Saturday, May 21, 2016


At least someone is getting use out of the Dunkin Donuts Park baseball field, just not the YardGoats.

Four men, one of them an employee of a contractor working on the stadium, were arrested tonight for Criminal Trespass 3rd degree after they attempted to get onto the new field for a friendly baseball game earlier this evening.

I. Charles Matthews, Chairman of the Hartford Stadium Authority, was quoted earlier in the week as predicting baseball would be played at DDPark by June. Maybe he was right, although I don't think he meant by trespassers.

You can't make this stuff up.


  1. probably not the first criminal act that has been committed in relation to the development of that stadium

  2. Support John Scully and the San Juan Center!

  3. I drove down there on May 17 to have a look. Since everything was open, I took this as an invitation to walk inside and witness how my tax dollars are so being wasted. I was aware of a patrol car around the corner. Thankfully for me, I didn't stay long. It might be the only time I ever step foot inside. I know this sounds sour grapes, but I truely hope the whole project fails miserably and especially Josh's Yard Goats. Let's not forget that Soloman played us against Springfield and won. He suckered us into paying for a ballpark that rearly succeeds in creating residual income for a city through an expanded grand list. The probability is that it is doomed to fail. It should fail and maybe, it will be a lesson to other gullible municipalities to not waste so much public largesse on private enterprise.

  4. I. Charles is a moron. Everybody knows that.

  5. HPD is doing a great job: They arrested all the murderers and drug dealers in Hartford. Now they have all the time and money they need to do whatever in this miserable DD Stadium.

  6. The Hartford Dark Blues were a member of the National Association of Professional Base Ball Players in 1874 and 1875 and the National League in 1876 and 1877. In 1877 the team played in Brooklyn, New York as the Brooklyn Hartfords.

    Playing at the Hartford Ball Club Grounds, in 1876 they joined the National League as a charter member. The team's owner, Morgan G. Bulkeley, was also the first president of the National League. Managed by their third baseman, Bob Ferguson, the Dark Blues went on to finish third in 1876 with a record of 47–21.

  7. Kevin, some of your readers suggested calling the stadium and the Solomon's baseball team THE YARD RATS.
    I'm ready to accept and adopt this name as long as there's no rayalty issues.


  8. At least in those days neither Hartford nor Brooklyn had to cough up the dough to provide a stadium for the team (though at a construction cost of $1.6 million in today's $, it would be a much better deal than the Segarra/Wooden/Bronin memorial stadium!).


  10. I just stopped by our new Dunkin Donuts Stadium, as I did many times before. If Centerplan is claiming that their workers are working 24/7, then, in my opinion, Centerplan is a big liar.
    I'd strongly recommend that the Courant's Jeff Jacobs goes and visit the site himself on Sundays and see Centerplan real face

  11. Nothing like arresting a assistant grounds keeper and a foreman from Center Plan. Sounds like they had all the rights to be on the field as two of the four work there. The other two were friends of the workers on top of that. And the Do No rep who got the call asking if they had permission to be on the field didnt want them to be arrested. But of course the call made to the Do No rep was placed after the four were already locked up inside booking. Great work HPD

  12. Here's the latest headline from the Courant:

    "Four Arrested After Trespassing And Playing Baseball At Dunkin' Donuts Park."

    How stupid could they be, especially after telling us a few days ago that the developer is there 24/7 with hundreds of workers.

  13. The developers are just looking for an excuse for the delays, nothing else.

  14. Sooo according to 301pm, center plan employees are allowed to bring friends to the dangerous un lit baseball stadium that center plan does not own to drink beer and play baseball? I'm slightly confused because the officer as I am told was hired by center plan to guard the stadium from damage, theft and liability. Not to catch murders, unless of course one trespassed inside of the stadium project. So please 3:01 explain why you think it's ok for employees that are paid for by the CITY to build the stadium that's grossly behind scedule to use the facility to recreate. And ontop of that open the city and stadium project up to huge liability due to their ignorant life choices?

  15. I emailed Mr Solomon to change the name of the baseball team from the Hartford Yardgoats to the Hartford Predators.

  16. Sounds like 301pm is bitter about a good arrest. According to him/her anyone who wants to can just waltz into the park and have a grand old time. So long as they have permission from center plan never mind the city. Or the fact that HPD was hired to guard/protect the stadium and no mention was made of anyone supposed to be on the property after hours. All well and good until somebody gets hurt or something gets damaged. Then I'm sure they wouldn't sue the city and they'd probably pay out of pocket for any damages. Wrong. They'd sue the city for anything they could and create further burden. But maybe center plan would step up to the plate(no pun intended) and cover everything, as they have done a bang up job thus far. That's just my opinion though. Keep up the good work HPD.

    1. @ 5:40AM
      This was not a 'good arrest'.
      This was nothing more than a 'show off arrest'.

  17. Mark this:
    Segarra Cabiar the bas---d will not be throwing the first ball at the stadium anymore, it was already thrown last weekend.

  18. Who was the PO who made the arrest?

  19. Breaking news:
    "First Ball Pitched At Dunkin' Donuts Park." Thank God it's not gonna be Segarra .

  20. 10;39

    When the stage west was almost built in Bushnel Park, I jumped up on the stage one raining day to sing the first song. No one heard me. And it was just as well.

    The song: "What's Love Got to Do With It."

  21. Kevin why are you not posting my replies to these posts? Im trying to answer these very basic questions to this rediculous arrest. Guess censorship is alive and well on this blog

  22. This arrest is the biggest crap I ever saw in Hartford. Hey, HPD, how about dealing with the real crime, the real issues in Hartford?

  23. If it was legit, why would no one from Centerplan vouch for him when they were called? Why didn't he identify himself to the officer sitting outside before he went in?

  24. Vote of no confidence coming soonMay 23, 2016 at 5:11 PM

    Center plan wasnt called. A rep from Do-No was called after the four were already in booking. The Do-No rep even said he didnt want the arrest made and was told it was too late since they were already locked up. Ask the arresting officer why he didnt call centerplan or listen to the two workers who told him they worked on the site. Gotta love it when the asst. grounds keeper cant even be on his own grass after hours. Nothing like flaunting a bogus and illegal arrest

  25. @#444

    Hey, tough tutties if Kevin doesn't post your comments. Go run home to mommy, why don't cha.

  26. Vote of no confidence at 5:11, from what I hear the Officer told the employee to call his boss. The employee realizing he wasn't suppose to be on the field called the DoNo employee that he was friends with. The DoNo employee said no one was allowed to be in the field period. Then the contact person at Center Plan was also called, he too also said no one had permission to be on the field after hours. Additionally the employees should have known better than to go to a stadium they work at (not own) after dark and do something stupid like trespass to play baseball and drink beer on the unfinished field. Wait a minute I think they did. All four of the accused dressed in hard hats and safety vests to gain entry to the stadium because they didn't want to get spotted. And as for the sod throwing expert maybe if he had told 1 of the 4 Officers on scene in the stadium he was the expert grass grower the situation would have turned out differently. That being said since your an expert at Monday morning quarterbacking your own cops when your done with your "vote of no confidence" you should start teaching at the academy, your wealth of knowledge and experience are evident. Also I believe the arresting officer was unit 444 he will gladly admit when he's wrong about something, just head down to the range and speak to him, hell! he might even let you qual while your there. So until then why don't you stop worrying about these grown men that can't make good decisions, because I'm pretty sure the state of economic affairs regarding our pensions is what we as brothers and sisters should be concerned about.

  27. #444 doesn't put his/her own number up as the user name...Must be worried nobody will take them seriously for being the habitual loudmouth naysayer they really are. And really??? You obviously claim to have intimate knowledge of the handling of this case, so assuming you're hpd, why do you feel it necessary to slander a fellow officer who would hands down bend over backwards to help you or anyone else who wears that badge. Get with the program...everyone is supposed to be on the same team. Take a look in the news, with all the negative going around towards LEO, you're internal banter is part of the problem...not the solution.

  28. 1142PM

    you left out that the street boss insisted on an in custody arrest for all four since he doesn't believe in misdemeanor summonses. And I think their behavior in booking resulted in bonds being put on them instead of PTA's

  29. Either way it's bad publicity for Hartford on top of the fact no one wants to come here this is truly sad rising star my a$$
