Friday, May 20, 2016



  1. I cannot understand why Council voted to increase "special event" funding over what Mayor Bronin wanted?

    Wouldn't they rather save some jobs instead?

  2. Hey sgt ruskowski,

    You have offically left the reservation. How dare you violate labor laws and internal policy to hire yourself illegally for a private duty job. I guess you need a leadership refresher course to instill proper procedures in that head of yours. I hope the officer that was next in line for that private job files a grievance.
    You will never get elected to any position on the union board.
    The dept has finally found the dennis oconnor replacement. .....

  3. What about making the kronos payroll system made public. So all can see the dirty deeds and secret overtime for the few. 40 hrs of overtime at sgts pay. Must be nice ....

  4. How is it that anyone like this keeps their job as a police officer, let alone a police supervisor with multiple arrests. Just shows the caliber of some HPD supervisors. Any other town and he would've been fired.

  5. That sergeant in the article wears his uniform everywhere, even when off duty like the article says, to intimidate others and get a police discount.

  6. Sgt Ruskowski

    He has always been known as a racist in the department. Uses filthy racist
    words.Why is he a sergeant?

  7. Will you guys stop with the police bull. You all sound like a bunch of spinsters sitting in a sowing circle yapping about the latest rumor. Grown men - not.

  8. Nice come back James-not

  9. Hey Crazy James how about stop being a hater and jealous of everyone. You are employed by the City to be an honest police officer. So much for a brotherhood. It's been proven several times that you can't handle being honest! You want to talk about making the Kronas Payroll system public? Okay, how about starting with you?!? $164k last year with $74k in OT! You creating your own OT?! We all know about the time you ordered your CSO's to change their timecards to give you all FEMA OT. Now you hire yourself and whoever else you want for Pj's. Once again not following any rules, but your own. What a hypocrite you are. I blame the Department for not stopping you before you got to this point. Everyone knows what you're about and the things you have done. You should stop throwing stones from your glass shack. You don't need anymore attention on you, there is enough already. Hopefully you will not poison the community or HPD anymore before it gets even worse. Consider your controlling ass lucky you're not behind bars, never mind have a job.
