party girls had a yada yada yada. I wouldn't live in that soulless building if you paid me. The two aging aunties will be at home.

    I don't believe I just said that. So what, I did.

    You are right, Kevin. Sagarra did leave the city in a horrible mess. But he did win an election so the guilt must be spread. This is way I am so cynical. It is not only about one person. So excuse me if I yap about the city selling heroin to solve the budgetary woes.

  7. 8:08pm

    Details? private e-mail if you prefer.

  8. Pedro Maria Segarra's SUPER LUXURY home, master suite, 5 fireplaces, subzero stainless appliances, granite counter tops, second floor porch. Remember Segarra during the campaign saying that he knows what it means to be poor? He probably knew what poverty is when he was eating caviar,

  9. Wait a minute: If Pedro and Charlie are selling their home for $685,000, how is it that the tax on their home is based on only $161,000 ?

  10. All indications are that the property on Prospect Avenue with asking price of $685,000, is currently under contract.
    Kevin, any way you could find out?
