Friday, June 10, 2016


From HFD Chief Reginald Freeman:

"The Hartford Fire Department is pleased to announce the appointment of LT Raul Ortiz to the position of Executive Officer/Public Information Officer. LT Ortiz comes to Headquarters from Engine 8 located at 721 Park St. in the Frog Hollow neighborhood. "

Lt Ortiz was previously the Executive Officer for former Chief Huertas and was abruptly removed from that position last year, partially, according to sources familiar with the removal because he was communicating with me.You can rerad more on that saga here.

 Lt Ortiz was also responsible for organizing a friendly competition among Hartford's Fire Companies this past Christmas season. You can read more about that here.

Best of luck and success in your new assignment Lt. Ortiz.


  1. Christmas light competition, I guess everyone has to be good at something.

  2. What have you done to build morale?

  3. Good! Now that means the money spent to send him to a training was not a waste after all.

  4. To ensure the safety of all parties.... keep Bronin away from the fireground...I don't want one of the guys taking a poke at that dirtbag.

  5. Captain LeConche achieved more in 8 months at that position than EVERYONE before him,,,,too bad A$@HOLE Bronin came into town,,,Tommy was just scratching the surface on addressing HFD'S. SHITHOLE FIREHOUSES. Godspeed Tommy , What a tremendous loss for the city. I guess it will be business as usual ,leaky roofs,faulty plumbing,clogged drains ,masonry deteriation ,mold,lead paint peelings,Plymo vents leaking diesel dust,appliance issues,broken doors/windows,inefficient furnaces and water heaters,electrical issuesDID I MISS ANYTHING ? F#%K telling the media and public how great we are its too late for that,fix the firehouses,not on behalf of the firefighters but for the taxpayers.Its THEIR investment and they can't afford new ones!

  6. A rat to help save a sinking ship. They gladly took him back because no one else wants to be there. How many people have left Kevin, more than they are letting on. With more to go.

  7. I would hardly call it a sinking ship. Did they have their problems, absolutely, but I think Chief Freeman is baleing water as fast as he can to keep the ship afloat and so far I think he is gaining ground. With a lot of work, and a lot of help from you guys, I have confidence he can do it... but he needs help, not more people punching holes in the ship

  8. Kevin, Having retired recently . I have no problem telling Freeman and you not to listen to a few birds chirping on your shoulders ,they don't represent the best interest of the ENTIRE "brotherhood" ,these select few are out for themselves. The proposals on the table WILL hurt and potentially kill firefighters. Kevin,you are best suited being a spectator on the demise and dismantling of HFD'S class 1 fire dept. You may not want to believe this but you are disrespecting Hartford's bravest by standing behind the Bronin/Freeman risky chessmatch they are playing.Freeman had only two moves to make and he chose wisely for himself but not for the "TEAM" he claims to be part of.Kevin, while Freeman is "baleing water" as you claim, he has managed to scoop up some of HFD'S best firefighters,pump operators,ladder drivers ,lieutenants,captains,chiefs and threw them overboard. I guess you need to be one of us to really understand . Don't forget that not long ago you had confidence in Bronin too once he got elected.

  9. Please don't try to put words in my mouth. I do believe in chief Freeman, and yes , I did think Bronin was going to do better than Segarra, but Bob Killian was my choice and Bob is a man whose word actually means something

  10. Brookman...the rank and file of the HFD has already lost the confidence in Freeman that we so generously advanced the man. Our membership was deeply dismayed when we learned that Freeman and Bronin are sitting on the same side of the negotiating table. Freeman is no longer welcome in the firehouses. Bronin should stay away from us. We will see both of them in arbitration if either of them lasts that long.

  11. Of course he is on the other side of the table, unlike previous Chief's he understands his role. He is not your buddy, he is management and he is the Chief of the Department. His function is to look out for the good of the Department as well as the best interests of the management of the Department and Hartford's taxpayers, not protecting the interests of a handful of whiners that can't understand how good they have it, I think you need to get out of the Union headquarters and actually talk to some professional firefighters, most of them I have spoke with appreciate Chief Freeman's efforts. I know integrity and professionalism is probably a foreign concept to many after what has been running the department for the last few years, but get used to it

  12. Kevin,please post last comment regarding Freeman sitting on the side of Bronin

  13. I think if you look, your comment was posted as well as my response at 10:43am, was it nap time for you and you missed it?

  14. No one worth a damn appreciates anything Freeman has done or will do. His industrial knowledge doesn't translate to HFD. Neither does his textbook leadership. He doesn't want anything to do with anyone who has real fire experience or a backbone. He is very happy that most of the real veterans are leaving.

  15. 12:02

    You need to check the source of your propaganda. I think you will find that dozens of the veterans who had submitted their retirement papers have now rescinded them and some have actually decided to come back to work along side Chief Freeman. And I think both of his Assistant Chiefs have the experience and the backbone you are unwilling to recognize in your zest to further your close minded agenda. Open your eyes to the potential for change rather than being blinded by your hatred of Chief Freeman

  16. Kevin,In relation to how "most" of us feel about Freeman ,it's disingenuous for you to replace the word reality with the word hatred. First and foremost simulated fire training does not replace the real thing,Chief Freeman will always be "incomplete" as a well balanced/relateable leader and Chief because of this lack of experience. Kevin you state above that it's just a few whiners that are out for themselves,,,please answer me this,,,IS THERE ANYONE MORE SELFISH THAN A POLITICIAN (Bronin) or A POLITICAL APPOINTMENT (Freeman). ?????? IF SO,IS IT REALLY FIREFIGHTERS???? THE SAME PEOPLE WHO RISK THEIR LIVES?? THEY SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES! Kevin,I challenge you to take a vote of confidence in Chief Freeman as you did for the stadium authority,I don't think you want to go there . Kevin,How did you feel about Chief Teale being an effective leader? In case you didn't know ,Teale was smart enough to know to sit at the "head" of the table at negations ,not on either side!

  17. Facebook Firefighters Unite!!!

  18. Brookman, you can defend "Reggie the Fake" all you want, but he is not a fireman and never will be. It is impossible to be a fire chief without being a firefighter first. Is it possible to be a general in the Army without being a soldier first? Clearly not.

    You think guys like Freeman and Bronin are showing professionalism and integrity by dismantling the department that generations of firefighters built into what was once considered one of the finest organizations in the country? These guys are just hatchet men, concerned about only their own political advancement.

  19. Freeman is the Bronin equivalent of a Chief. All education no real knowledge. That is why they are trying to change all of the management rights to make the contract useless. Just like Bronin with 464, without the ability to break every written agreement their is no ability to do the job appointed to because of a lack of actual ability. Hopefully he'll vanish in the middle of the night again and save us all the shame of being led by a Chief that knows no more about firefighting than the member with the least amount of time on the job.

  20. Why don't you post my comment on the so competent assistant chief?
    Brookman, your like Brad Davis you stir the pot but don't get anything done.

  21. 10:39pm,

    it is keeping you occupied , isn't it. too taxing for that brain of yours?

  22. He has to do everything he can to protect Reggie.

  23. Kevin, bottom line, this brain has much more direct knowledge of HFD than you will ever have, Reggie included. While your brain was talking up Lying Luke and motivstional Reggie you weren't lending enough credibility or listening to those that know. Your dangerously close to a " we told you so". In Lukes case, already there.Kevin some of your work is quite good but even with your superior brain you still got room for improvement.
