Friday, January 27, 2017


Another Department Head in the Bronin Administration is calling it quits. Marilyn Cruz-Aponte, Hartford's Director of Public Works, has apparently notified Bronin's Office that her last day will be March 10, 2017.

Cruz-Aponte is the latest Department Head to leave a struggling City Hall. Hartford's Chief Information Officer (CIO) Sabina Sitaru left the Administration as of December 30, 2016. Sitaru was often credited with innovative techniques to deliver services to the people of Hartford as well as keeping various information technologies up and running for City Hall and the Hartford Board of Education.

Sitaru and her Department (MHIS)were also responsible for the creation of the Hartford Open Data Portal which allows the public to view City Hall data such as expense payments, building permits  and  other information that wasn't previously available to the public without a trip to City Hall.

Although I have never had the opportunity to deal with Cruz -Aponte, I can say that Sabina's vision and professionalism will be sorely missed by both her staff and residents alike.

In addition to the DPW Director and the CIO, I am  being told by City Hall sources that Hartford's Health Director may  also be planning his exit soon.

In addition, it would appear that Mayor Bronin's Suburban City Hall tour is not being received as well as expected. As of this week , plainclothes Hartford Police Officer's have been shadowing Bronin. The HPD Officers have been deployed in the crowd as Bronin speaks. This security detail has been confirmed by sources at HPD, although they would not comment on the reason or if credible threats have been received or who requested the protection.

Maybe it is time for a little self reflection by those at City Hall to figure out what is happening.


  1. Is this Mayor Sara's way of clearing the decks and eliminating the competition so she can elevate her lawyer buddy David Tanner to DPW Director? I hear Mayor Sara had a lot to do with Sabina leaving also.

  2. I was wondering if Marilyn would move to Hartford, and I suppose this answers the question...

  3. We all know Sara is running the show. This administration is a complete failure and dictatorship, the dictator being Sara. Sabina was the absolute best.

  4. Marilyn Cruz Aponte was nothing but a big mouth. She was only good for promoting herself, nothing else.

  5. 8:21PM

    Like I said in my original posting, I never dealt with or met Cruz-Aponte, but I have heard good things about her. No one is perfect, especially in a Department that has as many problems as DPW, but she seemed to at least hold it together there

  6. Anonymous 8:21 how about you try to fit in Marylin shoes - you're a fool.

  7. Kevin get the story right. How about the way council aides treat the custodians. The most incompetent council EVER.

    13 years plus serving my City.

  8. tanner is too immature to be director

  9. And now, Mayor Sara is trying to get an anti-gay rights advocate appointed to the BOE. Must be her, because the Mayor said this was news to him. It took 3 second google search to research the nominee's background. Sara needs to have his back.

  10. Go ahead and check Empress Sara's Twitter feed during these town halls; it takes brass to mock the suburbanites who are expected to pay higher taxes to keep Hartford's ship afloat.

    You can speak volumes about the divide between the city and its suburbs, but mocking them while pushing for a tax increase sounds like a bad idea.

    1. Lukey needs to grow some balls and put a gag order on Sara. She's a hot mess.

  11. Sleeps with coworker....lies. Abuses power. The real truth.
