Friday, January 27, 2017


Eduardo Genao

It has been a long time coming, but the Connecticut Freedom of Information has issued a proposed finding in my complaint against the Hartford Superintendent of Schools and the alleged cover-up of documents in the Eduardo Genao case. I don't need to defend the Connecticut FOI Commission, but  I have already learned that justice moves slowly in a watchdog agency that has been stripped to the bone, but a lot of work went into this hearing and there were large amounts of documents to be reviewed and ruled upon. The hearing Officer, Kathleen Ross, did an exemplary job of reviewing the extensive documents and deciding on the legal justification or the lack thereof to the Boards decisions as well as mine.

Many of the violations were glaring in their lack of transparency, someone had a very heavy hand with the black Sharpie marker to block out what they didn't want me to see. The hearing officer at the FOI Commission  initially issued an order for the Board to turn over all of the documents for what is called an "In camera" review. During the review, all of the documents were observed, and in most part it was found that the redaction's and the withholding of documents was a violation of the Freedom of Information Act. You can read the  obliterated documents in my earlier postings here

The proposed finding orders the Hartford Board of Education to provide most of the documents, with a few exceptions, to me "Forthwith". It is unclear why the Superintendent of Hartford Schools and the layers and Administrators at the Board Offices would fight so hard to engage in a cover-up for a pervert predator. Oh yeah, alleged pervert predator.

Although this process has taken almost a year to get to this point, it is worth it when the safety of Children is involved. Peeling back the layers of the Board's covering for Genao will hopefully serve notice the next time the appear to let a predator roam free in their midst that such behavior will be uncovered and not allowed. It is also amazing that we can pay attorneys to orchestrate these coverups, clearly in violation of Connecticut law, which they are sworn to uphold.

Maybe that is a budget cut we should look at instead of teachers and para professional's being cut


  1. The FOI Pitbull is at it again. Keep them honest Kevin, no one at the Courant is doing it. When will they ever learn?

  2. at 9:33 pm:
    These people are as crooks as could be. Kevin will never be able to keep them honest. Kevin will be able expose them.

  3. Kevin --
    Very admirable that you hung in there. And yes, that was an incredible amount of work performed by the FOI hearing officer.

    Are you planning any more stories about who else that Jill Cutler-Hodgman was covering up for, now that she's gone?? That stuff needs to see daylight.

  4. I find it disgusting that lawyers would fight this hard to protect a pedophile along with the city of hartford why don't you post the names of the lawyers that were involved with this Kevin they deserve the same treatment Corey Brinson is getting no??!!

  5. Wow. Next on your list:

    1. So since Cynthia Jennings lives in Windsor, will she tax herself when she comes into Hartford as she's proposed to tax everyone else that comes into Hartford from the suburbs? Hartford city council has always stunk.


  6. Genao was the reason why several staff members left Sports and Medical Sciences Academy.

    In 2006, on the front page of the Hartford Courant, there was an article in which Eduardo Genao targeted light race students, called them into his office and asked if they would not being classified as white.

    Genao, per quotes from the newspaper, laid the whole financial picture out for the students. Everyone knew about this. People even called the attorney generals offices. We knew he was done.

    As an employee in the school, I watched as a coach laid into him in his office and said "how could you?" I remember this person calling him a piece of s***. At a staff meeting, those who could not stand the man were outspoken. I saw staff member after staff member disgusted asking why. He just stood there with that smug grin

    It was, we were convinced done and the man would be held accountable.

    However, people left and transferred and the morons in central office gave the man a promotion, after all, you won't fire an immoral person, right Hartford?

    No, you promote him and let the victims go to hell. You reward and keep the teachers who participated in racial profiling.

    I hope to God that anyone who is left and was a part of his posse gets removed. So many people were hurt by this man. I am glad the victims mother in suing. Look at the information about him in NYC, in Hartford. The district knew. I hope that they look for an interview every member of that staff who was there in 2005-2006.

    His personality....textbook...charming, untouchable

    Well Genao, you regret were not Teflon forever.

    Good job Kevin.

  7. Let's go with what's trending, will someone investigate inappropriate sexual behavior of some people at HPS central office? Maybe now, someone will speak up.
