Friday, January 13, 2017


And no, the Clinton /Trump feud isn't being revived. That one is still official. This time it is the Hartford Police Union's battle for President.

The race for HPD Union President originally started as a 3 way race between the current Union President  Sgt. Richard Holton, Sgt. Vinnie Benvenuto who is assigned as a Patrol Supervisor, and  Sgt. John Szewczyk who is assigned as a Supervisor in Booking and Detention. Sgt. Holton has since dropped out of the race and replaced by Officer Nick Trigilia.

Sgt. Benvenuto is also a retired NYPD Sergeant, having served 20 years in the Big Apple in various positions and has risen through the ranks in Hartford to become an HPD supervisor. Sgt. Szewczyk  is also a Selectman in Durham. Officer Trigilia serves as an employee member to Hartford's Pension Commission.

 What normally doesn't attract a lot of attention, even among their own members, has turned into a heated race with allegations and criticism being hurled from all sides.

Sgt. Holton's 8 page "manifesto" to the HPD Union membership is below. Sgt. Benvenuto has taken to the internet to explain his ideas to the HPD membership. Benvenuto and his slate's  website can be found at

 A debate among the candidates was held last night and , according to sources who were in attendance, added to the bizarre nature of the race.

The position of HPD Union President is a "detached assignment" position, which means that they are able to work as the Union President and receive their full salary paid by HPD , even though they are not assigned to a working position during that time ,plus a "stipend" from the Union. Currently that "stipend" is  $36,000 for the Union President in addition to their regular salary, plus they are still available for overtime and PJ's.

Benvenuto, on his website, promises to reduce his stipend to $16,000 per year and offer a spending savings to the Union's membership. Benvenuto and his entire slate promise to return $41,600  back to the Union coffers in reduced stipends.

Holton Manifesto  on Scribd


  1. Wow, I just read the Holten Manifesto. You missed your calling, you should be a lawyer. I have a question regarding the Hartford Police. In Hartford Courant articles I often see in comments that "Retired Hartford police do not get Medical Insurance". This does not seen possible. Do they mean they don't get 100 percent city paid retiree medical insurance? I'm beginning to think that if a retiree has to pay $200 a month out of their own pocket, people are saying they don't have retiree health insurance. Can someone please clarify?

    1. I can clarify. Hartford retirees pay 100% of their medical. Depending on what contract plan they're under, an individual pays $537.00 minimum and up to $1077 a month, 2 person $1141 to $2377 a month, and a family (3 or more) $1486 to $3089 a month. So as you see, HPD medical is not cheap, the city probably makes money. It's more often than not cheaper to seek medical outside of the city. These numbers are factual.

  2. Kevin who do you think is the best candidate ????

  3. The $36,000 stipend Holton gave himself without even bringing it to the union bodies attention is a slap in the face. So his base of approximately $86,000 + $36,000 at $122,000 is absolutely egregious, not to include all the PJ's and OT he worked. A detached position in which nobody monitors what he works. If he put in a 2 hour week, that would be a lot!!! So $122,000 to do absolutely nothing. Where's the outcry? Where is his credit card AUDIT? That would surely lead to a criminal investigation. Enough is enough with the detached position in a city that's bankrupt. I respect Vinny for recognizing how ridiculous the $36,000 stipend is. At least Vinny truly cares about the union body.
    ANY new union president will be better than Holton!!!

  4. 8:15PM

    I am trying to stay away from that, but to be honest, I think you have three good candidates with strengths and weaknesses. If I needed someone to stand up and be a fighter for me, Vinnie would be my choice. If I needed someone to safeguard my pension and understand the inner workings of benefits as City Hall is trying to strip them, Nick would be my choice. And if I needed someone that can navigate the political pathways and work the room full of politicians to get them on your side, John would be my choice. Hopefully in the end, they can all come together and work together for a common goal... their membership and the future of the City of Hartford. Nastiness benefits no one and only hurts morale further. And you all know that when push comes to shove, you all are able to work with each other and I am sure that will continue

  5. 7:41PM

    I am confident someone will clarify that for you, but I think many of the retirees from HPD would welcome a $200.00 monthly bill, that seems like a very low number from what I have been told

  6. Kevin's can I ask you a honest question and will you give me an honest answer? If Holton gave himself a 36'000 stipend and it wasn't voted on by the union members and of course the taxpayers in the city of Hartford are paying that tab and it's not written anywhere that he can do that how is that not a larceny???

    1. The $36,000 stipend is paid for by membership union dues that is take out of every union members weekly paycheck.

  7. let's not go off the rails here. the detachched assignment ,I believe, is outlined in the union contract, the same as it is for the Fire Union President and the Hartford Federation of Teachers President. I am not really sure that is still necessary or even prudent for a City that is broke, but that was negotiated long before Mayor Bronin. The taxpayers are paying the tab for the initial salaries but the stipends (as well as the vehicle provided to the Union President) come from Union membership dues. The stipends are approved by the membership , but I am not sure the majority of the membership knew of the amount, and many of them were surprised when I asked them about it

    1. The stipend was NOT approved by the union membership Kevin. The stipend was approved by the union executive board.

  8. 10:05pm

    Maybe it is time for a by-laws change then to protect your membership

    1. Indeed. Holton shenanigans at it's best. $122,000 a year.....come on now. And the entire union body plays dead.

  9. Vinny still lives in New York -all that traveling and mileage on that vehicle he would be using if he should become the Union President??? Shevsheck, a first selectman, currently doing his second maters degree among other personal things going on, how would he best serve the membership? Would he side with Bronin during negotiations??? Nick is smypathetic towards Bronin... so who do we choose.....there's lots to poder about

  10. It surprises me that Vinnie's "All White Male" team is not reflective of the diverse union membership especially when it comes to women and blacks. BUMMER!

  11. The "Holton Manifesto" will go down in history books at HPD, along with his angry, awkward and bizarre tirade at the debate. The fact it all ended up on this blog is the icing on the cake. You have improved morale among management more than any other union president in the history of HPD. You could have been one of the greats at HPD, now I don't think we will be inviting you back anytime soon.

    Nick, win or lose, please detach yourself from Holton. It's obvious that we no longer can have him around and he needs to just retire gracefully. It will be your demise too if you continue to cling to him.

    Vinny I see you're doing the right thing, 30 years in policing, still works the streets and is always loyal to cops. I'd be hiding in some cushy gig like the rest of upstairs if I was on my second gig. I've been checked out of this policing after 15 years at HPD, and will never do policing again after here. God bless you Vinny for your love of policing, it's an asset to this place you still care.

    John, win or lose, you'll have a chance to rebuild yourself without Holton's interference. We'll see what you can do for the next three years either as president or the other role you assume if you lose. We'll be able to see if your the real deal or just another phony political hack. PS Please quit being a Durham selectman, at minimum it's cringe worthy, at worst it's a serious conflict of interest.

    (Yes I'll be voting for Vinny, but I still care about the other two candidates and wish them all the best win or lose.)

  12. Vinni wants that sweet take home vehicle with unlimited MILES and union gas to drive back and fourth to NY. ........ im voting for nick as long as he promises to let holton teach the dept crossfit classes at half price.

  13. Dont forget Fancy vegas vacations to go to union "training" . Must be nice to be the prez.

  14. Joshua "Panda" WalshJanuary 14, 2017 at 11:00 AM

    "It surprises me that Vinnie's "All White Male" team is not reflective of the diverse union membership especially when it comes to women and blacks. BUMMER!"

    I will take that as a cheap shot towards every member running. I have not known any person running to be a person who excludes any other member based on race, gender or ethnicity. What race, gender or ethnicity someone is are not under their control. What is under their control is how that person treats others.

    I'll take it as a compliment that you assumed my gender identity correct, but you did not assume my racial identity correct.

    Not only was my nickname (created by others) reflective of my personality, it was made up a long time ago by others as an incorrect reflection of my ethnicity. I'm 25% Japanese, my mother being 50% and my grandmother 100%. Both my mother and grandmother have shared their stories growing up where they were openly excluded from public places, called derogatory names, and spit on. I personally was bullied when I was younger for my heritage and have felt the burn of racial exclusion.

    We have released a platform that is more inclusive towards our diverse union membership, and will continue releasing more platforms over the next few days.

    Joshua "Panda" Walsh

    1. I'm turning Japanese I think I'm turning Japanese I really think so.....

      Good job Panda!!!!

  15. Dont forget vinni is 110% Paesano from the homeland !!!

  16. Holton list of union office chores :

    1. Top off gas tank of take home vehicle

    2. Pack up all his items including those nascar flags

    3. Hand presidential gavel over to SHEVCHEK

    4. Return the union credit card

    5. Board the retirement bus outside of 10-2. Take reathis with u please !!!!!

  17. Vinny showed why he's a far third when it comes understanding the role of a union president and Nick is tied to Holton it's disgusting. Shevshcik is professional, articulate and clearly the odds on favorite to win the election.

  18. So I've been gone now 3 + years. I still maintain contact with MANY still employed at HPD. At least 2/3 calls a week, ranging from Hello to "Sarge, I did this, was it wrong? who should I talk to you, etc.. I give my opinion, and tell those folks to reach out to a current steward or E board member. I would never tell them "go on the blog, air the dirty laundry there".

    I ran for Vice President against Rich Holton many, many years ago. He beat me by about 1/2 dozen votes. Not a day goes by that I'm NOT thankful he beat me (we often joke about that). I've seen the time, effort and sacrifice he made to the Union & its members, not always in the public eye, often behind the scenes, brokering deals, whether it was a contract issue with city hall or a management issue with the second floor. In my 20 years at HPD, never saw or knew a more dedicated President (or Vice President).

    I did not always agree with Rich, he'll attest to that. His heart was in the right spot, we just disagreed on the best course of action. Never once did I NOT see his commitment to the membership. Yes, I traveled with him & others for training, specifically Florida, for Labor Relations & Vegas for Management issues. Did I attend all the classes, Yes I did. Did I learn a whole lot of useful stuff that I brought back to the PD, yes. Was I better steward for it? Yes. My point is; Had Rich not been president would I have been invited to go? Probably not. As most of you know, who worked with me, I tended to rub some folks (management) the wrong way, but the training I received was extremely helpful in dealing with management. To hear people talk (anonymously) about things they know little or nothing about is disheartening. I wish nothing but good things to Rich Holton in his future endeavors.

    This by no means is a vote for Nick, who did work with with/for me, during his time @ the schools, nor is it vote for John, who also worked for me, during my time in booking. Vinny, worked for me in several capacities in Patrol. This is a decision that YOU, still at HPD, will have to make. I know who I would vote for, if I still were their. It would be the candidate who clearly, by his actions & words has my back, especially in the climate that we in Law Enforcement work in on a daily basis.

    My only hope that is whomever wins will get the assistance from the others, as all have great ideas that collectively would be very useful to the entire membership.

  19. I understand this blog is a place to vent and share your opinions about things. But, it would be nice if everyone just thought for a second. We are all cops and the banter of abuse by at least two of the candidates is shameful. I always thought our president was sincere but I’m greatly embarrassed and disappointed in what is described as his manifesto. Eight pages of personal attacks on Union stationary upon union members. Really? Rich if you don’t like Szewczyk that’s one thing. But I think we the members would like to believe there is an air of confidentiality in issues that effect us. Whatever your personal thoughts are about Szewczyk have no business appearing on union stationary. I thought we were all cops on the same side. What are we are doing here? Worse yet, Rich you’re not even running again. So why be that way?
    I don’t know all three candidates well but I have spoken with all three. The bashing of Vinnie as an outsider, attacking mileage on cars, his prior pension and living in New York is terrible and wrong. He’s committed to the Hartford PD for 9-10 years now. His pension was earned no different than the way we all earn ours or manage a side business, but let’s also acknowledge his pension is already old and has depreciated in value. He has publicly stated he will cut the stipends and use the money on the members. He has also told me in speaking with him that he will not be using a union car. Imagine that? When I asked why he didn’t want the car, he explained that according to IRS rules he would be allowed to write off 60 cents a mile on his own car and he thought that was fair. He also explained that monies saved could be used to make sure the members were indemnified if something happened.
    As for the racist comments, typical feeble political effort. I’m sorry for my unknown colleague you embarrassed yourself, this department and our union. Comments like that have no place on this blog, in this department or our union. I know you won’t have the courage to apologize to everyone, so on behalf of all the men and women of the HPD I will apologize to Josh and all the candidates. It was an inappropriate allegation against Vinny’s team and all the candidates. It is also inappropriate to our brothers and sisters of color. None of them should ever have to think for a second that their union will treat them differently. I’m happy Josh wrote something and I commend him for taking a stance. I’m done with this nonsense, we all watched the debate Thursday night, I think it’s evident who should lead going forward but that’s just my opinion.

  20. I agree Rich writes a novel attacking another cop on our own union stationary. That's just wrong and he's not even running. I question his motivates. Brook man is right bylaws need to be changed if he can just take a raise without the membership even knowing. Rumor is he's staying as a consultant if his boy wins. Now we know why unions get a bad name.

    1. Writes a novel......on his way out. Very sad his horrible manifesto is undoubtedly the most work he's done as our union president.

  21. Wow, you guys (HPD) are more f*cked up than HFD!! Those guys are a miserable bunch but HPD takes the cake! Thanks for taking the heat off us for a little while!
    Wish our Union President was up for vote.....
    Good luck HPD and I hope you guys get the BEST candidate for your union.
    Stay safe

  22. Ask B squad north what vinni used to do during his shift. 10-16s on franklin ave with felix every night. Ask them. And to attack nikki sherwood like that is a disgrace. Jon sherwood is one of the toughest guys i have ever met. To disrespect him and his niece like that is optuse.
    Vinni, i like u. I do. But you crossed the line. The question was a real question. If walsh and hyundai screwed up, why cover for them. Everyone has done similar acts on this job. But when u have a good dude like poletta have to remove and form 90 them shows that they really pushed the envelope. And yes i like both panda and the humpday.

    Vinni. Your a great dude. But i dont feel comfortable voting for you becuase of the serious travel issue.

  23. Holton, why did u go 44 like that at the debate. Its obvious you are nicks commander. Why did you do that ??

  24. When is Smith going South ?

  25. No more vegas trips. No more take home vehicle. No more union credit card. No more 2 hr work days. No more 36 k a year bucket of union cash. Holton, " every beginning has an end ....."

  26. Nick. You are a bronin supporter. I have zero doubt that you would sell the union body down the river to get extra brownie points with the mayor.
    John. You still must convince me that you will fight. You have the knowledge and lifestyle to be the prez.

    And finally vinni. I know you could probably sell a ketchup popsicle to an eskimo, but going after nikki / jon sherw like that showed low class and your true colors. The cheetah showed his spots.

  27. Let's be real gentlemen. Nikki asked a question attacking two well respected members and she already knew the answer. In fact she even dodged the issue and said she was put up to ask the question. So in essence she had no first hand knowledge of anything, she was wrong to smear someone because her pal asked her to.

  28. Joe fragnoli. You have zero chance of winning any votes. I would give holton a better shot then you big boy. Your horrible mouth and 3rd grade esk people skills are two of several reasons why i am happy to see you go. Ride the rest of your anti social career in your cubicle and let the men run this union and dept.
    you have to be in the top five of most disliked people in this dept. i mean, really, you run to iad every time someone disagrees with you. I would love, truely love to put my name to this. But you will run upstairs and complain like a five year old. Some day i will have the priviledge to see you in manchester.
    I blame you for making holton go tom cruise at the debate....

  29. I bet jonah hill gets 45 votes. That joe, is a reflection of your horrible people skills and angry anti socialistic personality. Good luck

  30. Has any union member inquired as to how the Holton manifesto was paid for? That's some nice shiny paper and high quality color printing. That kind of quality is super expensive. I can guarantee Holton did not pay for that out of his own pocket. You, the union body, paid for that non-sense. Hint hint- check his (your) union credit card.

  31. 1- I think there are a few additional points that we seem to overlook. Nikki and John haven't explained the fire contract. Why not? Shouldn't we know where we stand? Yet they claim to know a lot and have all this experience. Vinny at least was able to explain the HSA account truth is he had the answer.

    2- Nick claims to be an expert on healthcare yet he can't explain why the fire Union pulled out and took an HSA account over the Coalition. Is the coalition worse than an HSA account. If that is true then someone better think this through before we all get screwed.

    3- I also don't believe in these long standing political connections or shall we say relationships as we are all being told If we really had relationships then can someone explain to me, why are we in arbitration and not settling a contract in negotiation? Nick do you want to explain why we are in arbitration? Please tell us Nick?

    4- I'm no fool and to play this last minute breaking news crap about an indemnification bill is really a disgrace. Do you really think the membership believes that. Listen carefully, we want to be protected we are working everyday and anyone of us can suddenly fall victim to public opinion. We have already seen this happen with our own members and the union did nothing. A union should be able to defend its members. I'm even willing to pay more dues if need be but please don't BS me.

  32. Manifesto RepercussionsJanuary 14, 2017 at 7:37 PM

    Richie, you held the position of president for two terms. You were mediocre, only problem I had is you were rarely around besides prior to elections, but I guess it could have been worse. You really could've written a nice departing memo to the membership highlighting your accomplishments, and thanked the membership. Instead, you attacked individuals, fellow union members. That was done in very poor taste on your behalf. None of this garbage would be occurring now if you hadn't launched that nuclear war.

    1. Does he have any accomplishments to highlight? The last contract, which he claims was his doing, only got done when uncle jimmy stepped in. Richie was getting nowhere, pretty much how it's going now. I'm sure the new president will get it done AND communicate how it's going with union membership. Does anyone know of any negotiations that have taken place with Bronin and Holton? No union members are even aware of what Bronin wants.

  33. Well said manafesto, well said.
    I cant believe guys would giv their vote to holton vader and his minion nick

  34. You can keep your respect for Nikki and Sherwood. There gonna need it. I've lost all respect for them, along with most of this department. They attempted to take down Vinny, by slandering two members with an obvious exaggeration of the what happened. It obviously backfired and didn't work like they wanted it to.

  35. One thing for sure, if Vinny showed up for work one day of the week it would be more than our current president. Another thing, NYPD union (PBA) is the real deal. I'm sure all of you have seen the president on the news constantly standing up for members and offficers across the country. HPD has never really seen, at least in 15-20 years, a strong union like that. Vinny I think has learned from that and would bring that to HPD. My vote will go to Vinny. I don't think the others have what it takes to bring that stand up union back, which we desperately need. Search NYPD Patrick Lynch on YouTube and take some pointers. Lynch is a true leader.

  36. Three more days........

  37. How many Hartford "police officers" just do clerical or union jobs, but never do any REAL police work?

  38. Benvenuto handled the shots fired arrest yesterday with calm professionalism and poise. Think about that tomorrow when you vote on who you want standing by you when "it" hits the fan.

    1. Really a shots fired called? That's your reason for voting for Vinny??

  39. 12:44pm
    Read the comment again, Vinnie knows how to handle himself under pressure. Probably not a bad trait for a Union President, whether it is a gun call or union business , Vinnie has the experience that matters to me. This is not about personalities, but who is going to do the best job when needed.

  40. Why do you people go to funerals for outside agencies? Because a cop was killed, right? Because they wore the badge, right? Because they're your Brother or Sister, right? Everyone who's running is your Brother. No one is an outsider, so cut the crap. Get your act together and figure out a course of action because in case you haven't noticed our benefits and pensions and any future pay raises you pray for are up for grabs. Retirees are counting on you to make the right decision. Civil servants across the nation are being robbed to make up budget gaps. We need a union president who's going to fight for your rights, your future, and defend you if things go down. Defend our pensions and benefits from politicians who have mismanaged funds, but aren't willing to take a pay cut themselves. Stop the crying and get to work.

  41. Hey Vinny, when you lose, maybe you should take up modeling Blaur uniform gear! Looking sharp

  42. Race Car - I hope your boxes are packed
    Canoli Boy - you will more time on your hands to start going to the gym
    Dr.Dolittle - can hang up the stethoscope
    El Sálsero can Rumba to the island
    Bring it home President Schef

  43. I think you need to go beyond a shots fired call. You may be the officer who fired the shots. You also may be 100% correct and still not get the support of the Mayor or Department if another 10 second YouTube video appears. No You may end up going to a Grand Jury and to trial and put through years of hell all because you did your job, protected your life or someone else. We have all seen the politics across the nation, protest, new media attacks and pure hate of police officers. I don't look at Vinny as just handling a shots fired call. I never worked with him in NY and as the other blogger highlights, things are done different. Full time lawyers and strong unions. We are here in Hartford and we are no different than any police officer across the country. We see the violence and shootings here all the time but if I'm that guy, I want the Union President who is willing to dig in and defend me. I never heard anything about indemnification until Vinny brought it up. We all know it is something we need. Vinny has put before all of us a plan and its more than I have seen in my time here. I'm willing to support him

  44. I will tell you the truth. I might not be the most liked employee at the dept. I come in everyday and at least try and work the streets. Attempt to do the right thing. We are underpaid and poorly regarded on a regular basis. But i choose this. Not everyday is going to be a graveytrain 3 hr pj. Someone has to do it. Im not pushing a desk at aetna or workin at the red lobster on the silas deane.
    This election was more enjoyable then that oj fx mini series. I truely watched holton lose his bananas out of mere frustration with john. John kept strong ......Then vinni, a ny used car salesman. The working class. Hoffa esk. And then nick. You know nick, i think if you down played your last 3 years on fto with holton, you might have actually had a chance. But nick you do gods work with the pension board. That is still an important thing. ( like teleserve personnel )
    My only question is if i picked the right number of votes for the cash money pool. I picked 65 fragnoli supporters. ( hold outs for a broken man ).
    But everyone forgets that friday at high noon, president trump takes office. Things will change for law enforcement. President Trump loves law enforcement.

  45. Someone please fleet for EAP for former Prez Holton

  46. If anyone thinks the Obama - Trump transition was ugly.......just wait for the Holton - Szewczwk transition. And what the heck does John do with Fargnoli. Fargnoli should respectfully resign now if he won't work with John.

  47. I'm happy for John if anyone deserves it's him Nick is still too new and Vinny moved up the ladder too fast that's scary who've does he know? John been through hell since he been on the job and he's a cops cop period

    1. Let's put the past in the past and move forward and give John a fair chance. Congratulations and good luck John, don't let us down.

  48. Christopher Lyons retired HPDJanuary 20, 2017 at 2:06 PM

    It is sad to see so many anonymous blog postings. Lots of cover to denigrate fellow police officers and make outlandish statements. With officers you work with every day. Just like the comment about Sergeant Benvenuto. "Moved up the ladder too fast"? Vinny is a retired member of the NYPD and did a full career there before coming to Hartford PD. He has all of the experience necessary to do any job. The other talk about other officers is also disheartening and should stop unless the writer wants to leave his/her name.

    In case any of you missed it out there its "open season" on police. If you don't stick together then bad things will happen. It is going to be tough enough to protect benefits with a strong union and the City is just waiting to see cracks in the union membership to use to their advantage.

    If you don't have anything nice to say ab out someone remember what your mother should have taught you and that is don't say anything bad at all.
