Monday, July 25, 2016


According to City Hall sources, Hartford's Tax Collector quit today. Marc Nelson, who has been Hartford's Tax Collector since 2008 will resign effective August 5, 2016. Nelson would have served under Mayor Bronin's proposed Finance Director  Darryl Hill if Hill's appointment is approved by the Council.

Nelson had run for City Treasurer last fall but was unsuccessful  against incumbent Treasurer Adam Cloud.

More on this as information becomes available


  1. Nelson ran for the city treasurer's job last November, should have won but lost to Adam Crooked Could.
    Nelson is honest, a rarity on 550 Main Street. He served Hartford well.

  2. Sorry to hear Marc Nelson leaving. What's the REAL story here?

  3. I've read this blog for the past five years and have yet to leave a comment. I worked in the COO's office for two years out of my three year employ with the City (Left in 2014). Marc Nelson and I worked hand and hand on a few projects which benefited the City's taxpayers as well as two programs that penalized the absentee "care not for Hartford" property owners. I can tell you from the outside looking in (nothing to gain or lose on my end) that Hartford is losing a serious player. One of such high caliber and dedication that Hartford has not a prayer of replacing. What a shame. I could write twenty pages on the different projects, programs, and initiatives that Marc Nelson added to/enhanced/made possible which were all above and beyond his duties - simply because he cared (about Hartford and his coworkers... the good ones). Another diamond in the city hall (pun intended) whom Hartford let get away. Cheers to you Mr. Nelson and good luck.

  4. How could anyone expect Marc Nelson to maintain any integrity if he had to work under Darrel Hill (by all accounts a real pompous ass) as Finance Director if the Council is crazy enough to confirm Hill's appointment. Hill can't even pay his own taxes on time, never mind supervise the Tax Collector

  5. Marc Nelson told me that he resigned because he didn't want to work with an incompetent arrogant jerk like Darryl Hill. Nor did Mr Nelson have ant respect for Mayor SaraLuke.

    1. 1:05 AM: I'm not surprised. Not at all surprised.

  6. Marc Nelson is - and always was - one of the good ones. I can't believe Darryl Hill is getting an undeserved promotion and Marc is out. I can't believe what is going on in Hartford.

    1. I agree with anonymous at 6:33am. Tax Collector Nelson is one of the best in Hartford city hall.

  7. If D.Hill was fired today, Marc Nelson would rescind his resignation. D.Hill is the reason Marc is leaving and I am sure D.Hill is extremely pleased. Not once did Hill step into the tax department and try to resolve his and his spouse's delinquent vehicle taxes which are approaching $2K. Marc could put him on a payment plan of $100 a month. Sound familiar. The collection rate for Hartford is the highest in the City's history and now with the resignation it will most likely take a downward turn. It is a shame the City leadership is letting one of the finest civil servants go. Marc will always be remembered as the best Tax Collector in the State. I wish him well in his future en devours. He is a friend and respected colleague.

  8. The list of city employees who haven't paid their taxes must be long. Hopefully Mr. Nelson will collect what they owe before his August departure cause after he leaves the big mess will begin.

  9. Marc Nelson's work as the City Tax Collector will be sorely missed. He shared his skills and wisdom and made a difference. Marc I wish you health and prosperity in whatever is in your future. Marc stay safe and God bless you always. You are a Hartford treasured gem.

  10. Back in May, the city "executioner" laid off three people in Marc Nelson's tax department. And the timing couldn't have been worse--just a couple of months before the July 1st taxes-due date, the department's busiest time of the year. I'm thinking this was part of a planned maneuver to further frustrate a city employee who had the nerve to bring some integrity to the office of Tax Collector. The likelihood of having to work under and answer to the self-important, arrogant, untruthful Darrell Hill must have been the final straw--the one that broke the camel's back.

    Marc, your door was always open. You are a caring, conscientious, intelligent person. I only hope that something wonderful awaits you on the next leg of your journey. You will be (sorely) missed.

  11. Is Darrell Hill that bad? Why the negativity? I may agree with you but let's hear specifics.

  12. Darrel..I mean Hartford Shoots,

    Shouldn't the Acting Director of Finance, who also oversees the Tax Collector and the Tax Department, lead by example and pay his own car taxes and not be over a year delinquent? Especially after it was pointed out publicly. And any Mayor who has any concept of leadership would have immediately told him to get his ass downstairs and pay his bill if he wanted to keep his job and stop being an embarrassment to the City.

  13. Darrel..I mean Hartford Shoots,

    Shouldn't the Acting Director of Finance, who also oversees the Tax Collector and the Tax Department, lead by example and pay his own car taxes and not be over a year delinquent? Especially after it was pointed out publicly. And any Mayor who has any concept of leadership would have immediately told him to get his ass downstairs and pay his bill if he wanted to keep his job and stop being an embarrassment to the City.

  14. Marc Nelson getting accolades from his friends is a joke. Wait for the internal audit to come up showing how he helped his sycophants then maybe you will know the truth

  15. Marc Nelson is a smart, ethical, dependable and personable guy who should have been elected Treasurer -- that is, if the City of Hartford elected its representatives based on ability to excel at the job they're running for (unfortunately, that's not a criteria that seems to have much weight in this city).

    I'm sorry to hear he's leaving. If Bronin were street smart, instead of just book smart, he'd set up a meeting with Nelson and find out why he's given his resignation, LISTEN to what he says, and then find a way to keep him - if not as Tax Collector, in another position.

  16. 7:42PM

    The Mayor can't set up a meeting, he is too busy in Philadelphia all week playing the loyal Democrat and lecturing other Mayor's on how to run their cities.

  17. Congrats Marc Nelson,
    You're going to a better place, no more incompetence !!!


  18. The Mayor wants about 10k in givebacks form each city employee and laid off several others but he is down in Philly wasting tax payer monies. You should FoI the cost lets not forget Sarah is with him too. What a waste!!!

  19. Marc Nelson is the Donald Trump of Hartford. Loud, nasty, and out for himself. How may special projects did he bring forward to "help" the City only to take his cut on the back end and never finish the task. why work when you can just boast about it ad nausea um. When someone has to keep telling you had great they are either they need to hear themselves or they need to convince you. It's easy to beat your collection rate when you set the level. Let's see what an audit could find.

  20. Who's paying for Sarah's July trip to Philly? What's the cost to Hartford taxpayers?

  21. 7:26 PM:
    Where is the internal audit you are talking about? What's in that audit concerning Marc Nelson?

  22. Take up a collection ....enough to keep Luke and Sara in Philadelphia permanently.

  23. I wish it were the city of Hartford's incompetent employees that would resign instead of the good ones. Kevin, someone on your blog mentioned the recent promotions of incompetent personel in the Hartford Fire dept to LT and Captain positions. Some have had past and present issues with alcohol,drugs (in case you didn't know,there has only been 1 mandatory drug test in the past 25 yrs!),theft,criminal activity ,insubordination,and even racism . A known rascist who is a recent promotion didn't even make it 3 shifts without an incident with a seasoned subordinate, this suborordinate was subsequently transferred after years of service at this station and Chiefs Hudson and Freeman both paid visits to an otherwise non-issue firehouse. I assure you there'll be more visits to come. Good luck "brothers and sisters" ,your gonna need it.

    1. Seasoned subordinate my ass, she's useless

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Marc has a cushy job at the Artist Collective he is not hurting an there's another story going to be revealed in the news in the near future all the dirty laundry is being aired out stay tuned !!!

  26. Cant blame him. How does the supervisor of the Tax Collector not pay his taxes? Only in Hartford. What does King Luke have to say?

  27. Willie go 'round in circlesJuly 27, 2016 at 5:59 PM

    HMEA Union

    Unions need to be dismembered limb by limb until it just wiggles on the ground. I am tired of listening of the all good unions. Much of the time, they are blood-sucking maggots. I pay taxes in this town and I think unions should be sufficiently reduced in importance.

  28. Congratulation Mr. Marc Nelson

    Congratulation on leaving the City before your tax fixing arrangement with delinquent taxpayers expose. You remember that tax fixing arrangement with an individual delinquent taxpayer, who owes the City more than $79,000.00 in taxes and your reward, from that delinquent taxpayer, was to be recommended for the Board of Director of a non-profit organization on Albany Avenue. Oh! before I forget congratulation on becoming the president of that organization. Well! this taxpayer is getting nervous because you are leaving and no taxes hasn't paid since the 2008 Grand-list. Also your tax fixing arrangement with a political activist whose delinquent taxes $9,000.00 are not on the City books. Your reward for this tax fixing arrangement to be introduce to the political establishment of Hartford. Marc; I could go on and on but I know you know the deal. One word of caution, please don't do anything stupid. Mr. Nelson a lot of people, because you are a good talker, believe in you. So sad! I am glad you will not take the good citizens of Hartford for a ride anymore. My friend I wish you luck in your next endeavor. As a former resident and employee of the City of Hartford, I am disappointed how naïve we can be and I am glad my pension is safe from you. If I were you, I would leave sooner than later.

    Your friend

  29. Speak the Truth

    Really!! Has anyone read the latest "tax audit"?

    I heard Marc would fix your taxes if you supported him politically, just ask Alyssa ********.

    I'm a member of the HMEA and Marc sold our union out for political gain (thanks Marc). He was one of the worse Presidents!

    Truth is - Marc is leaving because he doesn't want to report to Mr. Hill. Marc can't stand to report to a qualified minority supervisor that will make sure he is accountable for his actions.

    Maybe Marc is running from something else!

    Speak the truth - read the tax audit

  30. Terry,

    Why don't you send specifics to Kevin via his email address. If you have specific info, then get it to someone who will expose it. The organization in question seems to be The Artists Collective. If it is, is it the McClain family? It can't be the organization since they are a tax-free non-profit. And yes, Marc apparently has a position with them.

    If there is evidence, then let the light show on it. But I don't appreciate when someone expresses, "...I heard that..." That is not evidence. That is conjecture, hearsay, gossip. If you have evidence, put it out. If you don't, then shut your big, stupid mouth.

  31. Hello to 9:56 PM --

    Thanks for your concern about my taxes. There are 2 attorneys working on this -- a city attorney and my attorney. There is also a surplus amount on file with the city that has yet to be applied. This is a litigated matter so no mysteries here. A matter of a start date and an end date and getting the interest corrected. Pretty simple math. Would you like the calculations?? I'd be happy to send them to you. Whoops, I forgot that you didn't post your name as I ALWAYS do on this blog.

  32. It is a big concern that Linda Bayer is still a city employee working in Mayor Luke Bronin's office at $64,000. Why on earth dose the Court of Common Council have so many full time aides? Yet,the Tax Collection office had major employee cuts and so did all other departments. Mr. Mayor do you actually know what you are doing. How much are the taxpayers paying for your trip Mr. Mayor to the National Democratic Convention?

  33. $64,000 to Linda Bayer? You kidding or what? I wouldn't pay her $4,000.
    I still haven't found one Hartford resident who believes she should remain in Hartford.
    What a waste of money the city doesn't have.
    Let her do whatever she does in Wethersfield, her hometown. Get her off Hartford payroll.

  34. 5:14pm ,He knows what he's doing but doesn't care what you think! This is the same mayor who PROUDLY displayed pictures of the 32 teachers accepting an award on behalf of Hartfords education department DOWN IN FLORIDA!!!! 30F#%CKING2 ,,on a plane,in a hotel room,in the restaurants,on the beach with their Pina Colodas!!!! They still haven't ,and I don't expect them to ,tell us the final bill for that trip on taxpayers backs! Bronin learned from the best ,,,Govorner DanWillLie Malloy is a frequent flyer and he never forgets to bring some family,staff and security detail with.

  35. At 5:14 PM:
    Linda Bayer's tongue used to be deep inside Segarra's certain part. What about Linda and the current mayor?

  36. @5:14

    Did your toilet visit work?

  37. Simple Maths No calculation necessary
    Taxpayers who don't pay there taxes and are delinquent for many years should not be critical of other taxpayers. This behavior is call hypocrisy. When the tax collector re-acquire delinquent taxes from a buyer of city liens, the City pays top dollars to the lien company for those liens. A research of 2:13 PM Town Clerk recordings of delinquent liens and the delinquent taxes reported on the City's tax system does not match. The town clerk's recordings show delinquent taxes re-acquired by the City for tax years, 2004, 2005,2006,2007, 2008, 2009,2010, 2011,and 2012. However delinquent tax recordings on the City's tax system only show 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 tax years are owed by the taxpayer. The 2009,2010,2011 and 2012 are not recorded has owed to the City. When Mr. Nelson leave the City employment in August who will be smart enough to know that the 2009,2010, 2011 and 2012 are owed. To make matters worst the 2004 through 2008 delinquent taxes were not recorded until 1 year and six months after the City had re-acquired these liens from the Lien companies. It pains my heart to know that this particular activity is known by many individuals within the walls of City Hall and throughout the City of Hartford. Simple Maths is: on February 3, 2015 the City re-acquired these liens(Town Clerk's recordings) and simultaneously or shortly there after there should be a recording showing the full amount owed to the City by the Tax payer. It shouldn't take gossip or fear of getting caught to record these liens, again, 1 year and six months after the February 3, 2015 acquisition. One have to wonder how many of these gifts to favorite taxpayers are out there. Now I know why I leave the City of Hartford. My friends and family I was right.

  38. Good Morning to 10:54 PM --

    I don't know your name because you're a COWARD city employee who won't post it. That is very specific information you have access to internally at City Hall and have now posted publicly. And what's all of that drama about "gossip" and "fear of getting caught" and your "friends and family" and "leaving the city" have to do with me personally? That's pretty heavy stuff.

    What you're not seeing are a judge's written decision and 2 additional settlements of tax claims in my favor. Money was wrongly paid out to 2 different tax lienholders and a mortgage holder. I have been fighting for several years to get these errors corrected. "Persistence pays" as they say and $20,000 was returned in my favor. When errors are made, a taxpayer doesn't pay accruing interest after the contested date. That's the "simple math". But I'll follow up and make sure everything is accounted for. I had already expressed concern to the judge that one of the tax lienholders had wrongly charged the City for attorneys fees and interest. When these tax matters are finally concluded, I'll drop by your desk with the final recorded settlement and give you any additional judicial documents you feel you need to review, again, ALL RULED OR SETTLED IN MY FAVOR.

    Hope you did all of this internal research about me personally on your lunch hour ......

  39. I want to get back to the original focus of this issue. I did not know Marc Nelson on a personnel basis. I am a city employee and a HMEA union member. This is what I can say interacting with Marc. From what I observed he cared deeply about the City and as president of the HMEA union he and his executive committee came up with innovative ideas to protect union members and worked with the City to minimize future fiscal costs. To the earlier blogger who said he was one of the worst union presidents I strongly disagree! Those who voted against the union contract that was proposed under his leadership are now wishing they could vote on that same agreement as they now realize what is coming in future negotiations with the City.

  40. Hey Alyssa, About this judge and court,,,are they the same winning quinela that Governor John Rowland and Mayor Eddie Perez had? You see ,some of us are smart enough to remember and realize how corrupt our judicial system is. So stop yanking out that joker card ,your one of the priveledged who obviously is connected and has the ability manipulate the system. People get away with actual murder on a daily basis in our court system,so we're not to impressed with your excuses.

  41. I really think all this back and forth is getting quite juvenile. I'm a HMEA member and I certainly did NOT agree with Marc's union contract proposal and I still wouldn't support it today as there was NOTHING in it for anybody! With that said, Marc has made a decision to explore a different opportunity outside the City and we should at least thank him for the job he's done as Tax Collector, whether we agree with how he did the job or not. I think we all tend to forget that each employee is acting as a public servant on behalf of the City of Hartford. Most people do the best job they can. Usually, the BS that occurs is reserved for the behind the scenes stuff with the Mayor, his appointees/cabinet and City Council.

  42. @7:05

    I believe you want to use "too" instead of "to."

  43. Mark Nelson is no saint but he is a good tax collector. The City has benefited from his work.

    I am curious to see who will be put in his place after he leaves and what capabilities the new tax collector will have. Things might get worse instead of better.

    Mark's departure most likely was orchestrated by Darrell Hill and Adam Cloud. There has always been a personal dislike between these two camps. Now that the current tax collector is out, Hill and Cloud will choose the new one. Hill and Cloud will now consolidate even more power - especially with regards to the financial aspects of the City.

    I wonder if the mayor is aware of the events that are unfolding? I would like to hear what he has to say about the tax collectors departure.

  44. I would like to hear what he has to say
    At the beginning the Mayor seemed willing and able to let us know what was going on. Maybe it was just in comparison to the utter lack of communication from Pedro. In any case, it feels as if we are still drifting towards the falls in a rudderless boat. And, with little word from the Strong Mayor it's a nighttime nautical disaster.
    Senators Coleman and Fonfara; can we please consider a control board?

  45. Note to Marc (or Anne Goshdigian who took notes from his presentation at the Internal Audit Commission meeting on Wednesday):

    Please post your yearly tax collection figures so that others can see the impressive job you did despite non-cooperation at City Hall and cuts to your staff. You will be most remembered for trying to end the unnecessary tax lien sales that forced so many to lose their homes in the North End or take on loans with extraordinary rates. Also, for trying in vain to get our legislators to make a statutory change to an urban tax collector's ability to set his/her own rate of 12%, to encourage affordable delinquent tax collection plans. The current rate benefits investors and harms homeowners – it should never have been set to 18% in Connecticut, the highest in New England.

    Thanks for your years of service to Hartford, Marc.

  46. Anonymous 12:59. The Mayor doesn't give a dam.....he is keeping a plainly incompetent loser like Darryl Hill for a critical job within city hall and figures that he will move up in politics within 4 years and all of you suckers who were played by his BS,or were bought by him will forget all of his poor decisions within 4 years anyway.

  47. @Alyssa: Happy to oblige.

    When Marc Nelson became the Tax Collector in 2008, the city sales of tax liens at that time was $11 million. This year, the sales have dipped to $5 million. Hartford is currently selling much less in tax liens than it had before he took office.

    Just recently, he ran a log of the tax office staff, and crossed out all the names of those who no longer work there. Where there used to be 19 staffers, there are now 7 (not counting Marc). Three staffers were laid off in May, due to the budget cuts, so the department is now doing more with fewer resources. Hours were cut, and the tax office is now open only until 2 p.m. MTW, until 7 p.m. on Thursday, and until 2:30 p.m. on Friday. However, some staffers are still in the office after closing hours, enabling them to do their work without interruption from the public. The tax department budget for the previous fiscal year was $947,000; for the current fiscal year, it is $676,000. The tax department took the biggest cut in all the revenue areas of municipal government.

    The city has virtually no more training programs for employees, which used to be run on a regular basis. Because there has recently been a lot of transition of top (appointed) managers, middle managers--such as Marc--find it difficult to even leave the office.

    Marc ran a history of the annual tax collection rate for all the years that were available on the record: 1986-1999. During that time period, the highest rate achieved in collected taxes was 97.2%; it is currently 97.5 %--the highest in 30 years.

    In 2008, when Marc took over as Tax Collector, he found that the city budget estimate for tax revenue collected during the previous year came up $10 million short. During his eight year tenure, he beat the budget estimate every year. And for the recent fiscal year, the tax department took in $3 million MORE than had been estimated in the budget.

    His salary, as he leaves office, is $102,000/year.

  48. Hey Kevin ,No update on YARDGOAT STADIUM??? Centerplan suing Josh Solamon,Josh Solamon threating to find another stadium,Dunkin Donuts saying they're staying (I assume the signage is "free" advertisement now) ,no word on insurance company stepping in and Bronin has nothing to say. Kevin, PLEASE DO SOMETHING !!!!!!!

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. The city charter specifically dictates how the tax collection rate is calculated in the budget to keep the politicians from artificially inflating revenue. The lien sales go into the tax collection rate so without them the collection rate would revert to 93-94%

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Hartford residents should unite and file a lawsuit against Pedro Segarra and Thomas Deller for hitting us with their fantasy stadium, which was clear from day one that it was going to be a disaster.

  53. Rumors from the DNC are suggesting that Sarita y Bronin will join Malloy in DC if Hillary gets elected.

    Ojala - Dios por favor, make this true!!!!

  54. Mayor SaraLuke is an empty suit and would fail miserably in Washington DC like he has failed here in Hartford.

  55. Kevin, are you ready for tonight? Darrell Hill has the votes 8-1 solid.

    Side Note: counsel sucks!

  56. 8 -1 vote. Shameful. At best he should get 0 - 1.

  57. Kevin - you should ask Leigh Ralls and Adam Cloud where will the celebration take place??

    City Hall is a joke - NOTHING has changed!!

  58. Tonight is the night in which Mr Hill gets anointed by the powers of FM Harris and the debasing and capitulation of Sarita y Bronin.

    Que Fking Pendejos !

  59. According to the Courant, Marc Nelson took a job in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., a small town, 1/4 the size of Hartford.

  60. @5:01am
    If this is the case, Marc moving from Hartford to Poughkeepsie, what's his salary over there? I bet you he gets much less.


  62. Sen~or Clean-

    Pendejos is plural for Pendejo. {Many Pendejos}

    The Spanish/English Trans:

    Enjoy man...

  63. The Girl Scout cookie lady ralls will start selling cookies so Mr.Hill can pay his car taxes
