Thursday, September 29, 2016


I think we keep hearing the words "done deal" associated with the Hartford Stadium deal, but that could actually be the furthest thing from reality.

It would seem that Centerplan, the stadium developer thrown off the project in June by the King and his Court Jester I. Charles Matthews, I mean Mayor Luke Bronin, has a few weapons still left in their arsenal. Probably one of the best weapons in the form of the Connecticut courts.

Today Centerplan added to their actions against the City of Hartford in the form of an "Emergency Motion to Preserve Evidence" filed late today in Superior Court. This motion will most likely prevent work from resuming on the Stadium until the request is reviewed by a Judge.

There aren't too many promised dates that have actually come true on this mess since Bronin took office. I have  a hard time putting much confidence in anything Bronin or the Hartford Stadium Authority's I. Charles Matthews have to say.

It is also interesting to note that other key members of the Hartford Stadium Authority have not been consulted or included in recent decision making of the HSA.

The Dunkin Donut Stadium mess is most likely going to drag on for a while

I have to wonder how much longer  Dunkin Donuts is going to allow their corporate image and good name  to be associated with this colossal debacle


  1. I have said this before and I wil, say it again. Let the thing burn down. Let it implode. I don't care the economic consequences. I want this to be a lesson for the world to see. Let the whole god damn thing blow up. Let Soloman and his team leave in a trail of smoke. Let litigation begin and counter suit. Let it happen. I wish Segarra could be dragged into this but unfortunately, he can't.

    Ok? I want to address the concept of "Authorities." How to ensure that this instrument can never be used to circumvent the will of the people. Is anyone out there who can explain where this originates and what are the advantages and well, we know the disadvantages.

    Can it and should it be removed as an alternative to referendums.

    And btw Kevin, glad to see you are back and I hope you are doing better. Eat right.

  2. Centerplan please go away and focus on fleecing your next stupid victim in Atlantic City. Everything you've touched in CT has been frought with problems you've spent all your political capital here time to move on out of state and don't let the door hit you in the proverbial a#* as you slink out.

  3. Kevin, Bronin is a joke with his lies and deception. Do you remember when he said construction was resuming the first week of August? I do! He thought we were stupid enough to believe that a architect inspecting stadium and revising plans COUNTS AS CONSTRUCTION !!! MALLOY TAUGHT YOU WELL ,LOSER!

  4. Bronin does nothing but lie and deceive, why do you think there has been no progress with the unions. Bronin lies and says that he negotiates when all he really does is send out insane demands. Kevin, you and your well off Hartford supporters drank the Bronin juice and now are realizing that it's laced with poison.

  5. 11:26am

    Not that facts matter, but go back and check. I firmly believed , and still do, that Bob Killian was the best choice for Hartford' s future

  6. Kevin, indeed, Bob was the best choice. Who know, maybe agains some time.

    Hey speaking of mayors, I saw 'Lil Ole Pedro having a cozy little lunch at the Nutshell with Matt Hennessy today. Which of course, begs to be mentioned that politics makes strange bed fellows. And you know... Pause... Oh never mind. If I say more, I will get in trouble.

  7. The inexperienced, corrupt, overcharging owners of Centerplan/DoNo had many, many, many months to "preserve" their "evidence." They controlled this ballpark until their dismissal a few months ago.
    Sorry Centerplan, you're a done deal. Get lost, you have done enough damage to the people of Hartford.

  8. Anonymous @ 2:52 Daytime drinking makes you see all kinds of things that aren't there!

  9. The most important section of this failed ballpark is the Pedro Segarra-Charlie Ortiz and friends luxury suite. Make sure this suite is built to the Segarra-SKB (Remember her?) demands and specifications.

  10. 7:24

    Centerplan is playing sour grapes. They lost and now they want the city to loose. Either way, they will be sued and they will counter sue. I knew this would occur. In my opinion, there is plenty of evidence to give the city a good chance of succeeding in litigation. For all intent, Centerplan is history. They were a fraud from the get go. Segarra was bobbing is head up and down on Centerplan.

  11. Adam demane can hire the ghost of xmas past to send letters to everyone in the department to stop pointing out his flaws. Maybe try doing your job and concentrate on the free meals and espressos in 2017.

    1. Ok enough with this Adam Demane stuff. It was funny the first time around. Now you are beating a dead horse with a stick. If indeed Demaine has been an inefficient officer then I am sure Rovella will take the proper course of action. He has done a good job getting rid of the dead weight around HPD.

  12. He was the best mayor in the USOctober 1, 2016 at 10:21 AM


    Was lunch after they had a cigarette (or a cigar) or before?

  13. Please take a poll to see if Hartford wants to keep Sara as Co-Mayor

  14. The Hartford TattlerOctober 3, 2016 at 12:33 AM

    We are already in Luke's rear view mirror. On debate night he watched the debate at the home of billionaire Arnold Chase, instead of going to any number of venues in Hartford to watch the debate with Hartford residents.

  15. Luke Bronon raised one million dollars to be the Mayor of Hartford. Is anyone surprised that he is buddies with Arnold Chase? Bronin's position is out in left field yet he never catches the ball. Bronin has made bad decisions about the stadium and other city matters. Do not forget Bronin is in charge because of Charter revision.

  16. We are also in a mud slide. Luke Bronin is begging for help from the towns. If the town people were interested in Hartford they would have never left. Let Arnold Chase bail Bronin out of the debt that Mike Peters, Eddie Perez, Pedro Seggara and Charlie Ortiz tenure left Hartford in a disaster zone. Go Hartford, The Rising Star......

  17. @4:39

    Your diatribe didn't make any sense. First, I know rich people. They are no better or worse then poor folk. One will bring out a bottle of Don Parion. (Misspell) The other will take out a bottle of cold duck. Mayor Bronin fired a gang of dishonest incapable thieves hired by a very corrupt previous administration . He did the right thing.

    And my name is Bill Katz. What is your name, coward?

  18. Rip Jimmy Jenkins

  19. Hey Bill Katz,Do consider "whistleblowers" in the workplace exposing corruption,etc. and the "Jane and John Does" (most related to sexual molestation or rape) COWARDS FOR THEIR ANONYMITY????IF SO,THEN YOUR A F#%KING A$&HOLE!!!!!

  20. Kevin where is the justice ??

  21. "The Dunkin Donut Stadium mess is most likely going to drag on for a while"
    There is only 1 person who has been assigned this project from the start - still not seeing anything about the Senator's Son being hired by the city, and then completely screwing this up from the start. Where's the story on Looney's ineptitude, Kevin?!
