Wednesday, April 20, 2016


STATEMENT: Hartford Fire Chief Reginald Freeman on Firefighter Aarvah Quinonez

Hartford, Conn. (April 20, 2016 ) – BACKGROUND: Today, Firefighter Aarvah Quinonez was arraigned in court for the charges that she was arrested on yesterday afternoon. Following the arraignment Chief Freeman reviewed the charges and circumstances. As a result, Quinonez has been placed on administrative leave without pay effective immediately. In response, Hartford Fire Chief Reginald Freeman made the following statement:

“With the information that has been brought to light in today’s arraignment, Firefighter Quinonez has been put on administrative leave without pay until further notice. Any further actions on Quinonez’s status with the department will be made based on additional information pertaining to this case, as well as the final outcome of her legal proceedings. Despite these allegations, let me reiterate the fact that the hard work and dedication of the men and women of the Hartford Fire Department stand tall — even above the difficult discussions that we find ourselves periodically having in regards to off duty allegations or conduct of a few individuals. Through my interactions with our firefighters, I see an energized and professional work force that is dedicated to moving the organization forward in a positive and productive manner.”

For more information on this matter, please contact the Hartford Police Department.

This type of action is long overdue at HFD and throughout City Government. We can not afford to reward bad behavior by employees with "Paid suspensions" Whether it is a DUI arrest or abusing a child, the tone needs to be set that the paid vacations at the taxpayers expense while these cases wind through the courts are done.,

Congratulations Chief Freeman for your swift action in this matter.


  1. Good for Chief Freeman. So glad to see that the tide is finally turning.

  2. "Management is doing things right, leadership is doing the right things". Chief Freeman is living that everyday, unlike his predecessors.

  3. Except for the fact that if the charges are dropped there will be lawsuits. That is why in the past people were paid . It makes it easier to cut the chord.

  4. anything is possible, but it sounds pretty solid. if the charges are dropped then back pay and benefits can be awarded, but if the charges stand, I doubt we would ever be reimbursed by here. unpaid is the responsible way

  5. This is a CLASS ACT speaking. Finally.

    "Despite these allegations, let me reiterate the fact that the hard work and dedication of the men and women of the Hartford Fire Department stand tall — even above the difficult discussions that we find ourselves periodically having in regards to off duty allegations or conduct of a few individuals. Through my interactions with our firefighters, I see an energized and professional work force that is dedicated to moving the organization forward in a positive and productive manner."

  6. Kevin,You have stated in the past that a Hartford only residency was a good idea. After ANOTHER "S#%TBAG from Hartford has embarrassed the fire department,,,how do you feel now?

  7. I don't think I have ever said residency should be a requirement, we really limit ourselves in the pool of potential candidates. If a qualified candidate from Hartford is up against an equally qualified person from outside Hartford, the Hartford resident should get a preference. I do think we should make it inviting for City employees to want to live in Hartford, possible tax breaks, low interest loans and mortgages, etc. I also don't think that Hartford residents hired have had a lock on being "S#%TBAG to use your quote. I can think of plenty from outside Hartford that have been embarrassments, so put away the wide brush you want to paint all Hartford residents with.

  8. Does Home Depot carry those wide brushes that the racial apologists are always mentioning? I'm gonna buy one and see if it raises my IQ and provides additional clarity.

  9. Maybe they do sell rose colored glasses though if reality bothers you.

  10. @10:44

    He has a point, Kevin. I know that many posters with negative comments about Hartford and the many characters within, are in fact, racists. I am not one of them. I will however, point out that as a result of lower standards there are long time problems that materialize. In no way would I feel that it is racial. Having said that, it is human nature to connect the dots to realize that people often get their own kind (whatever that means) into places of employment. I don't have a problem with this kind of patronage as long as the people chosen are qualified and Honest When they are not and are called out, then the issue is exacerbated by the fact that a person was place in a position of employment based on who she/he knew instead of impeccable credentials. Do you understand this difference? I don't and won't think in terms of color or ethnicity. No one should get a pass no matter who the hell they are. That is my credo.

    My opinion.

  11. Brookman what do you really know about reality? I'm one of the guys that protects you from the reality of Hartford. You want to know about the reality of things around here? Is is true that Bronin has already left Hartford with his family over concerns for their safety? That didn't take long. That's the reality of things around here. No rose glasses necessary.

  12. I love all these "white knights" constantly using the word "racist" without any regard for the origins of the term. The term "racist' was popularized by the Jewish Bolshevik murderer Leon Trotsky. Just so you know Trotsky and his people were responsible for the starvation and genocide of 40 million Russians in the "Russian Holocost" Never heard of it? Why? We all know about the "6 million jews" killed in the Nazi camps, although many consider these numbers greatly inflated. I guess the Jews who own education and media forgot about all the white, Russian, Christians that their cousin Trotsky killed.

  13. 7:06pm

    Where do you get this nonsense from?" Bronin has already left Hartford with his family over concerns for their safety". I am pretty sure that I saw a picture of the Mayor at the Hillary Clinton rally with his daughter on his lap Thursday. But then again maybe he did leave town, that would explain why he isn't answering my text messages.

  14. @7:06

    So you are one of the guys that gives me protection? Oh, I feel so much safer now. Hey buddy, people like you should not be on the force, if you really are. You sound very immature. You shouldn't be near guns. Do you mind telling us your name so we can make a citizen's arrest?

  15. Hey 11:08... You would have been a good thug on Trotskys crew. His core group was about a hundred jews from New York which were financed by Zionist bankers. They specialized in ARRESTING and murdering people who exercised freedom of speech in Russia.

  16. 5:11

    Do tell me which books you have studied on the Russion Revolution. A degree? Oh ya... You google "Trosky" and read thre paragraphs in Wiki. Ya boss, yo sure edicated now ain't ya?

  17. Kevin, what do you do for a living??????

  18. 12:59PM

    You have asked that same question at least 10 times, why is it important to you? Does it change the truth behind anything I say? If it is that important to you, my phone number is listed on the blog, call me , unblocked, and maybe I will answer you.

  19. So Kevin what did you do for a living . I can't FOI YOU! What are you hiding???? Post it. How do you get your income now?

  20. What does it matter? I told you how to contact me

  21. 7:49PM

    Maybe there is a reason why you can't FOI information on a private individual. MAYBE BECAUSE IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. I read what he has to say because it is the truth and factual, not because of what he does for a living
