Thursday, May 12, 2016


I received this picture yesterday  that apparently is a group of Hartford School's employee's in Miami,Florida to accept a magnet school award.  Hasn't anyone at the Board ever heard of Fed Ex? Or heard that there is a budget deficit and upwards of 250 jobs may be cut to close that gap?We could have had the award shipped here for under $20,.00 instead of sending 20 employees to Miami and paying for airfare and hotels. How many teaching positions could have been saved from elimination?

I have requested the information on the trip through an FOI request, but I am not holding my breath for Jill Cutler Hodgman to spin the combination on her BOE secrecy vault, if the records don't find their way into the shredder to be buried with the Genao documents first.

If you recognize anyone in the picture or wish to provide additional details, pease feel free to become part of my "alternative means" network and e-mail me in confidence or post anonymously here


  1. I know a few people in this pic how far are you willing to go with this??

  2. wherever it takes me. I am finding that the BOE is a cesspool, but also there are a lot of good people there that want to clean it up

  3. I heard over 93 people at the BOE make over a 100K a year an to do what exactly it's disgusting how these leeches are robbing the city an tax payers

  4. you don't need to just hear it, you can read it here. the entire list is posted on the blog

  5. Unbelievable - The superintendent proudly displays this picture on her twitter account - How bold can you be to rub it in our face how the BOE waste our TAX dollars like drunken sailors at a bar. I know that HPS spent more than 50K on that one event alone. That could have saved a teacher. Go see for yourself before she removes it the same picture is on her twitter feed. I agree - they will never tell you how much they spent on this lavish trip to Miami, FL. I just want to know if they purchased any liquor with our tax money. Check it out Kevin - you will be surprised. SMH

  6. 93 people making over 100K and test scores have not really improved in generations. Just ask Charles Murray-- The Bell Curve, our whole approach to educating African Americans is flawed. Even in Hartford we shovel half a billion a year at educating those who could not comprehend what they are studying. Time for a house cleaning at BOE. Hey Hartford people, when will you stand up to your neighbors who are constantly ripping you off. Hint...just because their skin may be darker than your "historical oppressor", this does not mean that they have your best interests in mind. Why don't you get off the cops and fireman, they are pretty effective, the BOE ripoff makes public safety look like chump change.

  7. disgusting how these leeches are robbing the city
    The problem is not with the individuals who are working at the Connecticut Hartford District, at least in so far as they operate in plausible good faith. They're just making a living. It is not their fault that the corporation for which they work is an abusive and unaccountable government monopoly. On the other hand, to the extent they may deliberately perpetuate the fraud, knowingly lie to the kids, they can go to Hell.
    Some Hartford school officials have apparently joined the ranks of those who have engaged in cheating to make their students’ standardized test scores look better.

    The Hartford Courant has the latest news in a story entitled “Investigators Confirm Test-Tampering At Hartford School.”

    Major cheating scandals have already rocked Atlanta and Washington, D.C.

    Hartford is just the latest in a series of school districts across the country where school administrators have doctored test results to make it appear that their students are doing better on standardized tests such as the Connecticut Mastery Test.

  8. So I went to her twitter account and here is the caption for the photo:

    Beth Narvaez Retweeted
    Betances Magnet ‏@BSTEMhartford May 6
    Yaaaay. This one is for Hartford. Congrats to our district for recieving MSA District of the Year. #MSA2016

    I guess there's no spell check on twitter or the original tweeter (it was a retweet) didn't learn that "it's i before e except after c." LOL

  9. Actually the tweet is on the Mayor's Twitter page - I guess birds of a flock....

  10. What a stupid administrative decision

  11. This is the kind of expense that should be first in the line for cutting. Has no benefit to students at all.

  12. Maybe Kevin, you need to find out why over the years that the Board of Ed use to send some employees to Las Vegas for a convention every year for years.

  13. Wow. That money could be utilized to employ a librarian at Rawson School. Students don't have access to that library. Parents were sent home a document to sign agreeing to read to their children an hour a day. I am in agreement with that, but I don't understand why the school district doesn't see the significance of a working library or understand the crucial role a librarian serves in student academic achievement? Shame on the BOE. If you are a parent of a child in a HPS move out of Hartford or gamble on enrollment in school choice/lottery.

  14. No not the answer - come to the BOE meeting Tuesday and tell them how you feel and what idiots they are. BOE meeting is at Naylor - 5:30.

  15. @11:48

    Fascinating. That parents would ne d to be dir cited to read to their kids. This is exactly what I have said. That the problem is the neglect of the parent(s). Without the inspiration to learn coming from home, a billion dollars of school rebuilds stretching over 20 years becomes worthless. A little remedial education for the parents might serve the child. Unfortunately, each new candidate for local office always promises to spen more money on schools. Why? Because it sells well and gets the vote of the mommies and daddies of our glorious town. One recent addition to council in Working Party did exactly that. She promised to spend more money on schools. Some things never change.

  16. Not everyone that works at the HBOE are thieves. Some people are disgusted by the events taking place. I agree that most of the people working there with high salaries are not doing anything. They walk around, pretend to attend meetings, pretend they are so overworked and overwhelmed and they are not doing anything for the schools or the students.
