Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Laird Cruz Warrant  on Scribd


  1. Brookman,
    How in the blue hell do u get these things. ...
    That musta been some great ass, but these two will be passed around like currency when they get to prison.

  2. That is the beauty of it. I protect my sources and no one will ever know how I obtain these things, suffice it to say, they are all legit and that is enough without you or anyone else needing to know how I get them

  3. Kevin first and foremost I must comment and you and your efforts and resources for exposing this I couldn't even read the whole warrant I am utterly disgusted by this and this does not make law enforcement look good at all the fact that he boasted that's not the first time they tortured someone this is def gonna go to trial and names and addresses are gonna be released this is going to get very ugly and the anti police environment we live in right now if these two aren't convicted omg

  4. These two dummies are going to have to develop a taste for baloney sandwiches. They have thrown their lives away. Such stupidity!

  5. 9:49pm
    First off, let me say I agree with your sentiments. But also keep in mind That for Troopers laird and Cruz, there are hundreds if not thousands of law enforcement officers that are willing to lay down their own lives to protect us day in and day out. They deserve our support and trust as much as these two troopers deserve the consequences if convicted

  6. The actions of these two troopers is just sickening.

  7. I have read quite a few comments by officers on your blogs and frankly, they have a feeling of rogue behavior certainly condescending and angry. With regard to the behavior of those two punks I am not very surprised that others remain on the force that could easily have behaved the same way. Which is why it is my nature to distrust police officers. I am not unfriendly but I have little trust in them as a whole. They never give up their bad ones until something like this happens. And I know their individual response is that people like me are ungrateful for them risking their lives to protect me. I don't need to hear that bullshit. If any cop thinks he is sacrificing himself to an ungrateful community, it's time to find other work.

  8. Reading that warrant was more terrifying than reading a Stephen King novel late at night in a dark room by yourself holy $h!t Batman

    1. Straight gangster. But when was the last time a convicted felon with an extensive history was put on house arrest? Probably never. These guys are obviously going to pay for this ten fold.

  9. Wow. Talk about throwing away your career. They both just turned 30 and now their lives are ruined. Does anyone think these Officers will ever keep their jobs with the state? Kevin great reporting as usual.

  10. 6:36 PM

    I think it is pretty much a given that their careers are done, but wait for the court's as there are two sides to very story, but I can't imagine what the other side might be. Possibly an unpaid internship at the DOC is in their future.

    But again, I have to ask, what were they possibly thinking? And how much alcohol does it take to get to that point? Now there is an idea, maybe they can go out on EAP and claim they have an alcohol problem and this incident was just a cry for help

  11. By all means, we don't need no stinking independent-minded civilian review board. Cops police themselves just fine.

  12. 12:36PM

    So what is your point? There is no Civilian Review Board for the State Police and no one outside CSP to review these officers(besides a Judge and Jury. So again what is your point? or are you under the misconception that CPRB would have any bearing on this case? And I think the courts will do just fine handling this matter without a group of ill-informed "citizen's" intervening.

  13. Kevin- Are you able to clarify the employment status of these two? Have they been terminated or suspended with or without pay?

  14. Cop scum. No other word for it.
