Monday, May 23, 2016


 Just look around our community and you will find the majority of HPD Officers doing good, actually make that great, things in our community.


  1. Bravo, Officer Perez -- great role model. That child will never forget you or your deed. Hartford says thanks.

  2. Thanks to the Hartford cops.

    God Bless Judge Barry Williams. If the politicians don't like the way the cops do their jobs in the "inner cities" they should get rid of the police departments. Don't ruin the lives of innocent cops with trumped up criminal prosecutions to appease the BLM punks. Otherwise, let the cops do their jobs, and to Hell with the Freddie Grays of the world.
    Nero leaned forward after the verdict was read and wiped his eyes. He hugged his attorneys.

    Marc Zayon and Allison Levine, the attorneys, said Nero and his family "are elated that this nightmare is finally over."

    "The State's Attorney for Baltimore City rushed to charge him, as well as the other five officers, completely disregarding the facts of the case and the applicable law," the defense lawyers said in a statement. "His hope is that the state's attorney will re-evaluate the remaining five officers' cases and dismiss their charges. Like Officer Nero, these officers have done nothing wrong."

    1. Are you incompetent or just a racist POS? To hell with Freddy Grey? He was murdered handcuffed behind the back an thrown in the back of the wagon head first an if the city felt the cops did nothing wrong then why did they pay the family restitution? You sir are a soulless being smh

    2. @ 303 pm. So you are defending a career criminal. You are an idiot just like our politicians. Why has out country become so soft? So it's ok for these butt heads to continue to do as they please? You will see how this country Will be overrun by these criminals that idiots like you and our politicians continue to protect. You my friend deserve to be punched in your face.

    3. That's fine but where's your proof he's a career criminal other than the bs you read in the media? Funny a white guy can walk into a church brutally murder 9 people an not only get taken into custody without incident but gets taken to Wendy's for dinner the jig is up the world is watching an you Neanderthals are on center stage

    4. 12:44 please do an online search for grays arrest record. It's public information. At least 18 arrest. I don't know about you but for me that's a career criminal.

  3. Freddy was a career criminal who was banging his head against the police van.. The Baltimore prosecutor Moseby is an incompetent anti police dimwit who will be sued for malicious prosecution. None of those cops will be convicted, even in a chocolate city. The black city leaders of Baltimore paid the Grey family six million dollars so the rest of the "community" wouldn't burn Baltimore to the ground. Truth.

  4. @303

    Shut up you little POS. Scum of the earth. No sense of fairness. A worm from headless end to crap-oozing tail.

  5. Not 303 but #432

  6. How did the kid get his bike stolen twice? Careless disregard for his own property or did someone push him off the bike and steal it? Let's hope that he can hold on to number 3. If that one goes missing give him an job so he can work for a new one. Kevin what is the score, more good deeds by HPD than bad from what I can see. I like that.

  7. God Bless America- the land that I love- stand be side her and guide her through night with the light from above

    Thank you Officer Perez - Your intentions were great and the story did put a smile on my face and allowed me to have faith in my fellow beings. Officer Perez my hero for today.

  8. @ 303pm

    Are you familiar with the word ACQUITTED? If not you should get used to it. Because that POS Freddie Gray's death is nobody's fault but his own. Educated people such as some judges have the knowledge to realize this, contrary to a bunch of morons on the street and a head hunting prosecutor. People make choices in life. There are consequences to some choices. But you wouldn't know what that means because you seem to be part of the whole BLM mentality that anyone who doesn't share your view is automatically a racist. That nobody should be held accountable for any of their own actions..and if the police attempt to hold them accountable via a lawful arrest or use of force to effect a lawful arrest, then the cops are in the wrong. Get real's incredible these animals(BLM) are influencing people like yourself. And yes I did call BLM animals...because that's what they are. They are animals that use violence and looting to send a message. Well we get the message...they're just a bunch of savage lowlifes causing a raucous going against everything they claim to stand for. But anyways, well done Ofc Perez. Another point for the good guys because of your actions.

  9. I know Rob Murtha has gone to Wal-Mart and bought bikes with. No publicity. Good job kelwin and rob

  10. @9:50

    It doesn't matter if Gray was a convicted felon. When you place someone under arrest, you take away his freedom and make him venerable. You don't shackle someone then kick their ass, you POS.
