Saturday, July 23, 2016


The list above is a document given to all potential Hartford Police applicants this week in preparation for their pre-employment background checks. I understand the need for a fair and thorough background check of police applicants, but should they really be held to a higher standard than anyone else at City Hall, including the made up position of Chief Financial Officer?

One of the documents requested for the background check is "proof of your most recent motor vehicle and real estate taxes payment"

I am just wondering , why is it OK to ask that of a potential Police Officer but we don't require the same information of a potential Finance Director or a CFO, if we had such a position.

Maybe because the CFO hasn't paid his auto taxes for over a year so he has no proof of payment to submit


  1. And why is Sheryl Goggins doing background on theses candidates when she was apart of the oral board? Isn't that some kind of a conflict? ?? When is she retiring???

    1. What's the issue with Sheryl? She does not bother anyone and is always polite. The focus should be on these corrupt politicians that will continue to get away with corruption. You should do like St John and worry just about you. That's what he's good at.

  2. Ask Cynthia Jennings to show us her paid real estate taxes IN HARTFORD, of course.

  3. Hartford Sparkling KleanJuly 23, 2016 at 10:21 PM

    Good question, Kevin. Does someone know about miss Jennings that should be made public. Let's hear it, por favor.

  4. I agree with at 9:13 - Check all the council members. I bet we wouldn't be surprised.

  5. Does anyone else remember back about 20 yrs ago when HPD and Human Resource's had a MANDATORY "city residents only need apply" to become a police officer???? The candidate pool was so shallow and dirty they were forced to ACCEPT APPLICANTS WITH LOW LEVEL FELONIES IN THEIR BACKROUND CHECKS!!!! You can't make this S#%T UP ! Kevin,go ask one of your sources how that worked out. I "PRAY" the Hartford Fire Dept will soon adopt these same strict requirements in their hiring practice. IT MIGHT CLEANUP THE WATERS THAT HAVE BEEN MUDDIED IN THE LAST COUPLE DECADES!

  6. FOI Cynthia! FOI Cynthia! FOI Cynthia!

  7. I can't believe Mr Hill still hasn't paid his taxes even after it has gone public! Also, no wonder Mr Geathers gives our city property to investers like Ms Dilchand who also didn't pay her taxes ! What a great tradition being set by our ciity employees ! Shameful !

  8. Other council members and employees with unpaid taxes (as of July 1st)
    Pulled from here:

    1) Thomas J Clarke II Council President

    2) Kevin L Marry (Clarke's Assistant)

    3) RJ Winch (Council Woman)

  9. Kevin,Hartford police sent 4 cruisers and 1 supervisor to New Britain for mutual aid this morning. Isn't that excessive for a city with its own problems with adequate staffing . Good thing the bad guys don't have scanners,they would have looted the stores with no consequences . Kevin,how many cars does HPD have out on an average night/early morning shift???

  10. 3:02 anonymous: not many cruisers out during the days and/or nights in Hartford, and those that are out in the street cannot be found, the police officers in them are either hiding or are just too busy with their tablets and iphones

  11. 6:27 pm ,thanks for the response. Do you agree with me that they should do away with substations? I haven't seen any studies telling me that they are effective in minimizing crime. Also ,there should be a substantial savings in utilities,maintenance ,insurance etc. if the city elimanted this waste of city owned property. I'm also concerned that this is also a waste of taxpayer dollars in the simple fact that The Hartford Safety Complex can be accessed within ten minutes from any location in the city. The city of Hartford isn't flush with money anymore and must do away with frivolous perks appropriated when they were. Keep cops on the streets walking a beat or in their cars. If you need to pee or poop ,GO TO HIGH STREET!!!!

  12. @Harshal & Kevin

    We need a "Wall of Shame" of those who are late with unpaid taxes. There is no reason especially if one is an elected leader or executive in City Hall.

  13. Taxes are for the little people.

  14. Christopher Lyons retired HPDJuly 28, 2016 at 11:24 AM

    It is very important for a complete background on all candidates for the Hartford Police to be completed. A professional background investigation and investigator will find out the good, bad and ugly in a candidate. They are vetting police candidates instead of saints. I have zero problem with a tough, thorough background investigation.

    Police officers are the most powerful member of city government and have more impact than politicians who seem to have no background investigations done on them judging from the current roster of local politicians.

    On another matter when is John Bazzano going to toss his hat in the ring for Mayor? He is the only person left to trust at 550 Main.

  15. Christopher Lyons retired HPDJuly 28, 2016 at 11:25 AM

    Lastly anonymous digs at current police officers are not he stuff of a strong constitution. More like a lack of intestinal fortitude.

  16. Chris,

    we are stuck with what we have for the next 3 1/2 years. but why would John Bazzano want to jump into the mess, which only promises to get much worse before the next Mayoral election, compounded by the current incompetence and shortsighted "leadership". And as far as your second comment, I don;t think it is as much of a dig as pointing out the obvious, no one saw a possible conflict of interest to have the background investigator sit on the oral board for the hiring process and then be in charge of the backgrounds for the same people she is interviewing? are you saying no one else could be found to sit on the oral board? Why contribute to the possible suspicion instead of avoiding it in the first place. And yes, in the current climate, everything police agencies do , every action , need to be beyond reproach. right or wrong, it is the reality

  17. Hey Lyons, You always knock the anonymous option that Brookman offers and provides. Before access to the Internet,I can't recall you having the "guts" to say or put in a memo,or a newspaper editorial whatever you wanted ! That's because you were still vulnerable as a patrolman. Now that you don't have to worry about advancing in your career,demotion,transfers or any other politically connected detriment you could face speaking and exposing the truth,,YOU HAVE A LOT TO SAY ! STOP PATTING YOURSELF ON THE BACK ALSO HOW MANY COLD CASES WERE SOLVED WITH YOUR TELEVISION REPORTS,,AND ONE MORE THING,DID YOU BELITTLE YOUR "ANONYMOUS " INFORMANTS WHEN YOU WERE A COP???

    1. This is Gospel this was powerful and I don't think anyone could hand said it any better thank you and appreciate the comment this Lyons guy pretends an swears he's holier than thou smh

  18. Christopher Lyons retired HPDJuly 29, 2016 at 2:50 PM

    To all the anonymous,

    Not holier than though. Just having the conviction to put my name to what I write unlike you characters.

    Since it appears you can't comprehend the written word I never "patted myself on the back" and many of the Cold Cases I looked at were solved by the hard work of active police officers.

    But in conclusion I was proud to be a member of HPD and you anonymous individuals don't seem to be proud of anything.

  19. @11:24

    Chris, the way I perceive policing in America, the first problem I have always had is with the concept of using overwhelming force. This has been the attitude of most police. Our chief repudiates this philosophy but I believe he is alone in this.

    Additionally, because we are uniquely the most multiethnic group across the globe, one size does not fit all when it comes to policing. Especially for African Americans. It is not so long ago that the local sheriff was the law by day and a Ku Klus leader by night. I can't even begin to imagine the fear that can gripe a person suddenly confronted by an officer stopping a black person and after hearing semi confrontational remarks, the cop upping the antics to dangerous levels. As I've said before, as a white man, had I been black staring at a cop being rude to me, I would either floor the gas peddle and get my ass out othat situation. Or I would resist and make it a Custer last stand.

    Cops as a whole have reaped what they have sown. If cops get away killing people for selling a cigarette on aStatan Island Street, or if a black man is shoot while on the ground with his hands raised in the air ,then it's time to even the score. Then maybe these real issues will bring a change and a positive change in policing. Enough killing, right Chris?

    May I leave you with a biblical saying; "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." Cops continue to get away with murder. And that is exactly what it is. So I say to you and your brother officers; stop protecting the bad ones and get rid of them. I was recently talking with a local cop a few months ago. From his attitude, he is a fuse waiting to be lit. He is a bad cop. Trust me I heard his sour attitude during our conversation.

    I feel bad for the cops who have lost their lives. But place the blame where it deserves to be placed; on the complacency of the policing community not on those who are policed.

    If things don't change, more blood will be spilled on both sides.

    1. Lion-O Lord of the THUNDERCATSAugust 2, 2016 at 7:43 PM

      Finally you have said something I agree with as a black man in America Thank You Bill Katz !!!!

  20. Looks like Hill paid these delinquent taxes a few days ago, but not current year taxes,so he's delinquent again, both his motor vehicle and real estate taxes are now late.

  21. Why don't they just send MB who was elected constable in 2016(Marshall/constable/school crossing guard amongst other titles) and her 5 pitbull police crew to collect taxes owed to there employers... like they do the unprivileged poor folk...
