Monday, August 29, 2016


The Ebony Horsewomen had promised the City of Hartford and its residents a major event to take place in Keney Park in a couple weeks. They had promised it to be a huge economic benefit to the City.

Now according to the Ebony Horsewomen's Facebook page, the Connecticut Classic Horse Show has gone the way of Riverfest.

Is this becoming a Hartford tradition to cancel events two weeks before the event?

According to their Facebook page today:

"Dear friends,

Connecticut Classic Horse Show and Ebony Horsewomen, Inc regret to inform you that, due to unforeseen circumstances, we have cancelled the 2016 Connecticut Classic Horse Show. We are disheartened because we know many people were looking forward to this event. We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone for their enthusiasm, support, and help advocating for this event.
We hope to be able to bring the Connecticut Classic Horse Show to Hartford in 2017."

It is unclear at this point what City resources and if any city dollars had been put into the event yet.

Maybe next year.


  1. At the emergency Public Works, Parks and Recreation and Environment meeting in May, Ms. Kelly said that she would not be asking for any assistance from the City. The OMBG committee allocated 100K to several special events in July, which did not include the Classic Horse Show.

  2. No money no show. If you want to cough up some mulla, go for it. But I am not paying.

  3. Whatever the reason, this is very sad. Keney Park and the Ebony Horsewomen are a real asset on so many levels. It would have been great for the entire region if the City had approved the world class riding facility that was proposed years ago, and I had hoped that idea might be resurrected if this event was successful.

    I know how hard Pat Kelly, her colleagues, and the kids worked to get ready for this. It's truly a shame the show was cancelled. It would have been a huge draw for people both inside and outside the City- and yes, like the fireworks, another lost opportunity to show those outside of Hartford what our City has to offer.

  4. Suzann your friend Ms Kelly has been scamming the City out of money for years for that alleged non profit.I am glad that Ms Bronin,the Co-Mayor stepped in and put the kibash on this scam.

  5. Whoaaaa there, Roy Rogers! You have to dish on this one. don't leave us readers hangin about Sara-Luke, the Co-Mayor

  6. Anonymous. 1:20

    IF I dish on on Sara,she will figure out who I am and I will be fired.

  7. i agree with 12:34 AM, Ms. Kelly milked the city for a long rime with this so called 'non profit'

  8. To Anonymous 12:34AM and 2:31AM

    You must be cops up at that hour working third shift. If you or anyone else can explain how Kelly milked the city, we all want to know. Stories out there for long time but no details.

  9. PLENTY OF HORSE SH*TAugust 31, 2016 at 9:40 PM


    Maybe instead of trying to kill the messenger and defend a fraud, you can start asking some of your own questions, here are a couple of suggestions: Ask Pat Kelly why, or on what authority did she take large amounts of City Grant money that was supposed to be used for inner City youth programs to pay for health insurance for her and her husband. Also, maybe ask her where the money went that she charged private persons to board their horses at the City owned stables, I think both of those questions should start to answer the fraud allegations you don't want to see. Maybe you could ask to see her financial books, if her "nonprofit "is on the up and up, it shouldn't be a problem.

  10. Kevin, maybe you should FOI the details on the contaminated soil she dumped in Keney Park and get to the bottom of that.What hazards was she willing to dump on us, and has all the money from the failed even been refunded?

  11. How about FOI of how much $$$ she benefited herself and put in her own pockets. Their tax returns are public record.

  12. PD continues with shenanigans. Why is there just one sergeant in vin taking home a car. How does he get away with that? Or is that something new that sergeants get take home cars. The initials for that supervisor are SS. Mr.Brookman can you please look Into this. That's unnecessary city gas wasted and liability for the city if that sergeant gets in an accident.

  13. 11:52pm ,Have you checked to see if this supervisor is related to Sandra Borges or Terry Waller??? If so,he will get away with anything he wants. Some people don't forget.Right Kev?
