Wednesday, November 30, 2016


This needs no commentary other than to read the letter sent out by Chief Foley tonight,

Please see the letter below, it is about a kind gesture by an observant HPD Patrol Officer. Officer Agustin Flores (pictured)  is a great representative of the amazing women and men of HPD.

“Deputy Chief Foley, I hope you’re the right person to contact with this message of appreciation, and that you’ll distribute it as you think appropriate:

My family and I would like thank the officer who stopped traffic on Maple Avenue last Saturday evening, November 26, at about 5:30 PM, so that my very elderly aunt and her two only somewhat less elderly assistants could cross to reach First & Last. There is no question that this group would have been well advised to handle accessing F&L some other way (like a legitimate crosswalk). Suffice it to say that there was no parking on the F&L side, and my 96-year-old aunt insisted she was “fine to walk” across Maple rather than to be dropped off next to the restaurant.

It was dark by then, and traffic was steady and fairly heavy, including cars exiting the holiday light show on the golf course. The three ladies started across Maple, but there was zero chance they were going to make it without dodging cars.

A Hartford PD cruiser heading north on Maple obviously saw this scene. Thinking quickly, the officer turned at an angle to traffic, stopped his (her?) vehicle and hit the blue lights. Traffic in both directions stopped, and the ladies made their slow way across the street safely. The officer wished the group a nice evening, but there was no chance to get his (again – her, possibly, the group did not get a good look) name or other identifying information.

My family and I very much appreciate this quick and most courteous assistance. I (originally from Wethersfield) along with my son were visiting from North Carolina, and were impressed but not surprised by this example of Northern hospitality and holiday spirit. The same went for family from PA, MA and CT who heard about this when our relatives made it into F&L

Compliments from Hennessey’s from four states to your officer, and best wishes to all of the Hartford PD for a safe and peaceful holiday season”


  1. Very very nice of the officer.

  2. Kevin, Who got fired from HFD?

  3. no one that I know of today, e-mail me more info and I can try to get details

  4. No washington job for broninDecember 1, 2016 at 11:26 PM

    What does captain chilly reathis do around here ? Honestly, explain please. 200 k a year , take home car , and probably a healthy 130 k pension for him to live the aftermath of his reckless career.
    Question for you mr brockman. What do the captains and "inside" house mouse command staff need gas sucking suvs for ? I understand division or field Lts. But some get to drive suvs to headquarters each day to sit at a desk or count the dots on the ceiling.

    1. 130k pension......try more like 140k+
      27 years at 72%+ @ 200,000 min average

    2. And they wonder why the city is broke and expect surrounding towns to donate money???

    3. These guys did their time. They were hired under a contractual agreement that the city agreed to, just like any other city or town. Any of you cry babies could have chosen the same path, but you didn't. Who the heck cares what the man leaves with. Any of you can stay that long and work jobs, you don't, cause your lazy with no drive.

  5. Nice to see more good news
    Now it would be great to hear that Brainard Airport is saved

  6. Great job HPD's Auggie!

  7. Ms Bronin runs the cityDecember 3, 2016 at 9:35 PM

    I guess bronins wife got mad when she had to wait for the 5k runners to cross the street. She had to wait a bit and decided to yell at an officer, " dont you know who i am !!" Im sure she made a complaint.
    I would have told her to enjoy her temp spot while it lasts. Bronin will be a one term mayor.

    1. Miss me now?
      Sarah wears the pants in the family. She thinks she should get special treatment and is rude.
      Charlie was always such a gentleman.

  8. Brookman do you or any of your faithful readers and followers have any loyalty when Bronin was running for mayor all the cops were so Gung Ho on him coming and changing the city for the better but now all they do is cry and complain about him I actually find it hilarious good thing he's pro city and pro the little people and not some Trump pro cop liberal basher

  9. 9:35PM I hope that officer documented the incident to have it on record if there is any retaliation, if and when it occurs

  10. Dont count on it. 25 yr vet. Im more concerned that ms bronin thinks she owns the city. But poor luke will not going to dc....

  11. @.12:40, 9:35:

    You must lead a deprived life. Nothing better to do you little Union man. Probably have small hands too.

  12. Tillett with an agenda,

    Look deary, ya you keep the airport open and pa-lease, open up your pocket book and pay for it. You don't even live in Hartford by your web page.

  13. I can't believe I live in a town where our mayor Shari Cantor and her minions are going to entertain regionalization talks with Bronin at Tuesday's city council meeting in West Hartford . Isn't paying 1.7 million dollars for their water bill enough? She lists that 30% of WHTFD residents work in Hartford and we utilize Hartford's bob squad as reasons to keep this idiotic idea on the table. Kevin PLEASE KEEP YOUR BOY IN HIS OWN DIRTY SANDBOX,,,I WOULD LIKE OURS TO STAY SOMEWHAT CLEAN!!!!
