Wednesday, April 20, 2016


The questions are rolling in regarding Aarvah Quinonez and how she managed to keep her job as a Hartford Firefighter, even before her arrest yesterday on Child Abuse charges.

There also seems to be some real questions regarding Quinonez and other Hartford Firefighters use, or more appropriately abuse, of Workers Compensation  benefits for extended periods.

According to sources, Quinonez was recently observed by a former Hartford Fire Chief ( before he became the former Chief and while he was still overseeing the Department). That Chief had apparently attended a soccer game for his niece and while there observed Quinonez refereeing the soccer game. Quinonez was allegedly out on a Worker's Compensation injury  that kept her from her regular job, but she could run and referee a soccer game.

Apparently there are also questions regarding her arrest in Georgia in July of 2004 and if that figured into her background investigation before her hiring by the City.


  1. Kevin, I am astounded at you for second guessing the hiring methods of Hartford Human Resources. Who do you think you are? The only proper requirement is that the person be a Hartford resident. We need to hire the slime bucket trash of Hartford. This is why government exists; to hire city residents who otherwise would have been unemployable. We built a ball stadium for 90 mil to hire the unemployed.

    Hartford signage outside Human Resources:

    We hire only trash. We hire only child abusers. We hire the fat, lazy and criminal-minded and we give them good pensions curtesy of Hartford Tax Payers.

  2. 2:04, your voting for Trump too. Your racist, unwarranted and generalizations of Hartford is very telling of you. Good luck, keep hating, keep painting people with a broad brush and keep hiding your racist views and opinions on blogs.

  3. Going to agree with 2:04. Get em outta here

  4. I'm voting for Bernie. I don't like Trump. Nice try, though. Go stick it where the hole has been enlarged, Buster Keaton.

  5. In the sake of intellectual honesty .... Come On Brookman!!! Everybody already knows she and a couple of other shining stars are politically connected on the job. Why don't you be the journalist on this one and expose this corrupt politician. END NO SHOW JOBS ON THE HFD FOR THE POLITICALLY CONNECTED.!!!

  6. Provide me with information and documents and I will. I have FOI'd files as far back as February 11th (and stil have received nothing) for Workers Comp abusers that haven't been to work in 3 years, and I am sure there are more, but I can't do it all on my own. If you have details, point me in the direction

  7. Kevin do you have a job?

  8. 6:53 PM

    Why? do you want to contact my boss and try to get me fired for my opinions?

  9. Of course they want to get you fired, embarrassed, shamed ,guilted, ruined, and ostracized. This is a classic leftist tactic used on anyone who challenges the "cultural Marxist narrative". If you oppose the insane policies of the regressive left, if you question the holocaust , if you exercise free speech, if you argue based on facts and empirical evidence then you are also a racist.

  10. Ok Brookman...I'll put it on a plate for you... Its R JO Wench... Shes the politician who saves the jobs of the incompetent city residents of color. Now you have it. I can't do everything for you big time journalists, its up to you to develop sources and evidence, but it is her name I hear most from top HFD brass when it comes down to political meddling.
