Friday, August 26, 2016


Hartford's albatross on its taxpayers is sitting empty and may be sitting empty and unused for some time. Even though it is sitting empty, the costs continue to add up, and according to a report released today by Hartford's Internal Audit Commission,. And the amount is far greater than the 63 or 64 Million that keeps getting quoted by the mainstream media,

According to auditors, the figure is  currently at $102million and rising. That number does not include approximately $5 Million dollars that the city owes for unpaid invoices from May

In the meantime we are still waiting to see the report from Arch Insurance that the Hartford Stadium Authority Chairman I. Charles Matthews promised us would be completed in two weeks... that was on June 6, 2016.

That figure also does not include litigation expenses and potential settlements or judgments as this mess moves forward, unsettled and unresolved.


  1. Also missing from this is the cost of another $4-5 million the city may have to pay the previous parcel owners after they took the property by eminent domain.

  2. The mayor and council should allow city residents free admission to all Yard Goat games, concessions and beer included. Everything else is free for them. Obviously the city can afford to do that, after all whats a few million for big spending Hartford CT?

  3. Who ever is shocked at this report is a fool. Hartford is run by Liberal Progressive Democrats. Look at every other city run by their kind, their cities are in total chaos. Detroit, Atlanta, Washington D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia. Hartford is no better. Hate to say it but all these mention cities are run by minorities who care more about themselves and their friends than the citizens of their respected cities. You want black lives matter and black power mentality, then this is what you get, seep what you row. If it makes you feel better by calling me a racist and saying derogatory comments, so be it but the truth is the truth.

  4. Hey at least the great Philanthropist Josh Solomon is willing to loan Hartford some money to finish the stadium. Where is Pedro? Being fitted for his judicial robe?

  5. Why is there no discussion on how to prevent a political leader from ever being able to skirt the will of the people and enact an authority to finance his pet project. Why no discussion? The only way we can prevent such a mistake again is to address the problem and fix it with legislation.

    Or am I so naive that it cannot be amended.

  6. Hartford looks like a Newburg NY, a near death post industrial sore. Lets say hello to regionalism. - Not

  7. Yo, Pedro, the whole truth is finally coming out about your "done deal" stadium.

  8. @6:42

    I am a liberal to the max but I also am a fiscal conservative, you asshole. You are as bad as a Trump character. Devisive and without much education. You are an ignorant slimball whose only probable enjoyment is posting anonymously.

    Post away fool. And btw, I agree that many liberals are wrong in the belief that government should continue to grow and spend. No, I want a government to be frugal, spend as little as possible while spending on programs that are necessary for a developed national to prosper. That includes regulation not deregulation of systems like the conservative fools that let republicans tap into the corrosive Flint River.

    Go back to mommy and ask for retraining.

  9. Cynthia Jennings could have voted against it. Who is her constituent now?

  10. Time to buy some season tickets for the New Britain Bees... Hope Hartford chokes on this debacle.

  11. 1:21am

    Hope? We already are choking on this mess, have you looked at our deficits and the condition of the City's finances. And sadly, the way Mayor Bronin is handling the matter I don't see any end or resolution in sight

  12. The Great White Hope turned out to be the Great White Dope!

  13. There was never any hope in this stadium. Segarra believed that Hartford residents will be excited of 'new development' so he could easily get re-elected.

  14. 100 million dollars and there will zero accountability. We need to replace the golden parachutes with golden handcuffs.

  15. How hard is Erin Stewart (of NB) laughing at Hartford? It is increasingly looking like bankruptcy will be the only avenue out of this debacle and the other money issues plaguing the city. Regionalization will never happen, every surrounding town will look at past decisions by the mayor and city council and say "No Way, you made your bed, now lie in it."

  16. 10:33
    Without a doubt New Britain Mayor Erin Stewart is a winner. Big time winner, getting up on her feet, operating the stadium with a new team for a tiny investment.
    Kudos to Mayor Stewart.


  18. Kevin, please change the title to:


  19. From the beginning this stadium deal was doomed. It did not make sense financially, socially or morally.

    Financially, the amount being paid for the stadium by the team owner was very little compared to the cost of operations. The cost of the debt is approximately ten times the amount of the rent. This would be like paying a $1,000 mortgage on a house then renting it out for $100.

    Socially, the benefit to be accrued by the ‘north end’ in the form of economic activities, jobs and a better neighborhood, does not look like it will materialize to the extent promised – if at all. All this money being wasted on a building that will not yield benefit and the ‘north end’ is no better off.

    Morally, the baseball team should have never been taken from New Britain. Taking the team from another Connecticut city just down the road the way it was done, is not right. I feel bad for the residents of New Britain whose team was taken from them. Stealing is punishable and many people are being punished right now for doing morally the wrong thing.
