Friday, August 19, 2016


Is the Comcast Xfinity Theater in Hartford putting concertgoers in danger.

The attached video originally posted on twitter would seem to answer that question as YES.

The video was shot during a melee in the parking lot  before the recent Rascall Flatts concert in Hartford. The Comcast Xfinity Theater has seen violence over the years by concertgoers who arrive early and many drink heavily in the parking lots. Many of those drinkers are underage juveniles dropped off by their parents. This "babysitting" process then puts an undue burden and strain on Hartford Police and EMS and local hospitals who must deal with the results of the problem. As well as endangering the safety of decent concertgoers

You can view the original twitter posting here

At the very least this behavior highlights the need for additional Police and Security coverage  to ensure the safety of Comcasts customers. If this was any other entertainment venue, the City would be moving to shut them down until the problem was corrected

This behavior also endangers the handful of Hartford Police Officers assigned to patrol the parking lots during these events. Those numbers need to be increased to ensure orderly behavior for all attending.


  1. Look at these thugs and hoodlums this white on white violence is unacceptable an has to stop wait this mod Obama fault damn liberals

  2. An EMS person once told me the country music artists attracted the worst crowds.

  3. Grand Slam with BaconAugust 20, 2016 at 12:08 AM

    Its a bunch of WHITE entitled little kids from avon and dumpy bristol. Big deal. I rather work that Dennys PJ. You eat well and get to sit and read the paper the entire J.

  4. These white people aren't fighting. They are body slamming. It is an old practiced form of body movement exploration.

  5. When I was working a detail there ,a supervisor from Live Nation said Hartford is unique in that this doesn't happen at other outdoor venues,at least not on this level. We were both working a Dave Matthews show watching the ten AMR units rotating in and out ,,he said he worked a Matthews show the night before in Jersey and they only had ONE transport at that venue.

  6. @12:08

    So you work at Denny's. Is it after you received your GED?

  7. I just hope the City of Hartford, GG's s- so called developmental agency top hog permitted this FU thru agreements land lease via the city of Hartford.

  8. for all the racist out there, this proves that garbage comes in all colors, not just black or puerto rican.

  9. 4:36 ,,,,nice try but statistics show that white teenage wannabe rednecks from the suburbs don't take up much room at the garbage dump. Next your gonna tell me there would be no drug problem in the inner cities if it weren't for suburbanites coming into town to get their fix. It's not being racist ,it's being a realist.

  10. Is it not racism to take a story about out of control kids and dangerous concerts and make it about "white kids" fighting. Aren't you just echoing the stereotypes you rail against by injecting race? I for one assume all of these stories are about out of control youth and safety issues. You should be ashamed of yourselves for making this about "white" kids. I'll spend my tame making sure it's not about "my" kids.

  11. The beautiful thing these are not Hartford residents as so many commentators like to point out when inner city kids do silly crazy sh$t but when it's a bunch of kids of a certain complexion from the suburbs acting a fool it's crickets on the post

  12. 8:32 am ,,Since you want to "go there" ,,, the difference between WHITES AND BLACKS IS,,,,,,,,Caucasions are more likely to honestly state that another Caucasion is F#%CKED UP without making excuses . Whether it's Timothy McVie,,James Earl Ray or Hillary Clinton,,,,This WHITE BOY MAKES NO EXCUSES FOR BAD BEHAVIOR !!! CAN YOU SAY THE SAME??? ALSO , I think another part of the narrative should be that YOU consider beating another human is ,as you put it ,"silly crazy sh$t" ,,while I think it's a serious crime and lack of civility. No crickets from this white boy ,,,"shitbags" are "shitbags" no matter what color you are!

    1. You sound mad cry me a river I'm sure you're a Trump supporter the fact he was the best candidate you republicans could produce to run speaks volumes about your party
