Thursday, June 9, 2016


 For over a year now I have been trying to get the answers to a couple hundred thousand dollars worth of missing ammunition from HPD. I have been told that it was under IAD investigation, but I would think that a resolution would have come to the investigation by now. Murder investigations are usually done muck quicker. It is also interesting the officer suspected in the thefts has retired and moved out of state, abandoning his Connecticut home.

The link below was sent to me as a possible explanation as to how guns and ammunitions are getting onto our streets. Could it apply to Hartford? And the link may not be the most credible source, but it is a theory worth looking at


  1. You've hit a new low in credibility. This certainly seems credible.....

  2. The CIA got caught and exposed providing drugs an guns to the Bloods an Crips in Los Angeles Chicago is a war zone and Hartford can be argued is just as bad when you take into consideration the population is nowhere near these cities , there are no gunshops in Hartford and I know for a fact none of these thugs an gangsters can walk into Hoffmans or any other gun shop in CT an purchase a gun . Im a licensed gun owner am I have to show my license an my pistol permit just to buy bullets so where and how are all these guns an bullets getting into Hartford . This is why I say Black Politicians an Black Religious Leaders am so called Black Community Leaders are a joke they don't ask the tough questions they don't put in the work an they are dishonest as a black man I've lived in Hartford over 35 years an what game these people done? Absolutely nothing when you live in a city where the Black churches look better than the schools their kids attend that tells what these Pulpit Pimps are all about , their own personal money I've given up on Hartford am I'm sad to say it smh

  3. 4:21PM

    Then maybe HPD needs to come out with some facts to explain where the ammunition went and what is going on to recover the City's investment, or is it acceptable to "misplace" over $200,000.00 worth of ammunition, especially since it was of a caliber that HPD doesn't even use.

  4. Kevin,

    It appears little has changed at HPD since this story came out. This FY the city has spent $130,563 at Jurek Brothers Inc. in Greenfield, MA (the same vendor Crabtree used). If the auditor was right, and HPD can only use 280,000 40 cal range rounds a year in training, it should only cost $77,840 based on the bulk cost of cases bought at state rates ($139 at 500 per case).

    Keep it up

  5. This is a great topic for the City Council's Public Safety committee to tackle, as a demonstration of the "transparency" they campaigned on. This new Council can't tolerate what the old Council did.

    A possible resolution could require that HPD either issue an arrest warrant or final report, or direct the Mayor to refer the matter to the state or Feds for further investigation. Very straightforward. Everyone speaks of "regionalism" -- well there is none without trust. Hartford needs to demonstrate that it takes $200,000 of missing ammunition seriously, so it doesn't end up inside someone at a baseball game or get shot into their parked car.

  6. Kevin, your up on your FOI rules right? I mean if you say the investigation is still on going then I don' t believe the information is available for release under FOI. So if you had information which may be harmfull to someone or make someone look bad then you can push off the release of this information for a long time. Long enough so that it didn't matter, was beyond the statute of limiations, or until certain high ranking people at HPD were no longer there. You should use your alternate methods to get this information like you have so many times before, unless you don't want to know who was responsible or directly assigned to oversee the range officer?

  7. Again what are community leaders an politicians doing to make this come to light? People stormed city hall an did protests because a dog warden was laid off an hey that's an honorable thing but people are quiet about over hundreds of thousands of dollars of ammunition missing an misappropriated funds?? Where's the priorities an society has the nerve to tell inner city to be good law abiding citizens when their police are doing disgusting things like this?? An getting away with it? Yea ok

  8. This issue affects a lot of people including the chief. He had to sign of on it. Yes he started the investigation but why didn't he question it. It's a big cover up. Funny how they release all sorts of information on active murder cases etc. But they don't want to release this. Hmmmm... and I highly doubt hpd put the ammo out on the streets. These thugs get the guns and ammo from the suburbanites that come into hartford to trade guns for drugs. So please let's not Blame hpd for that. That's a lame excuse.

  9. Lol. I'm pretty sure this cyber bullying isn't going to make the report come out faster. Obviously there are sound legal reasons for it not to be released. But go on with these crazy conspiracy theories... You obviously have an axe to grind.

  10. Kevin this coul be the largest theft of city property by a single person ever! And of all things it's ammunition! If the city paid 180,000 for it it's worth 350,000 when it's sold!!! Get the facts! Don't take "no" for an adequate answer!!!! Burn the thiefs that need burning!!!

  11. Sorry I'm not buying the excuse that white gun owners come into the black communities to trade guns for drugs. Even if the serial numbers are scratched off the original gun owner has to atleast report the gun stolen or misplaced which in itself is suspicious this is done on a bigger scale so if there are 3-400 unregistered or stolen guns you mean to tell me they were all brought here by drug using white suburbanites? An this can't be confirmed or atleast checked out? Our government can train a chimpanzee to fly a space shuttle to the Moon but can't figure out how all the guns and drugs are coming into Hartford an other major cities around the country? Sorry I don't believe it!

    1. It happens much more than you think, people who trade their firearms on the black market obviously don't always follow the rules and they won't report their firearm stolen, or if they do they give false info....
      they are also actually stolen and traded on the streets. The top two ways firearms land in the streets

  12. He says the government is dropping crates full of guns in the black community so that they can lock up certain individuals
    Last I checked "the government" was operated by a Larry Wilmore Certified Real Black Guy who has installed two contemptible Attorney's General of the same colour in charge of the "Justice" Department. So the idea that the blacks themselves would be the targets is far-fetched. The theory as a whole seems completely implausible, too, except that we know that Eric Holder was in contempt of Congress for concealing the absurd Fast and Furious operation.
    the ATF "purposely allowed licensed firearms dealers to sell weapons to illegal straw buyers, hoping to track the guns to Mexican drug cartel leaders and arrest them."[6]

  13. Charlie

    I don't think it is bullying, it is more of an attempt at getting at the truth. If you have been reading the blog, you and everyone else knows that Kevin is very supportive of Chief Rovella and HPD, sometimes to a fault. If we are to have trust and confidence in our Police Department, we need to know they are being transparent and honest with us, and not covering anything, including thefts by one of their own officers

  14. Crabtree the mountain manJune 10, 2016 at 7:31 PM

    Charlie Allen who?
    First off, rustkaski better enjoy his decade or so in the dungion of 10-2. Try taking my pj again......
    Crabby tree is in maine catching lobsters and bambi deer. His log cabin looks looks like an alaskan mountain man residence.
    No paper trail other then some scraps of paper. And if they item a crabby, the academy commander who oversaw him would also be held responsible. Yup. Crap rolls up hill some times.
    Now to Charlie, i remember when your 46 , 81 locker room parties were the place to be. But that was long ago.....

  15. Firearms are mostly stolen. If licensed gun owners didn't own guns, than they would not get stolen, would they.

    1. Mostly stolen? What are you smoking. Majority are traded for drugs. Plentry of times I hear people from maine etc come to hartford to trade guns for drugs. Only way to help the problem is by creating laws that hold criminals accountable. Yes that includes the ones that trade the guns for drugs. You can make all the laws that only law abiding citizens will adhere to, but the criminals will not. But with the Clintons and Obama running our country it will only abd I say only get worse for the good citizens and Police.

  16. All internal investigations have a time frame to be cocncluded which is spelled out in the general orders of the police department. It is odd that this is dragging on so long. Must make someone at the top look bad. Then again nothing will happen and no one will be disciplined for failure to supervise. Just look at how Tisha Johnson was allowed to steal money from the city and the state for over a year. His direct supervisor was not discilpined for failure to supervise? She was promoted and taken care of over and over.

  17. It will be interesting to see what they do with GG when she returns from her " vacation" . The troubling signs of a major problem were raised years ago about her, but no one did anything. The problem never gets corrected, just hidden away. I find it obtuse that command staff members would endanger their own priorities and good names to protect and cover up obvious leadership issues.
    Keep rewarding and hiding a problem employee is what the city does best. The board of ed is not the only ones who operate like this. I just hope that changes happen before lawsuits get send out.......
    I know the HPD meal plate is overflowing this coming week with new nonsense...get your riot gear ready ...

  18. So true...some people at HPD are in the protected class. Like those who approve their own overtime cards, removed from conditions unit then put in STF where there's more overtime! SMFH

  19. So whats up with the 10-8 blues brothers pursuit into west hartford? I heard a lot of uf numbers pulled a week later. Hmmmmmmmmmm

  20. One thing I find funny is that Tisha Johnson gets arrested for taking 30k. Which rightfully so. Then the department does a press release for the debacle in west Hartford. But still nothing on the I believe is suppose to be 430k missing ammo. Why is that? Why is the department so addament on keeping that so quiet or waiting till it dies out. Why? They always release everything showing transparency. Even when officers were involved in shootings.
