Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Mass. Police Officer hugging his tearful son after escorting a dead Police Officer home
 photo credit: Worcester Magazine/Steven King

I shouldn't have to be posting pictures of Hartford Police Officers doing good things out in our community. Anyone with half a brain can recognize how fortunate we are to have what we have. Nothing is perfect, but we are very fortunate. We have a great Police Department and Fire Department serving us every day, day in and day out, 24/7, holiday's, night's weekends, regardless of birthdays or family functions, they are here  for us

It aggravates me seeing people, some of them so called "leaders"in our community trying to throw fuel on a fire. Fortunately for us a fire that does not exist in Hartford  and hopefully never will.

As one New England town prepares to bury a murdered police officer. Officer Ronald Tarentino jr .   of the Auburn Mass. Police Department was murdered Saturday. A senseless  murder of a police officer, a father of 3 children and a husband. Murdered for nothing more than wearing the uniform and a badge that identified him as a protector of our communities, and doing his job on a motor vehicle traffic stop. Let us take a moment to realize how fortunate we are and show our gratitude to our first responders and never forget


  1. Would you be willing to credit that photo to Worcester Magazine/Steven King?

    Thank you

    Walter Bird Jr.
    Worcester Magazine

  2. Nice homage to my brothers in red and blue. After serving many years as both a police officer and a firefighter its nice to see someone with the decency to respect the uniform. I have been to more funerals for police officers and firefighters to last a lifetime. The anti police Rhetoric that plagues this nation is appaling and a slap in the face to every officer and their families.

    I have been in the Sea of Blue and stand tall with my brothers and sisters forever.
