Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Usually community service through the Hartford Community Court is pretty tedious, picking up trash, cleaning graffiti, etc.

Today that community service took a turn for a few  underage drinkers who had been summonsed at the recent Florida Georgia Line Concert at the Xfinity Theater.  The minors had been ticketed for underage drinking.

As part of their arrest and Community Court appearances, the underage drinkers had been assigned to litter detail cleaning up Hartford's Keney Park.

 A source familiar with the incident said that the underage drinkers were cleaning litter from a trail in the Park when they discovered the body of Hartford's latest homicide victim.

Hartford Police were immediately notified and the homicide investigation began and the violators suddenly became witnesses to a homicide scene.

The injuries were reportedly quite gruesome and will probably have a lasting impression on the minors


  1. Sad to say this puts a further stain and stigma on the city and northend of Hartford

  2. This could have happened anywhere in todays sick world. Across America a considerable percentage of kids are swimming in the same rotten water. Is Newington, Rocky Hill, Cromwell, Canton, Farmington, Manchester, East Hartford, West Hartford, Enfield, Tolland, Vernon, Wethersfield or Windsor ect any safer? No,I don't think so.

  3. Enfield is cleaner then u think. I work in dumpy hartford but retreat to my deadend upper middle class neighborhood in enfield. New roads and street lamps. New shiny fire hydrant in my front yard. No shots fired. All the quads actually stop at intersections. And my neighbors all have jobs and dont live off the state. We have a block watch even. Kids playing without fear of narcotics or the roughly 1200 sex offenders residing in hartford. No junkies on my corner. I scared them away with my little red dot mounted on my home protection device.
    So you can rest asured my two pjs a week and complete reactive six figure salary will fit my setup fine. I look forward to retiring to florida with my 85k a yr tax free pension in roughly 9 yrs. It is a job. Fact. I will show up and nod. I will stand like a wealthy lurch on my roadies.

    And can someone buy augistino some soap from the dollar store before he quits in protest. What ever would this dept be without a bar establisher like augistino to elivate everyone. For someone that works 4-5 pjs a week he must not have an extra two bucks to buy the fruity smeling hand soap of his choice. I mean you only make 135k a yr dom. Really. Now
    Its almost comical that you actually think maybe more then 2 co workers are not disgusted with u in general. Keep it up.

  4. Leave one of the best officers alone John. You're just hatin cuz you've always been jealous of him. Unreal. Grow up. SMH

  5. 20 murders in Hartford so far this year. Kevin, anyone counting?

  6. What Enfield you talking about every town and city has nice and bad parts I was recently downtown Enfield/Thompsonville area and it looked like a scene out of Michael Jacksons Thriller video so please spare us the lies the opiod epidemic out there is just as bad as it is in Vermont nice try

  7. 9:48 pm Thanks for the belly laugh , I sharted my undies reading your idiotic comment. I live in West Hartford and you know who I fear most breaking into my house,driving reckless on our streets , disrupting our classrooms ,throwing garbage on my streets,frequenting Los Imperios nightclub fighting on dance floor-firing bullets in parking lot-pissing and s#%ting on my neighbors property,behaving rudely when doing business in my town,using my hard earned tax money to get free rides on the bus,stealing my car or potentially killing one of my family members or myself?????? It's not my fellow West Hartfordites !!!!!!! It's you people in Hartford that worries me every day!! Hartford being my neighboring town is a big item on my reasons to leave this state. Before you start your hating on me,trust me ,you don't want a family like mine to leave ,under protest I support your uncivilized behavior.Please, this is no generalization,I can back it up with police records and court records. NICE TRY ,BUT AINT WORKING WITH ME!

    1. Your spot on. If you haven't noticed, towns and communities literally across the state have been terrorized by Hartford criminals, especially the "juvies", who thanks to Danny Malloy, can commit crimes unpunished free of charge.

  8. SORRY !!!!!!! I MEANT 8:51PM. Related to my comment at 12:01pm

  9. Take your meds bro. Our medical in hartford is quite well ...
