Thursday, February 23, 2017


It would seem as though the mandated reporting statutes for instances of abuse are not being taken seriously. It would also seem that there is very little accountability for those mandated reporters who fail to live up to their responsibilities.

The Office of the Child Advocate recently released a scathing report into actions of mandated reporters at the Hartford Schools  who apparently have overlooked or ignored as many as 69 documented cases of abuse involving children.

Unfortunately it doesn't begin or even end with Hartford's Schools. Recently a 17 year old male was taken to Hartford hospital suffering from malnutrition and apparent physical abuse.  The 17 year old, Matthew Tirado recently died at Hartford Hospital , suffering from malnutrition, broken bones and bruises. Matthew weighed a mere 84 pounds at the time of his death.

Now getting back to the mandated reporters. Although most people just reading this now  might be a little suspicious and come to the conclusion that the young man was being abused based upon his physical condition, the first notification to HPD was made after the body was received by the Office of the Chief Medial Examiner.

Apparently no report was ever made by medical staff attempting to treat Tirado.

According to law enforcement sources familiar with the case, no one from Hartford Hospital notified authorities of what was clearly a case of apparent abuse. Just on the condition of the body as it appeared to the OCME, even before an autopsy or further testing, apparently the notification to HPD of possible abuse was made. Tirado's mother was arrested and charged with Cruelty to persons, a felony. Those charges may be elevated when the OCME's final report is issued.

Dr. Susan Williams, the Associate Medical Examiner who did the physical report stated  that the teenager had three broken ribs, bruises over his upper body, an injury to his back, and bed sores on his buttocks. Now I will give a pass to hospital staff, as mandated reporters, that they might not have seen the broken ribs without x-rays, but everything else seems pretty obvious to raise the suspicions of medical professionals, especially the malnutrition and the bruising.

I am not sure we would overlook this lack of reporting if it was a Police Officer who turned  a blind eye to a victim of abuse , so why should we ignore it when others fail in their responsibilities? Whether it is a teacher, a principal, a doctor or a nurse, they need to do their jobs and do what is required of them under the law.

These statutes are in place to protect and advocate for some of the most vulnerable in our society, including children, seniors and domestic violence victims, there needs to be more accountability and penalties for those that fail to do their jobs as mandated reporters

It is a little too late for Matthew Tirado and other victims when the Medical Examiner fulfills their responsibility as a mandated reporter.



  1. Hate to break it to you Kev,but after going into hundreds of shitholes as a first responder I became jaded after being exposed to the uncivilized behavior of others. No "free pass" for those involved in not reporting the abuse in this case but I can unfortunately relate. I truly believe CT's inner cities are beyond repair. God knows that there is no amount of money spent on schools,police etc. can fix what's really wrong with Hartford.Also,Do you really think a "reporter " would sleep well at night knowing that DCF is on the case?

  2. @8:38

    Speaking of the "shitholes" and "money spent on schools" I ruminated that perhaps you were the product of this educational disparity yourself after reading and rereading your less than clearly written mini diatribe. If you are so jaded, resign from your position and let someone with a real desire to assist and take your precious spot. But this isn't likely and I'm afraid that you will hold on to your first responder position until you can retire with a fat pension and then brag into deep retirement how you experienced all the rot of society in your long-pass days.

  3. Kevin,please tell me you watched Tucker Carlson make mincemeat out of Luke Bronin. He tried to filibuster like his mentor Dan Will Lie Malloy but failed miserably. Why would he go on that show? I'm guessing he figures none of his constituents are savvy enough to watch a sophisticated show like Tucker's.

  4. Yes, sadly I saw it. All I can say is that not everyone is ready for prime time . Totally unprepared, and the timing today of Bridgeport didn't help either

  5. The cats outta the bag for all of the nation to know that Hartford has a idiot who lies in the mayor's office. Luke Bronin's embarrassing interview with Tucker Carlson has started to go viral on the internet and Fox News is playing highlights of it periodically throughout the day. Kevin,please provide us with a realistic number of crimes committed by illegal immigrants in Hartford . I can't believe chief Rovella informed Bronin that that the number is "virtually none" . Sounds like fake news to me ,,,how about you?

  6. Lol Tucker Carlson was destroyed by Tariq Nasheed on on his own show the t-shirts don't be a sucker Tucker are selling like a hotcakes smh shame on Luke for not hiring advisors to help him Ether Tucker oh well

  7. Luke Bronin was just pathetic with Tucker Carlson. Why would Bronin subject himself to Tucker Carlson? Carlson just talks and does not let guests speak but Luke came across so poorly. I am sure it's stressful but can Mayor Bronin try to smile? His mouth looked like an upside down letter U.

  8. 3:18PM

    I have to ask though, who advises the Mayor?

    I understand that the opportunity to be seen by a national audience doesn't come everyday, especially for a politician trying to climb the ladder. Did none of his advisers see a problem with going on TV about this issue when an illegal immigrant, who had already been deported once, murders his wife/girlfriend/mother of his child, whatever the relationship was. And then kidnaps the child, and engages in a multi state pursuit before crashing and putting numerous lives at risk along the way, including his own child.

    That was probably not the best backdrop or timing to put Hartford out front as a Sanctuary City and restricting our Law Enforcement efforts to deal with it.

    1. Kevin it was a terrible decision for Luke to go Tucker show at this particular time it's al.ost like his inner circle or advisors set him up he is a lawyer at the end of the day and the golden rule for lawyers is never ask a person a question you don't already know the answer to or what their response will be shit I'd council luke from behind the scenes for 35K a year

    2. Feb 25 @ 4:18 PM....
      You would council Luke? Or would you counsel Luke. Your worth about .35 cents a year, how's that?

    3. It's You're DumbA$$ when trying to correct someone on their grammar make sure yours is spotless smh

    4. Lol at this fool calling himself correcting grammar at the same time using improper grammar

    5. 9:26 and 9:27 are obviously the same person. Where's the mistake scholar? The blog is a great place for grammar lessons.

  9. Calling it now: between Hartford's status as a sanctuary city, Malloy and Sen. Muphy's antiTrump bravado, and this interview, I think we are going to see a federal crackdown towards the city. The Feds already put away one of the Dillon stadium conspirators, the FBI is now looking at Centerplan, and the treasurer is a walking liability.

    Bronin should declare bankruptcy now and save himself future hassles.

  10. Here's what i imagined happened,,,,In his head (and along with his disciples like Nancy Wyman telling him how great he is) Malloy thinks his filibustering,I mean interview the night before with Tucker was a home run,he then advises his protege Bronin to get some national recognition for America's sheep to file away for future reference. Maybe this is Malloy's way of paying back all the great advice he got from Luke when he was Dan's legal council. Major backfire in both their faces and a huge embarrassment for those of us who aren't sheep.

  11. Residents of CT need to denounce these clowns as not representing the voting people or else will end up absorbing the costs of their folly in even more taxes when the state has lost all federal funding. If they want to break the law and advocate for law breaking behaviors they should step down from public office.

  12. Their clowns, they haven't a clue as to what they are doing as so called leaders. Just look at the state of disarray for both Hartford and Connecticut, nothing more need be said. Oh, maybe one more thing. Stop voting in progressive liberal democrats. absolutely nothing good comes from it.

  13. Christopher Lyons retired HPDFebruary 27, 2017 at 2:16 PM

    Well I watched both the Governor and the Mayor on the Tucker Carlson show and had to wonder why they went on. They couldn't explain their position with coherence and after the Bridgeport incident in which the person who entered the country illegally murdered his wife and kidnapped his daughter how could they take the position that they did. It made no sense and also made the state and city look leaderless. Mayor Bronin should immediately fire his assistants that did not prepare him for the appearance.

    The only good thing that I can say is that as Democratic leaders they chose to go into the Fox Interview instead of MSNBC (horrible all the time) or the Clinton News Network. That took guts.

    As for Mr. Anonymous who mentioned Tucker Carlson and Tareq Nasheed I didn't see anyone crushing anyone. Nasheed made a tweet about an officer shooting and killing a violent crook and got questioned about it. The officer made a tough decision and did what no police officer ever wants to do, but it was the right decision.

    1. I'm shocked and impressed you looked into that video Mr Lyons and it's Tariq aka King Flex if you wanna step ya game up with the ladies check out his book the art of macking

    2. I wouldn't use that book to wipe my ass.

    3. Don't be a sucker tucker

  14. Mr Lyons,word on the street is Hartford cops were ordered awhile back not to ask the status of citizenship while taking and logging info after an arrest. No one seems to know when this was implemented,who made it policy and who ordered it? Can you please provide any info you have. Also ,I find it hard to believe that Chief Rovella would answer "virtually none" when asked by mayor Bronin "how many undocumented immigrants have committed crimes in Hartford" . I'm assuming Chief Rovella is smarter than purposely making himself a scapegoat for mayor Bronin's blundering mistake/stance that undocumented immigrants pose no threat to the safety of Hartford's residents and visitors,,, am I assuming correctly?

  15. Bronin obviously lied, he's a politician. Illegal immigrant arrest data has never been tracked by HPD, so Rovella would have no idea. Rovella is no dummy, he would never tell Luke "virtually none." Luke is a habitual liar.

  16. @9:26, 9:27, 7:47

    I will answer the error but before I do, may I ask where you did you three clowns go to school and how far did you get? Let me answer; Hartford Schools and seventh grade. Your mommies wanted you to finish but by then, you had reached the age of consent so you dropped out and became police officers. Ohhhhhh, Kevin is reaching his delete key.

    Now for the grammar lesson. "If you're dumbass..." Correction: If you're A dumbass... Try saying "If you are dumb ass..." Gots it?

    You don't use a contraction with an adjective. Lexion numero uno for the day. Class dismissed.

    1. Hahahahaha......maybe you can "council" that dumb ass!!!

  17. Trump said it first "We must support the men and woman of Law Enforcement". Well said Mr. President.
