Monday, February 27, 2017


This posting is one that will have many people shaking their heads asking  "What were they thinking?"

The story revolves around circumstances that up to this point have been kept extremely vague by the Connecticut State Police. ( I guess they are only transparent and open when it involves officers from other agencies beside their own)

Some of the facts  are still a little up in the air, but allegedly the incident involves two State Troopers who engaged in behavior that I guess we could call less than legal. The off duty incident apparently started at a bar in Wethersfield. A male customer in the bar allegedly made inappropriate advances toward a female companion of one  of the troopers That trooper is identified by sources as CSP Trooper Xavier Cruz, a trooper since approximately 2013.

To read the full warrant , click here

Allegedly the two troopers then severely beat and assaulted the aggressor  with batons and other items. The beating resulted in the man being admitted to Saint Francis Hospital for treatment for his injuries, where the  incident was eventually reported.

According to sources, arrest warrants have been signed for both troopers on a multitude of charges including assault, unlawful restraint and kidnapping. Both troopers are expected to be arrested tomorrow on the charges, with bond being set at $750,000 each. Apparently there is also a burglary , charge being thrown in there also,which I am not sure why. Hopefully that will become evident tomorrow after their arraignment, unless CSP tries to seal the warrants .

Again, what were they thinking?


    Why is this information not being reported by any other media outlets?!?!?

  2. From what I've heard, good thing a professional agency such as Wethersfield PD conducted the investigation. CSP has no clue how to conduct a fair and impartial investigation, but they are experts in motor vehicle violations and accident investigations.

  3. 11:15PM

    Haven't you figured it out yet, read it here first, read it in the Courant tomorrow after they rip it from Kevin

  4. Bottom feeders Jenna Carlesso and Vinny Vella from the fake news failing Courant are not gonna be happy with you breaking this story Mister Brockman. Courant will break this story tomorrow.

  5. Looks like law enforcement taking major L's all over the country what a beautiful time to be American

  6. WFSB reported the story an posted the troopers Facebook pages see how social media can jam some of these Neanderthals up? Thankfully the victim had enough courage to report these Tough Guys with guns it's going to be hard for a defense attorney to defend why they tortured and beat a guy who works a 9-5 supporting his family as opposed to Pookie Ray Ray and Man Man selling product on the street corner

  7. Wow is all I can muster for now. When I observe the aggressive and nasty remarks HPD rank and file make on your blogs, I am less surprised that this kind of behavior could occur. Police must be held to a higher stand and if they can't reach tit, they shouldn't be cops.

    1. @Hartford Courant, your blog post is written like a courant article with the mistakes, giving your identity away. Don't be so upset just because your very fake news that can not be trusted.

  8. Their future dismissal by the state police could be a blessing for both of these knuckleheads cause Bronin is desperately looking to hire officers who reflect the makeup of Hartfords community. Kevin,outside of a resident troopers I don't understand why the rest are given take home (or should I say "take to the bar") vehicles?

  9. Bronin has nothing to do with the hire of state troopers are you dumb or just stupid @442pm??

  10. Wfsb published a article today so the city of Hartford along with tax Payers have to shell out 885K based on the actions of Sgts Ohare and Pia because they shot and killed a Saint Bernard u can only imagine how much money is going to be shelled out for that malee'in west Hartford the city is broke and taxpayers suffer on the bad decisions of police officers what a joke

  11. The settlement for O'hare and Pia is outrageous. They were acting in good faith , although their informants info was less than accurate, and like I said, they were acting in good faith and when they realized the information was not accurate, they were leaving the property when the dog charged them and they shot it. The sad part is that the majority of this settlement is going to attorneys, not the owner of the dog, so is it about justice or just the money? The West Hartford incident is very different and I hope that we don't portray a couple of felons who created their own situation as innocent victims, but who knows what a sleazy lawyer in front of a jury can stir up.

  12. 6:23PM

    Take another look at 4:42's comment. He doesn't say that Bronin has anything to do with hiring troopers, just that he is trying to hire police officers that reflect the makeup of Hartford's community. And once again, it is sad that minority men who have made something of their lives and have so much potential to be positive role models for the communities they represent , instead make such poor decisions that may very well land them in prison ( not that others don't make poor decisions also)

  13. Kevin, typically, legal actions and settlements split anywhere from 25-40% tops to the attorney. You stated that most would go to counsel. Not true. I do agree this was substantial. I would like to have heard that the two cops had to work community service at an animal rescue sanctuary.

  14. Hey 8:45 pm, get a clue please. Sadly I've had to shoot dogs before in the city of Hartford because turds that should be living under their troll bridges train them to be aggressive. Then actually send them after officers. I love dogs and have several of my own. But... At the end of the day it's just buisness. My top priority my partners and I going home safe to our families. Nothing else matters.
