Friday, September 23, 2016


September 11th is an easy date to remember. This year it is even easier now.

On Sunday September 11th I went to the Cathedral of Saint Joseph for the celebration of the "Blue Mass" to honor our first responders. It was a beautiful sunny day, like I remember the morning of the  the original terrorist attack on the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon.

Everything was going well until I started to walk back home, and I noticed a slight discomfort in my chest. I just chalked it up to a little too much coffee for breakfast and indigestion.  I then stopped by my mothers house and the "indigestion" wasn't going away. I eventually headed home and grabbed the Tums to ease the indigestion.

The Tums weren't working.

Since my stroke last year, the tingling in my right hand and arm is a constant reminder, but when the tingling started in my left arm, I knew that wasn't a good. The pain then began to radiate across my back and shoulders and eventually to my jaw .All bad signs

At that time, the pain in my chest was still there, but more like indigestion, and not the severe pain I think is usually associated with a heart attack.

I decided not to gamble and I ended up in St. Francis ER. Sure enough, I was having a heart attack.

I was admitted, and that night, and while watching the Patriot's game, the pain became unbearable and began to feel like the classic "elephant on your chest" we always hear about. The nitroglycerin  was doing nothing and morphine soon became my best friend that night. Actually the morphine and my nurse Kevin who was coordinating my care both became my buddies that night. His compassion and professionalism were definitely reassuring during that time.

The rest of the next week was a fast paced adventure with plenty of ups and downs. All along the way, it is hard not to think that the big one is just a heart beat away, and trying to have confidence that if that happened, I was in the right place.

Initially, one of the cardiologists told me that with my cardiac enzyme levels, I was lucky I didn't ignore the symptoms or they may have found me in my home the next day after a massive cardiac arrest.

Modern medicine is still an amazing thing and I was in awe that something that may have very well killed me 20 years ago was being managed.

I have to say, it is a little unnerving when you are asked to sign a release where one of the side effects is death, but I built quick confidence in my cardiologist, Dr Freund, as well as the catheter team that was going to send a wire through my arteries and up into my heart. On the table in the cath lab, I got a very nice warm feeling and I asked what the drug they were injecting was and I was told Fentanyl.

I asked if that wasn't what was now being mixed with heroin casing numerous overdoses, and they assured me that it was being done a little differently than on the streets. Ironically, at the same time that my Fentanyl was being administered to me, members of the Hartford Police Emergency Response Team were ingesting Fentanyl on their own as the result of a drug raid and subsequent result of Fentanyl vapors becoming airborne. Luckily they all recovered fine.

Once the Fentanyl kicked in, I think Pedro Segarra or Ken Kennedy could have walked into the cath lab and told me they were going to do the procedure and I wouldn't have cared. Luckily though, they didn't, the procedures went well, blockages were opened and the rest will hopefully be history.

It is amazing to be laying and watch someone fish a wire up into your heart and open blocked arteries, all while it is displayed on a huge flat screen TV by your head

The prognosis is good and my heart is probably in better condition now than it was pre Blue Mass. Now the big challenge is maintenance and keeping it healthy

To everyone that supported me, visited me and offered words of encouragement and prayers, my sincerest thanks to you all


  1. So glad you're okay! St. Francis Hospital is the best, isn't it?

  2. Mr. Brookman I missed your updates and wondered what was up. Good to hear that you are better and everything worked out well. You have to stay healthy who else will expose the true happenings in Harford, certainly not the media. Without the light you shed on the goings on in Harford, all our health's are threatened.

  3. Kevin, You've done good up to this point. It's no longer about Hartford anymore. Please think about yourself and family for a change. Whether you move up north or down south,,,,please just move. You may win some battles but you will never win the war when it comes to Hartfords demise. I hope you consider my advice. Think about your and my ancestors ,they risked everything for a better life. Being a martyr is overrated . As much as I love and hate this blog, your health is more important. If your that stubborn and compelled with your committing to your agenda then at the very least throttle back to a couple days a week. It will do you good . If you don't do it for yourself then do it for your mother.

  4. Kev- wishing you only best during your recover. May God continue to bless you and your family.

  5. Kevin, while I thought something was strange, that we haven't heard from you in awhile, and you do such a great job keeping us posted about the things going on in Hartford, which is very much appreciated, remember one thing, nothing is more important then your, please take care and like one other person has advised you...only a couple days...that's it ! Hartford and it's same old same old, it's not worth it, so, relax, and take care of yourself, and speedy recovery !

  6. Kevin, glad the prognosis is favorable. With medication and proper exercise I'm sure you'll feel better soon. ( I should also take that advice)Just know that you were missed,

  7. I new something was wrong, no comments were posted :( God bless you, please take care yourself, we need you :)

  8. Best wishes for continued recovery and good health! You certainly have a guardian angel!

  9. My daily prayers include you Mr Hartford Blog reporter. Thanks for all you do for Hartford residents and taxpayers. Stay safe.

  10. Kevin, my friend, please know that there are many, many people who care about you a lot. Yes, your blog has been an invaluable resource to the people of Hartford for years; may it continue for a long time to come. Now, though, it's time to concentrate on your health. Do it for yourself, your family, your friends, and your faithful readers. Feel better every day!

  11. I have been thinking of you. When ever you don't post for more than a few days. I know it is not good. You continue in the prayers of the community at Grace Lutheran--so I know you will be find. Hugs always/

  12. We all pray that you have a full recovery.

  13. Maybe god heal you and continue to watch over you. Thank you for all that you do.

  14. Thank God you were so aware of the symptoms and took prompt action. I hope you experience can save other lives.

  15. Kevin, why have you stopped making examples of HFD members getting arrested. Does the latest not fit the profile.
