Friday, January 13, 2017


Back on December 13th, I posted this on the blog,

Yesterday, the US Attorney's Office and HPD announced a collaborative effort to reduce gun violence in Hartford.

The initiative will be called the Focused Violence Reduction Team and will combine a team effort between Federal Agencies , Federal Prosecutors and HPD. The program was discussed at HPD's Public Compstat last night. The initiative should send a clear message to criminals participating in Violent crimes in Hartford and using firearms.

Federal Prosecutor Mike Gustafson explained that the effort will allow many more tools to be put into the HPD toolbox, among them the use of Federal Grand Juries and wiretap surveillance. Federal prosecutions and sentencing also seem to be more lengthy under Federal prosecutions.

Hartford Police Chief James Rovella also said that having certain HPD Officers "cross-sworn" as Federal agents will also allow gun arrests to be handled immediately in the Federal courts when needed. FBI ,DEA and ATF agents  as well as other Federal resources will be committed to the team to produce results above and beyond the exemplary efforts already achieved by Rovella's own initiative, Hartford's Shooting Task Force

The Office of the Chief States Attorney has also assigned a State prosecutor to the team. That State prosecutor will also be cross sworn to prosecute cases in the Federal system.


  1. What's a gun thug??

  2. Try your dictionary: "a violent person, especially a criminal" but I am sure you will try to make it into something else

  3. If this unit doesn't include Newell, Pethigal, and Logan, then none of these politicians is serious about actually getting guns. These three guys alone were responsible for taking 40+ guns off the worst of the worst of Hartford's streets in 2016. No one deserves this opportunity more than they do.

  4. Rob,

    I agree, I don't personally know the three people you mentioned but I know Logan and Newell are like Batman and Robin as a crimefighting team. We could load CTfastrack with all the Federal agents and Troopers we could bus in and that would do nothing without the expertise of HPD officers who know our streets and know the players out there as well as knowing every cut through and back alley these guys use to flee. And don't under estimate yourself either, you have been a big part of the effort

  5. I appreciate the support Rob and Kevin. I would gladly take any opportunity presented to me to help remove violent criminals from the city's streets.

  6. I appreciate the kind words, but for the last three years my effort has been focused on a different priority lol. But these guys have continually, consistently produced astonishing results despite the elimination of their former pro-active unit. Doing what they do within the natural constraints of a patrol assignment makes it even more impressive. Give them the time and resources of a task force like this one and you will truly see them at their best....and make a tangible impact on gun violence in Hartford.

  7. Right on target! Leave it to a gentleman like Murtha to finally hit the nail on the head!! When I'm conducting midnight ranges I keep a radio on low just so I can listen when that group of solid dudes is working in case they need a 99! Every night, night after night, they leave the politics at the door of 253 and go out and hammer the streets continuously fighting the "good fight". Give them their gold badges that they have more than paid for with the case numbers drawn due to outstanding gun arrests. I know folks think they are to cocky, but damn it look at the results! They've earned the right to be! All 4 of these guys mentioned are extremely good dudes and I'd go through a door with them anyday.

    And while I'm at it, for all the folks out there that think I'm being a prick about keeping your guns clean I am! It's because I love you and hate going to cops funerals. The crown of guilt would be very heavy to wear if you pulled the trigger to save an innocent persons life, or your partners and when you wanted a bang all you got was a click.

  8. No Contract - No WorkJanuary 14, 2017 at 7:25 PM

    A core group has definitely made Hartford a safer place. Crime and homicides last year at an all time low. Do not forget it is now time for the mayor to recognize your efforts and at the minimum offer a somewhat reasonable contract that you all deserve. Do not forget that.

  9. Christopher Lyons retired HPDJanuary 16, 2017 at 1:09 PM

    This is a great effort int he City of Hartford.

    US Atty. Mike Gustafson is an outstanding choice to lead this effort between Hartford and Federal Law enforcement. Feds have the resources, enhanced sentencing for felons with firearms and the only down side is that the agents chosen need a crash course in urban policing.

    Politicians should have no input in and decision making regarding how to get guns off the street because they don't have the experience to do so. They can support in other ways.

    The supervisors should choose the best street officers in making this task force and the suggestion of Newell, Logan and Pethigal would be a good start.

    Its time to make the criminals afraid of being apprehended in the course of their duty-that is crime and devastating the neighborhoods in which they operate.

  10. As a dispatcher in Hartford, when we hear Newell and his gun sniffing buddies sign on, we know work is getting done that night. It's a pleasure hearing those guys work
