Wednesday, November 30, 2016


A man and his horse

It is not too often we see common sense working in Hartford, but here we go.

According to several sources, a tentative deal has been struck to save the Hartford Police Mounted Unit. This after word came out that Hartford's mayor was in the process of selling off the Mounted Units assets to the Rockland County New York Sheriff's Department for $500.00. There was apparently a large outcry by people caught off guard by the potential sale, including the Hartford City Council.

After I first posted that story, the calls came in fast and steady expressing outrage at the deal. You can read that original story here

Now it seems that a regular reader of the blog , and a horse lover, has come up  with a creative plan to save the Mounted Unit.

According to sources, a deal is close to being signed off on that would place the maintenance and care of the horses under the direction of the Governor's Foot Guard enabling HPD to overcome the budget difficulties  it is facing related to maintaining the unit.. Much of the work of the Governor's Foot Guard is done by volunteers and would free up regular Hartford Police Officers who currently maintain the horses 7 days a week.

I will be posting much more on this as the plan becomes formalized., but it is a great start and a win-win for both HPD and the Governor's Foot Guard. I  understand that there have been numerous offers from the private sector to maintain the Unit also.

Here is some information from the Governor's Foot Guard's website as to who they are:
The First Company Governor's Foot Guard is a military unit of the State of Connecticut, although with a vibrant and active National Guard, the primary function of the Governor's Foot Guard is mostly ceremonial.   Statutory authority for the existence of the First Company comes from C.G.S. 27-6,  which authorizes the existence of and the organizational structure of the State Organized Militia Units.   As a military unit, the First Company follows policies and procedures set forth by statute, the policies, and orders of The Governor, and those set forth by The Adjutant General of the Connecticut National Guard.   These are the same rules that apply to members of the state National Guard and among other things, require members of the First Company to attend annual training each summer at the National Guard installation in Niantic and authorize the First Company for call-up to active duty by order of the Governor to assist in times of natural disaster and civil emergencies..

You can view the entire Foot Guard website here:


  1. Well, I guess we know what Jenna will be reporting about tomorrow after she reads your blog

    1. Jenna gets almost all HPD stories from this blog. Jenna is a bottom feeder slime reporter who blatantly lies and the liberal failing Courant allows it. Just like she lied in the Rashad Moon Murder trial article.

    2. According to the article written by David Owens witnesses testified in court that they were threatened by the shooting task force to give written statements I'd be charged as conspirators to murder given recent events involving a certain retired sergeant from the STF that can't be good for the prosecution smh

    3. Since when does STF investigate homicides?
      Too bad never. Once again the Courant should check the facts. The lead detective, a great investigator, took all the statements. The prosecution, best prosecutor in the state, is not concerned.

    4. What do you think happens as time passes and the suspect's family and friends get to the witnesses? Funny how that never came up in the witness pre-meet with prosecutor.

    5. Dave Z. is in it to win it. Detective CR is top notch. These characters will do ANYTHING to stay off of that witness stand, yes, even if that means trying to tarnish a great investigator. Too bad that didn't work out for jahvon.


  2. who ever thought it was a good idea to sell all that equipment for $500.00 . Is Segarra back in town?

  3. Kevin, this is a real "feel-good" post. Thank you!

  4. Anne,

    it will feel a lot better when it is signed and a done deal but definitely good news, people using their heads for a change , doing what is best for Hartford

  5. Nice to see you breaking the story again, Kevin. Why not put this at the TOP of the blog and let it stay awhile??

  6. Jeez, took the Courant long enough to copy you, Kevin.

    This Vella guy's a hack.

  7. Kevin, you should hire Vella and Carleso, I'm sure you could pay them better. You could also definitely teach them a thing or two regarding journalism.

  8. I actually like Vinnie Vella's writing style, he tends to put more of the human side into his stories. As far as teaching anyone anything. I think basic writing and grammar is taught in elementary school, not to adults. I don't think you can teach trust, you either have it or you don't. For some reason people trust me, that is why they talk to me. I don't usually have to go too far to find my stories, people usually call me and I go from there.
