Tuesday, April 19, 2016



On February 4, 2016 the Hartford Police Department responded to CT Children’s at the request of DCF. Upon arrival Officers were informed of allegations of an assault of a minor by the child’s mother (Both Hartford residents). HPD Officers with the assistance of Special Investigative Division, began an immediate and extensive investigation.

After facts and circumstances were discovered through communication with DCF and CT Children’s, HPD Officers applied for and obtained an arrest warrant for Aarvah Quinonez, 34 of Hartford CT. On April 19, 2016 HPD Officers arrest her at HPD Headquarters without incident.

The alleged incident involves multiple incidents of assaults, striking with a belt, choking and other serious allegations in 2015 and 2016.

Assault 2nd Degree
Strangulation 3rd
Risk of Injury to a Minor
Bond $150,000 (arraignment tomorrow)

Quinonez is currently assigned to Engine 14 at Blue Hils Ave and Albany Ave.. No further information is available from HFD at this time as to her status. She is scheduled t be arraigned  tomorrow at GA14, the Lafayette Street Court.. It should be a busy morning for City of Hartford employees being arraigned on Child Abuse charges as Eduardo Genao from the Board of Education is alsos scheduled for a court appearace tomorrow morning


  1. Hartford Fire Personal Job Description

    First fight fires. Later on the job, fight each other over fires. Gun fights are strongly encouraged as well as strangling children. Firefighter humor is expected to occasionally empty oxygen tanks and watch said firefighter go running from a burning building gasping for breath. Make a digital stream to play back later during summer barbecues in back of the fire house. As a unified bargaining unit, demand as many benefits as possible .

    Pass the test and you are in for life.

  2. Nice,She's smiling for the mug shot.
    From doing nothing getting paid to a complete payed vacation.put them off without pay make them at least fight for it.Where is the deterrent to bad conduct if you get paid out of work.
    Wake up Reggie, Bronin, somebody?

  3. Just another example of our fine upstanding fire department let's hope she does not ask for union representation as the president might sell her out for an over time shift VP is to busy leaving his family so he can have an affair with another union officer or maybe she can ralley up the retired drunk due to all his experience with the legal system is this really what we have protecting our city?

  4. There have been warning signs for years with this employee. Those who have pointed out the obvious have been accused of sexism, racism, and harassment. The politician responsible for keeping her on the job bears responsibility for all the employees affected by her presence. Law suits should be filed, particularly against her main enabler the phoenix society.

  5. I want to know how many qualified HFD candidates could have been hired instead of this affirmative action piece of garbage.

  6. Thank RJo Winch for keeping her on the HFD

  7. Why didn't the background investigation conducted during the hiring process revealed that she had prior arrest in other states???

  8. Just like Patterson nothing will happen to her....Bronin and Freeman have no guts to rock the Phoenix Society.

  9. She looks like such a proud mother smiling for her mug shot. Would be great if she was that enthusiastic about her job. Funny thing is that the ones that complain about being abused or picked on at work, are the people who are always getting picked up outside of work for being a bully or an aggressor.

  10. Child abusers in Fire Dept., Predators and Incompetents in Hartford Public Schools, nice! It just keeps getting better and better !

  11. Whose bright idea was it to put RJo on the team? Who told Bronin he had to take her out of mothballs?

  12. Who u gonna hire when bronin is finished destroying the HFD? Nobody will want to work there anymore. Gonna be long hours, crappy pay, with crappy benefits and no pension. I'd rather flip burgers for the same pay and be a lot safer. HFD will soon be a surround and drown department, that means no going in, just keep it from spreading to the rest of the block. If people are trapped, they are screwed, remember that tac is being disbanded to make mayor bronin happy. Hello higher insurance rates, hello burned out vacant buildings, and hello empty lots. Kinda gonna resemble Detroit.

  13. How do you know Tac is being disbanded? Haven't seen that anywhere yet.

  14. Thats cuz your are not in the loop. Tac gone and 2 mini rescues being made= "squads". FiteStat meeting couldn't justify the tac because they don't do anything. All the fancy rope training, rescue core, and has mat and they haven't been on 1 call yet and used that stuff. Ergo, no more Tac!

    1. Another TAC Hater!! Blah blah blah!!! Go grow some testicles!

    2. Really ?? I have seen how some extrications have gone when Ladders try to do it themselves before we get there, total disregard for scene safety, total disregard for civilian safety and usage of tools in wrong manner.Should I continue?

    3. Or like some of you call it "extraction". You dont even know the proper terminology to use at motorvehicle accident scenes but then again you want to go on this blog and bash the TAC. If you can't say it right or pronounce it dont even bother trying to perform the task because chances are you will screw that up also!!! Silly boys extrications are for men!!! So dont get yourself in trouble trying something you know nothing about, we have seen already how that turns out. I am just telling you for your own safety ,dont get hurt trying to play with the big boy toys.

    4. Silly boys Hurst tools are for men!!!

  15. Isn't Hartford's TAC unit one of the busiest rescue units in the Country?

  16. gonna be nice when tac broken up, watch you premadonnas have to actually put your gear on and do ems calls. welcome to the real world, not that union tac 760 clubhouse you guys hide in. karma is a bitch, and revenge is too sweet!

    1. Why don't u put ur name instead of anonymous grow some balls!!

    2. Funny you say that about the TAC because most fires I have been to it seems we are the ones doing most of the work inside the building while the rest of you sit there like Shepherds with your hooks in your hand or leaving the hoseline unattended .

    3. Trust me I have been detailed to every Engine in the city and ladder or worked OT, I have gotten my hands dirty at many EMS calls while some of the people I worked with stood there and done nothing including LTs. And Capts.

    4. Now u talk bad about 760?? Several weeks ago at city hall when you guys and gals were all scared s**t that your benefits would be jeopardize you were all wearing Local 760 United shirts and calling Vinnie for info cause you were wondering if you would be able to retire on %60 as opposed to %85,how quickly you forget who is fighting for your bargaining rights!!

  17. Busiest going on nonsense runs, NOT busiest for actual fire and rescue duty. The Tac members are never in gear, going from one call to another, usually dismissed enroute, or stage when they get to a call only to be released immediately by Dist 1 or 2. Its a big scam to keep that shitty ragged banner on the front of old HQ on Pearl St.
    Total up all the money spent for special training, special "Tac Only" overtime, upkeep on the Rescue Truck, and finally upkeep for 275 Pearl St. (heating, cooling, utilities, etc), and compare it to the actual work they do, NOT RUNS. They have not done a single rope, trench, confined space, or technical rescue. These fools cannot even tie their shoes. Simple logic, millions invested in Tac 1, zero return back. Tata Tac Twerps!

    1. From what I hear TAC overtime training should not be an issue anymore as one TAC officer is busy doing his own specialized training with a certain e board member.

  18. some valid points. Why not shut down 275 Pearl and house them somewhere else like Engine 5 on Sigourney St, there is a vacant bay there. and that is still pretty central.

    1. Have u ever seen a capital city with no firehouse in the center of downtown?? Downtown taxpayers want a firehouse in the center of the business district , especially with all the highrises one block from Pearl St both commercial and residential

    2. Have u ever seen a capital city with no firehouse in the center of downtown?? Downtown taxpayers want a firehouse in the center of the business district , especially with all the highrises one block from Pearl St both commercial and residential

  19. Didn't your Union President receive quite a bit of overtime for specialized training for the Tac Unit. When was the last time he has been on the line?

    1. Vinnie is on the line every week when he works over time

  20. I believe that the plan is to create 2 Squads, 1 north and 1 south. These will be existing engines outfitted with some specialized equipment along with standard stuff. These squads will act as a pumper, ems crew, or rescue crew depending on the requirements needed on call by call basis. Much more fiscally sensible and smarter. Will make for a very capable and well rounded piece of equipment with manpower. Chief Freeman is no dummy, this will be a good move for HFD.

  21. Fire on Curtiss St right now. Listen to the live radio feed so all you TAC haters can hear firsthand how useful the TAC is at fires

  22. 4:24PM

    you left out, the fire was discovered by an HPD Officer responding to a burglar alarm, who then notified fire and kicked in the rear door and entered the apartment to search for victims. All in a days work for both agencies, Good Job

  23. When I came on the job the TAC guys included Billy Reilly, Chuckie Rodriguez, Eddie Kureszka(one of the last true firefighters to command that rig), and Mike Ciccarelli(loved him or hated him, still a good, smart firefighter). None of them would have ever bothered responding to posts. They were too busy being firefighters. Maybe the TAC DOES have too much time on their hands nowadays with the pumpers doing all the calls. And Kureszka once called me a crazy mother***ker after a job. Still the greatest compliment I've ever gotten in my life.

    1. Are you referring to Billy who's always high on prescription pills, and Chuckie Rodriguez who took loans out at credit union for $30,000 and then left to Florida and didn't pay a dime back and that's the reason the credit Union had to raise the interest rates for the rest of us that pay our bills. I suggest you find better role models kid.

    2. Obviously u have time on your hands also to reply to post

    3. so are you saying none of the people assigned to the TAC belong there? Or only some?

    4. Are you talking about Billy who walks around like a zombie high all day on prescription pills, and are you Talking about Chuckie Rodriguez who borrowed $30,000 from the Hartford Firefighters CREDIT Union and then left to Florida the following month and hasn't made a payment back in 2 yrs. The reason why the interest rates at the credit union are higher because of people like Chuckie who took loans out and didn't pay them back. If those are your role models then your in trouble kid.

  24. The tac is no different than any other piece of apparatus in the city. There are guys who belong there and guys who don't. I think it's crazy for FF's who love this job to not want to be on the Tac. They are almost guaranteed to go to all fires on their shifts. All extrications on their shifts. The previous 2 things barring being off line for training and such. But for Tac guys to think they are better than anyone else is ridiculous. They are trained in specialized rescue operations like high angle and confined space and other crap too I can't think of.Does that training make you superior firefighters. I don't think so. Some of the old school guys were exceptional FF's. Some current guys are great also. But some current guys are useless. The useless ones are usually the ones who love to toot their horns the most. Toot on useless. P.S. they are also the ones who don't own any clothes without the Tac 1 ensignia on it. You know who you are haha

    1. Actually everyone assigned to the TAC now has TAC shirts and sweaters just like all the other brothers who have company shirts to there respective stations. There are many members who wear there company logos who are are also useless at various stations through out the city. For you to sit here and say that TAC guys wear there company logos and are useless is ridiculous because almost every firefighter wears there company logo at every firehouse in the city to show company pride and dedication,something you most likely lack.

  25. I'm confused . how did this blog go from Aarvahs arrest to bashing the TAC??? Why don't we blog about the useless criminal that Aarvah is and not put each other down.Negative comments on here are making us look like childish fools. Do you think the taxpayers of Hartford including myself want to see this.
