Saturday, January 14, 2017


A blog reader asked earlier tonight " I have a question regarding the Hartford Police. In Hartford Courant articles I often see in comments that "Retired Hartford police do not get Medical Insurance". This does not seen possible. Do they mean they don't get 100 percent city paid retiree medical insurance? I'm beginning to think that if a retiree has to pay $200 a month out of their own pocket, people are saying they don't have retiree health insurance. Can someone please clarify?"

Here is the answer to that question in a screenshot a Union member sent me tonight.

I hope that helps answer your question. By the looks of those rates, I think most HPD retirees would welcome a $200.00 monthly bill.

And thank you to the unnamed blog reader for the info.


  1. Section 3.5 item 8:

    There is a $200 number in there, but it's not what you thought it was:
    "Effective July 1, 1994 the City will contribute two hundred dollars ($200) per month toward the cost of health care coverage for retirees, ..."

  2. At $3,000 a month for a family would need quite the pension. Healthcare is just insane. Thanks for the clarification Kevin.

  3. Mr. Brookman thank you very much for the fast answer to my question. You really put the Hartford Courant to shame. I am shocked at those rates for retiree medical insurance. Maybe if the Courant explained that people would not be so upset. If you need information this is the place to come.

    1. The courant is fake news and is a terrible organization infested with left wing liberal Hillary supporters. Exactly the fake news Trump repeatedly calls out.

  4. Are these rates quoted what HPD employees pay? Or rather what these plans cost the City? So you are telling me some retirees are paying over $3,000 monthly to stay in these plans? Why would they when they could get insurance for a quarter of that price? Something just not making sense here.

  5. Don't Believe the HypeJanuary 16, 2017 at 4:25 PM

    Exactly. These are the current rates employees pay. And it is their option to seek medical insurance elsewhere. The courant does a great job reporting half of a story.

  6. Just as a thought, keep in mind that the figures for most retirees will be for an individual retiree or the retiree and spouse. I doubt there are too many retirees that would be carrying their entire family on the plan

  7. Mr. Brookman, do retirees get COLA's? If so, do you know at what rate?

  8. These men and women are risking their lives every shift. Its sad to see the city does such a poor job taking care of them.

    1. But if you listened to what the courant portrayed, you'd think the city was broke solely because of lucrative contracts and benefits. Remember, the courant is not our friend.

  9. Courant wants a story to sell. They dont back us in corrections either. I welcome every one of them to walk in my boots 8-16 hrs.

    1. This is why I prefer the blog over the courant and other "fake news". I guess the failing Courant needs to sell papers. Those are very dishonest people. Mr. Brookman reports accurate impartial news and often breaks Hartford crime news long before any local media.

  10. There are no automatic Cola's for any members of the MERF. There is a provision that allows for a study under the COLA task force to recommend an increase. To my knowledge the last cola was in 2006.

  11. There is NO COLA for HPD.. NONE

  12. HFD gets no COLA either.

  13. You, the fine men and women of HPD & HFD, deserve every dime earned in your pension. I also believe based on your hazardous duty, you also deserve free medical for life. Do not forget there are good Hartford tax paying residents like me living here that appreciate your service. Thank you

  14. Those lazy state workers get their heal insurance and good pension.

    1. Yes they do, and don't nearly do half the work.

  15. @ 1:29pm...
    I invite you to wear my boots and work 16 hr shifts behind those walls with the worst our society has to offer without any weapons.. Then, just then I will respect a reference to state employee benefits

    1. I would like to think they are not referring to corrections, I would not want to walk in your shoes.
