Saturday, September 3, 2016


On July 9, 2016, at 6:13pm, Hartford Police Department patrol officers and members of the Hartford Shooting Task Force responded to the Blue Five Corners convenience store, located at 214 Westland Street, in response to a shooting. Upon arrival it was determined that a shooting had occurred in the parking lot outside. The Detectives were able to view and retrieve video surveillance footage of the incident. Furthermore shell casings were also recovered from the parking lot. The video footage depicts a shooting suspect, later identified as Stacy Asberry, in an exchange of gunfire with a 2nd suspect (not yet charged).

The Detectives began further investigating the incident including witness interviews, extensive video analysis, and social media research. This resulted in Stacy Asberry becoming positively identified as the one of the two shooters.

On September 1, 2016 an arrest warrant was submitted to G.A. 14, charging Stacy Asberry with Criminal Attempt Assault 1st Degree, Unlawful Discharge of a Firearm, Carrying a Pistol w/out a Permit, Weapons in a Motor Vehicle, and Reckless Endangerment 1st Degree. The arrest warrant was approved on the same date with a $200,000 cash /surety bond.

On the evening of September 1 , 2016 Asberry agreed to meet with Detectives at 50 Jennings Road and was taken into custody without incident. A debrief interview was conducted of Asberry who refused to cooperate or provide a statement, he was then transported to the PSC for booking and processing procedures. Asberry has 5 previous Hartford arrests.

During the investigative process it was determined that Asberry is currently employed by the City of Hartford as a Department of Public Works employee. As of today, Asberry is on unauthorized, unpaid leave. His status and this incident will be reviewed by the DPW through the proper administrative processes next week.


  1. Gunfight at the OK Corral.

  2. 6:37pm

    Probably more appropriate "everything is not OK" corral

  3. Kevin,With the "residents only need apply " requirement for the Hartford Fire Department ,,you will be replacing the words "DPW WORKER" with "FIREFIGHTER" in the immediate future.

    1. That's funny the FBI just released its statistics for most violent towns an cities in America an what do ya know turns out Oceana West Virginia which is 97% White is number 1 not to mention the heroin an meth epidemic that is consuming white towns in WV have a blessed day

    2. 7:14 some areas in West Virginia had drug and crime problems forever. It's been poor forever, even before many coal mines were closed, not to mention the coal making entire families and communities sick.
      Bad example, anonymous, bad comparison.

  4. My question is with the five previous arrests, did they take place before he was hired by DPW and if this is the case, who did his back on investigation and why was he hired? Or did thay occur after he was hired, in which case why did Public Works not shitcan him then? Either way, something stinks, I wonder who his references were...

  5. That was a pretty racial asumption stating that only hartford residents will be sure to bring legal issues to any job they have. So only people from the surrounding towns can bring integrity and hard work to the capital city? Im sorry your mind thinks that way.

    1. You didn't know only people in surrounding towns can be firemen policemen an DPW workers Hartford residents don't qualify but I can assure all the white towns an cities that are crime and drug ridden more than likely employ most of their employees from the town or city !!!!!


  7. Hey 10:44am,,,WHERE DID YOU SEE ETHNICITY OR SKIN COLOR IN MY COMMENT???? So let me get this straight,,,,when you see the words "Hartford resident" you ASSUME that's meant to refer to a BLACK OR HISPANIC??? I'm the rascist ????? Please explained yourself! Also for the record ,Hartfords worst performing employees have links to the city. If you don't know that,then you don't know Hartford.

  8. The worst performing employees have links to the city? I think bronin is the worst employee of the city and he has zero ties to hartford. Feels like he just showed up one day, became mayor and now we can't wait for him to leave.

  9. Unsupervised LarcenySeptember 4, 2016 at 9:31 PM

    ATTENTION ALL HPD OFFICERS: Courtesy of hot spot overtime, Officer deMein has been able to set up up his new espresso machine at 211. Please feel free to stop by for your complimentary espresso. Just call in a phony 59/14 in the Asylum Hill area to cover for yourselves.Enjoy


  10. Adam deMein the most corrupt, lazy cop on HPD. He sets up at an office he says
    his. He does not respect Rovella all he does is gossip bad talk Rovella, and talk about his

    partner he is going to marry.The dude does not belong on the job.

  11. 8:04pm,,so ONE outsider equals HUNDREDS of Hartford born and/or raised "DEADBEAT" employees. You must have attended the public schools in Hartford to be that far off in your math.

  12. I would put my name, but im too afraid of the demein connects like sarah broninSeptember 5, 2016 at 2:49 PM

    Why is adem demein even in the 211 office ? He is the downtown cso. What happened to all of the hidden secret spots downtown to hide ?
    At least jimmy barrett actually walks the walk and talks the talk. When was the last time you saw demein on foot patrol downtown? Or even at a business that does not provide free meals like salute. Pretty funny that someone i know lives right above that place.
    In the end, karma will show the lazy true colors of many cso s here. You would logically think the evening hours where the businesses need police downtown would include the area cso.
    Not all are lazy, but a change is needed. Maybe we can give the younger guys a shot and send the demein snails back to pasture.....

  13. Chief Rovella. Enough is enough. Pull the cad and kronos. Proof is in the pudding. Time for a change. Any cso that can basically lie to supervisors about the hilton rope climb should not be in their current positons. These obtuse acts of thieft and laziness have led to a much needed flush.
    I know Chief Rovella and Chief Ford to be men of integrity and a much needed change is needed.
    Demein does not respect the position. He only lives for pjs and slime time details. Once the hooks start to retire, you will see less and less of slug actions like demein.
    He thinks becuase his phone has the mayors number in it that it will carry weight.
    Hey adam, try and dodge another community meeting because you rather work a pj. Then lie to barrett and try to fool him into covering for you. Pretty low. Jimmy does a fantastic job at city hall and you are nothing more then a boat anchor.

  14. Downtown cameras dont lieSeptember 5, 2016 at 3:33 PM

    How many pjs is enough adam? 3 a week? 4 a week? Pretty soon it is going to dry up. When that happens it will be violin time. And according to the pj office, your not too marketable lately. Most cng crews know your games and will refuse to sign your slip in the morning when you demand them to. Its pretty sad when work crews actually know the officers name. To prove everyone that this is the truth, i will grab the cng crew chief name that talked so highly of you sitting in your vehicle and then constantly asking when they are going to be done.
    These actions cost the good rep of officers that dont scam the system and play games.
    Actions speak louder then words. The cad system does not lie. Maybe i will print a couple of months out and leave them around city hall for all to see.
    what a shame. What would happen if you made less then 125k a year ? You probably would blame rovella or other officers instead of looking in the broken mirror of shame.

  15. I take it Adam pi$$ed off the upper echelon or someone close to Brookman that's why these comments are being allowed lol every CSO is guilty of the scams please so he has some connections an y'all cry on the blog ??

  16. Adam keep making that money

  17. Adam,

    Maybe you and Chris ought to stop whining to you Sgt. and Lt. and anyone else that will listen to your crap and do a little self reflection. Why not try doing your job and stop the scams to regain the trust and confidence of the good officers here. The truth hurts , but you do know it is the truth. Maybe you can get Salute to give you some biscotti to go with the 211 espresso when you entertain at the subby.

  18. 7:01 PM

    Do you disagree with anything that is being posted? I do not shy away from the truth . And yes, there are plenty of CSO's that are scammers, but there also are others that are great and go out of the way for the community they serve and earn their positions everyday. And the connections are rapidly disappearing and then I guess it is back to reality once the protection is gone

  19. Kevin,What is your thought on keeping all these substations open? What's the cost vs.reward? I've asked you before ,it should be discussed. I know you've seen the cruisers and supervisors suv's at the Farmington Ave . How does anyone justify this wate of money.? They spent millions building the safety complex and it could be reached from anywhere in the city in ten minutes. Does upper management care? Or did they abuse the privilege on their way up too?

  20. I seem to remember a former blue hills cso who stated that he needed to work pjs instead of community meeting. George was then shown the door. How is this any different? Im just very proud that jimmy barrett called your cicero poker nite bluff and caught you not only disrespecting your sgt and Lt, but also exposing your lack of any shred of respect for the community you claim to police. It seems the shoe is on the other foot these days adam. I dont blame command staff at all. We are own grown ups here. Do your job, plain and simple. Barrett does three times the amount of work you do. Another pretty obvious fact. It musta been a great pj. .....

    Should i start on chapter 2 of de mane antics at Hpd, or wait till next week ?

  21. Adam can work the walmart nightmare and dennys overnight pancake telethon. Plenty of work fellas.

  22. Can someone please explain what these acronyms stand for? CSO, PJS?

  23. 7:55PM

    The questiuon is not so much one of whether the substations are worth it, but rather what is the value of them. If they are a positive influence in a neighborhood and are utilized properly, they are well worth it, such as 130 New Britain Ave. If they are used as social clubs to hang out, hide away and watch cable TV and drink espresso, then they should be shut down immediately. The visibility is important, but so are cruisers patrolling the streets where they belong. I am told that officers also have their own private offices where they can hide, and even hang out and sleep such as one hotel downtown

    If officers are using the substations for their intended use, such as being able to write reports close to their areas and use computers, but in this age of technology, I am not sure why all that can't be done right from a laptop in a cruiser, but I am told that the USB drives are inaccessible in the new laptops in the cars so officers can't save their reports to a thumbdrive.

    Again it goes back to supervision,. I am pretty sure that an unannounced visit to 211 by a Deputy Chief would be an eye opener and set a very different tone than the Espresso shop is setting now. Last night when I drove by , there were two supervisors SUV's and five marked cruisers parked in the lot, It may have very well been legit, but I kind of doubt it and one Officer working an OT shift, at probably about $55.00 an hour, was busy setting up a new espresso machine in the office and then holding his own private tea party when it was ready. I think that money could have been spent much more wisely..

    And yes , the truth hurts but it is the truth.

  24. 8:27PM
    Sorry, CSO stands for a Community Service Officer, a police officer assigned to a specific neighborhood as part of Hartford's Community Policing Program. PJ is a term for a Private Duty Job, or private Job. these are when Hartford Police Officers work at construction jobs or when they are hired and paid for by a third party, not the City, such as Stop and Shop or Walmart or sometimes by bars or businesses throughout the City needing extra security. PJ's are different than Overtime assignments and the City actually makes a substantial profit off PJ's when they are billed properly and collected from the vendor.

    It is a confusing language, but feel free to ask anytime you need an explanation

  25. Hey hammer,

    Let me write Chapter 2 for you.

    How did he survive the night he was driving the wrong way on Pratt Street, and clearly 36. and stopped by a certain Deputy Chief, he should have been immediately disciplined and removed from his position at that time.

    This is going to get ugly

  26. Power DMS tee shirts available in 608September 5, 2016 at 9:00 PM

    Chapter 3 will be coming soon.

    The real sad thing is that each and every comment is fact. That is already pretty disturbing.
    The chanaka thing was dumb and blown out, but demone has been stickin it to his fellow officers for years. Always an excuse. Always a way to wiggle out of work.
    Ask the pj office about who gets the most 29s ( complaints from job crews ) i will bet my boat that he is in the top five of pj antics.
    Cng, eversource, shall i go on ?
    Dont take it personnal adam, you just make it more difficult for other officers trying to do the right thing son .

  27. Thursday union meetingSeptember 5, 2016 at 9:11 PM

    Who cares. All i care about is the this thursday's union meeting. Bring your popcorn, becuase future union prez sgt james rut is gonna go 80s hulk hogan on holton.

    Vote james 2016 union prez.

    He has the edge

    He has the drive

    He leads and i follow

  28. There is only one supervisor I have first hand knowledge of who actually always "supervised" that supervised Adam in patrol. When he saw Adams antics and laziness he rode him. Adam couldn't take the supervision and transferred out of his car to escape the supervisor. Probably one of the only supervisors that actually handled officers like Adam appropriately. Adam never learned or changed his ways.

  29. Make barrett the downtown cso. Not one person would disagree.
    Reward barrett for all he does.

  30. James rut for union prezSeptember 5, 2016 at 9:45 PM

    Showdown at the union meeting. Time to get the james train on the tracks....

    Vote james union prez.

    25 year guys unite

    James will lead us now

    Retire holton to the waterford speed bowl !!!!!!


  31. James Rutkowski Still wears his uniform off duty to

    get his 10 per cent discount. Rutkowski and deMein both

    talk bad about Robbie Ford And Rovella. deMein said Rob Ford

    is ignant, ignorant and Jimmy Rovella flunked the Sergeant test twice.

    Rutkowski is also racist and uses dirty language.


  32. deMein is known to drink alcohol on the

    job. No one does anything.Only Rob Ford
    who does not like demain said he would.
    Rob Ford used filthy language on Italians
    and received a 5 day suspension. Lets see what happens.

  33. Blue hills cso was removed from his spot because he wanted to work pjs instead of go to community meetings. Fact

    Deman tried to use the sgt and Lt 's name and order barrette to cover for him so he could work a pj instead of going to a very important downtown city hall involved meeting. Fact

    These are all facts. A very simple one page memo could justify a removal. How is this incident any different then the george issue in blue hills ?

    I gues the blue hills area has more juice then city hall and downtown. .....

  34. Its a long fact filled bookSeptember 6, 2016 at 12:51 PM

    Chapter 3

    525 main st antics. Back in the day it beer. Now its espresso. Demans antics are the same, but he has grasped a second tier level of sophistacation these says

  35. Leave little adam aloneSeptember 6, 2016 at 1:28 PM

    Gonna be hot at the union meeting on thursday at 1630 hrs.
    Prez elect james rut will address the troops.
    Uhaul boxes will be dropped off on friday morning.


  36. I just met Demein a few weeks ago when 2 workers were fighting. He was the most rude arrogant cop I ever met. You know I fully understand after witnessing him in action why cops get ****

    NOTE- a portion of this comment has been edited

  37. Surprise inspection of firearms at rollcalls!! Dixies daddy is checkin guns, they better be clean! 3 strikes your out and you go to booking!!!! (Just ask stroud how less lethal class went) It's a pain in the butt on top of everything else in this place. There glocks they will work dirty

  38. To Anonymous at 1432.

    You should clean your gun. That is the ONLY tool that will save your life. I for one will want a CLEAN and FUNCTIONING gun in the event that I need it to save my life or someone else. Your tone is unprofessional. TO complain about cleaning a "GLOCK" is nonsense. Its an easy weapon system to clean. You probably don't remember the SW 4506 and what that took to clean.

    So if its a "pain in the butt" to clean your weapon system then why don't you turn your badge and gun in and go work for travelers where they will entertain your nonsense, and complaining about non issues. If it's a pain in the butt to do your job and maintain your equipment, I wounder what else you cut corners about, in your job. Things that make ya go Hmmmmmmm.......

    You see, I will sign my name to this. This is Sergeant Jeff Morrison, the South Patrol Supervisor, that HAS broken a GLOCK on a suspect. SO if anyone one has anything to say about THIS gun it is me. I needed it and it didn't work. I HAVE to carry it just like you. So maintain your equipment, you may need it to save your life. If i can do it, so can you.

  39. Thank you Sergeant Morrison for stating what should be common sense. I am also surprised by officers that are upset when they don't qualify at the range and then have their weapons taken away. The days of giving the range master a carton of cigarettes and a case of red Bull to qualify are done.

    Any officer complaining about a range master actually doing his job does not understand officer safety

  40. I give Officer Cavanna credit, he wanted to be the rangemaster and he worked to get it, surprisingly the pd let an officer stay somewhere they are good at. I'm not the best shooter and for years Lou was telling me that my grip was all wrong, I would come to the range, shoot poorly and Lou would tell me every time to change my grip. When I told cavanna that he laughed and said grip has nothing to do with hitting the target, it has to do with follow up? He then took my pistol and held it upside down at the 50 yard line and shot the target multiple times in a row to prove what I had been told was wrong. After talking the time to teach me I shot better than I did in the academy, I surprised myself and shot a 280. It's to bad he will have to leave if he gets made.

  41. The fact that guys are complaining about cleaning their guns is ridiculous. For whatever dented can of a cop wrote that nonsense, please do the rest of us a favor and hand in your badge and filthy firearm. With that kind of attitude, you are a detriment not only to yourself, but to your coworkers and the community you are supposed to be protecting. Open your eyes. We as cops have a nice big target on our backs right now and I for one would like to know my equipment will work properly so I can go home at the end of my tour. Have some pride in yourself and knock off your bs or perhaps a career change would be your best course of needs plenty of bartenders.

  42. Really 2:32pm? Your going to complain that cavanna is checking your gun to make sure it's clean???? He's trying to save your ignorant life!!!! If I'm on a call and you back me up I want your gun to work if I'm being stabbed!!! Don't you want mine to work?? We aren't talking about washing your under wear or socks, we're talking about something that could save your life! Stay in booking loser!!

  43. Let's be real people, there's two things cavanna is excellent at, shooting/teaching firearms and growing an epic mustache
