Thursday, May 12, 2016


"A rare officer who helps" those were the words posted by Hartford City Councilperson rJo Winch on her Facebook page this week.

What are you thinking?Leadership and use of social media by a so called "leader requires some discretion . And it also requires some level of factuality and honesty also. Can the Councilwoman really say she is unaware of good deeds being done every day by Hartford Police Officers.

At the very least Winch should be able to praise the efforts of Hartford detectives and officers who brought the homicide of her nephew recently to a prompt closure with an arrest. Not to mention all of the other officers she apparently  doesn't see , or doesn't want to see, in our neighborhoods every day.

Leadership also requires building bridges by our elected officials, not tearing them down with sarcastic comments on social media.  In this day and age of "open season" on our Police Officer's  the Councilwoman should be working to build better relationships rather than throwing fuel on a fire, and a fire that doesn't exist yet in our community. And one we definitely don't need.

Here are a few links below to possibly refresh the good Councilwoman's memory


  1. She's clueless with budgets and running the city, should we expect anything different with knowing the people that work for the city?

    1. RJo was responsible for the highest tax increase on businesses in the history of the City of Hartford. She killed small businesses in Hartford while she was city council president when Eddie the Thief Perez was mayor.

  2. rJo, most likely a racist herself, applauds this police officer because he's an African American.
    With all due respect, this police officer should be doing whatever he's doing AFTER working hours, not during his shift of securing or whatever he does at city hall.

  3. Kevin, I bet she couldn't even pass the background check to be a cop yet she sits on city council. Does that seem right to you? Why are the requirements to be a politician less than a cop? Is it a lower skill set?

    1. Actually, the requirements to be a cop are pretty low. Check out the case in New London where a recruit was denied because he was...wait for it...too smart.

  4. Tell RJO that she is as dumb as a pile of rocks. The woman is a clown and has no business interfering with any public safety function. People want to blame the cops and firemen for the city financial mess, but what kind of local economy can you expect "leaders" as ignorant as RJO to develop. RJO couldn't even spell business.

  5. Thats ok. Because i will never drive through that narcotics ridden street she lives on. She makes herself look obtuse and a negative representative of the minority community.
    Hey kevin, check the latest wave of shots fired throughout the city. They found about 30 rounds at one scene on barbour st the other nite. Im sure wench will defend these actions and blame it on outsiders from west hartford and newington ..

  6. Its sad that someone as ignorant as she can get elected. The fact is that less then 10 percent of the city actually vote. She is the same fool that wanted to give herself a raise to six figures a year
    I dont know why she is not out on the streets after dark when all the shots fired calls come in. Her nephew was not passing out bibles either. Blame blame blame blame
    I will take the blame for choosing to put my life and family on the line everyday in the city.
    Very very sad ....

  7. Rjo is a reflection of the Democratic party in this City - a ruling class that continues to bring people from Hartford's failed past and run them over and over again - expecting different results, suiting their purpose (which is about control). Her remarks reflect her ignorance of the fine work that HPD officers (past and present) have done, and still do, on behalf of this City - without media reports. Since her absence from Hartford's City government, you would think that she might have learned a thing or two about doing things differently. It is clear, that she has not learned anything about uniting this City and to think that this is this person that Mayor Bronin, who prided himself on new leadership for the City brought with him in a new administration? All I can say is, look for more stupid statements/decisions from this woman.

  8. Maybe if her mother paid her car taxes the city would be better off. Rjo's MOTHER HAS NOT PAID HER CAR TAXES IN A COUPE YEARS. PLEASE CHECK INTO THIS CITY HALL.


  10. I would just like to comment on two things; First, I believer that she is simply too obtuse to understands he ignorance her own remarks. So in a sense, she is not responsible for them. And s cond, who decided on this recycled trash? No, it couldn't be Mayor Bronin, could it? Well, he was probably u demoted sure to give her a seat. But by whom? Who in the north end community would want her in? Doesn't everyone know she is a loud-mouth do nothing?

  11. As far as I know, Officer Jim Barrett is a Community Service Officer (CSO). I have known him from downtown for the past few years. I believe part of a CSO's job is to help out the community in which he serves, and I wonder whether running an errand to help a city resident in need in his patrol area, like picking up a pair of much needed shoes for this person, would be restricted only to his time off the clock? (contrary to one of your anonymous posters' beliefs). I hope not, because his job clearly seems to requires this type of involvement, albeit within reason, and from all of my interactions with him, Jim is doing a fine job.

    (another example of the beauty of anonymous postings)

  12. Thom.

    thank you for that clarification, I have been in a meeting most of the night, but you are exactly right. The role of a Police Officer is not just making arrests, it is also about having a positive impact on the community they serve, and Officer Barrett does that. And the footwear drive he ran recently was done on his own time with Officer Otero.

  13. @Anonymous 6:14 p.m. I abhor what rJo said. But don't take it out on Officer Jim Barrett. He is everything a Hartford police officer should be. And he works at city hall and that area of Main Street as a community service officer, and has an office in city hall. He is present for nearly all city council meetings.

  14. Not enough police officers, get Jim out of his unnecessary city hall schedule, let him fight crime.

  15. 10:53pm:
    "Jim is present for nearly all city council meetings." Sure, that's his overtime. Look at his hours, see for yourself his big checks.

  16. The best we can offer politically is Jennings and RJO? And a blundering amateur Mayor. No wonder Hartford is going down the toilet.

  17. don't take it out on Officer Jim Barrett
    A couple of years ago this guy got a good laugh out of it when I suggested he arrest a gentleman walking by with his pants suspended (somehow) below his buttock area. God Bless him for having a sense of humor. Some cops are wicked deficient in that area, but thanks to all of them for their work.

  18. rJo Witch is a woman full of hate, will never apologize, said on TV yesterday that she has started a "conversation."

  19. What on earth was Luke Bronin thinking about when he supported RJO to be a candidate on has Democratic ticket. He needed RJO's Northend votes in order for him to become Mayor of Hartford. Politics as usual. Remember Bronin raised a million dollars from a bunch of rich friends and family. A million dollars could have feed, clothed and homed a lot of Hartford less fortune.

  20. Interesting that RJo took to both Facebook and Twitter this morning to thanks her friends and family for their kind words and support. Why did she find it necessary to do that? Perhaps to try and make herself look better. Funny thing is, the great majority of the comments that were posted were backlash against her.

  21. 10:02. They test for that in many professinal fields because it's a good indicator if someone will become bored with a job and quit. Nothing to do with cops not being smart or any field for that matter. Millions of people take police entrance tests every year, so yeah you're going to get a very smart person every so often that they feel will get bored to easily so not be worth the expense of training.

  22. Some Politicians rely on Facebook and Twitter especially if they have made a terrible error.

    1. 9:07pm Some politicians rely on Facebook and Twitter not only to protect them from their own errors but also to create the impression that they have public support, the "public" in rJoke case is a few family members a friend here and another friend there, nothing more.

  23. It should be interesting how RJO reacts to the major cuts she as a Councilwoman has to make. Let's see what she can save and what she has to cut As we all know the group who has the most votes will have the final say.

  24. 9:16 rJoke will not agree to cut services. Like the other round when she was city councilwoman before she'll ask for a tax increase instead.

  25. Christopher Lyons retired HPDMay 15, 2016 at 11:20 AM

    What a disgraceful comment for Councilperson Winch to make. Her mocking of police
    complaints on the evening news was more disturbing. Even worse is that the Mayor supported this zero talent for council and that the voters set the talent bar so low is scraps the sidewalk to elect her.

    This is an individual with little respect for anyone wearing a uniform and serving the city. People who work to protect her.

    But the golden rule for politicians is always criticize the persons who provide you the security you take for granted.

    Finally I never see anyone from the council anywhere in the north end or anywhere else in the city at any time except for their faces on political signs during election season when they all wring their hands and hope for the best. How about a walking tour of Enfield Street to see the people?

    Voters, wake up and get rid of the entire slate of these "reps" for the next election.
