Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Media outlets in Hartford are running a story this evening that makes it appear as though some great journalistic work has uncovered additional details in the arrest of a Hartford Police Detective this past weekend.

The fact of the matter is that details of racial and ethnic comments made by that officer only came to light after an e-mail was sent to several "community partners", myself included.

The e-mail was sent by Deputy Chief Brian Foley Tuesday evening at 9:01PM  and is  in the HPD's continuing efforts at transparency and building and maintaining the public's trust.

I think it is important to give credit to Chief Rovella and Deputy Chief Foley and all officers at HPD that are part of that effort.

So to be honest, it is not some great journalism, but more a great effort at continuing community relations by HPD.

Foley Email by on Scribd


  1. Courant clearly says the information came from a statement released Wednesday, and that the letter was sent earlier Tuesday.

    Just sayin'....

  2. Yes. Finally. I agree. Chief Brian Foley is def the "ironman" of this department. He exceeds expectations each and every day. Make him our new buckshot replacement. I believe brian would run this operation like a well oiled machine. Like henry ford ran his company to the top. Enough of these parlor games.
    Command me Chief Foley!!!

  3. 6:50PM

    Since you are so good at details, did you see me mention the Courant anywhere?

  4. Sorry ill never look at Lanza the same again you work in a city predominantly people of color and you use that type of language as the saying goes a drunk mind speaks sober thoughts and on top of that he resisted arrest yea i say the blog and the PD are definitely trying to cut him a break smh sad

  5. HPD only released statement because they knew the story would come out.

  6. It was on TELEVISION!!!!! and ONLINE!!!!! Enough... In many different ways anyone can be a Community Partner. Bragging will get you nowhere...Get it!!!

  7. 9:00PM

    Of course they knew it would come out, it always does. That is why it is important to get out in front of it and show you have nothing to hide, that is what builds trust

  8. Thody has done just as bad. On two separate incidents as follows :

    Incident one. Thody houseparty, shots fired. State troopers lose their jobs

    Incident two. ( the more entertaining one ) thody gets loaded downtown and picks a fight with some marines gets beat up and almost gets a Wood shampoo from otto. Covered in blood and clearly not all there , plays the victim and gets rewarded.

  9. Exactly what is a Community Partner?? And how does someone become one or get that title asking for a friend

  10. What does deputy chief rendock do around here ? Life is plump for dusty these days. 130k , and a take home car. Life is sweet for a few ....

  11. Isn't everybody who works, lives, or visits our city a community partner??? Wtf??!!

  12. smells like stackowitz all over again....precedent has been set. round 2 of a off duty drunk dropping the N bomb. Let's see how the west wing handles this one, I bet stack is watching closely.......

    1. You better believe Stack is watching closely

    2. Stack can watch as close as he wants, it won't make a difference. Stack is a racist and used the N word in a completely different context directed at a black officer.

  13. Stack is no comparison to rob. Stack called a black officer a n**** and said his great grandfather owned slaves like him. No black officers were involved with rob, and after they man handled him and treated him like sh**, he said what are you treating me like a n**** for. I don't blame him. And why is it that persons of color drop the N word every other sentence, yet god forbid if anyone else uses it in any context. This is nothing. Stack is a racist, rob definitely is not.

  14. When will the video be released Mr. Brookman? Will you be releasing it? We know the two bottom feeders from the Courant, Jenna Carlesso and Vinny Vella, are salivating.

  15. I'm a Black Officer, who happens to be one of Robs friends. During many of our days/nights working together the N word questions would come up a lot from the guys (because of all the racist incidents going around in the US) They would ask me why Black guys call other Black guys the N word. I always told them that we used the N word only when another Black male was acting ignorant and making the Black race look bad, like these ignorant thugs that don't care about anything. Anyways, me knowing Rob and knowing the many conversations we had over the many years working together, I believe he was asking the officers why they were treating him like a thug when he clearly identified himself as a cop. He used a poor choice of words but that doesn't make him a racist (which I know he's not). If Rob would've said, why are you treating me like I am Black, I think that would've been worse. Also, you can't compare Rob with Stack. Stack was a proven racist with several incidents/complaints under his belt. Rob didn't even remember anything that happened and felt remorse (you can see it in his booking photo). Stack was sticking up the middle finger to the camera like the racist thug that he is.

    1. He's outta here and please you are not a Black Officer no self respecting Black person ever refers to Black criminals as Thugs because we know what that word is CodeWord for and you pretty much t9ld on yourself in this BS Manifesto you just typed SMH

    2. Wth are you talking about, a thug is a thug, and often called a thug when it fits, by black, white and Hispanic officers. That doesn't mean a black officer isn't self respecting, get out of here with your righteous BS.

    3. You have to be Black to understand what I wrote. The word n***er is a word used by Black people to discribe an ignorant person. Don't say Black people don't use the word because they do. Doesn't make it right for anyone to use it but it also doesn't make the person saying it a racist. Look up the word in the urban dictionary and see the many uses of the word. I'd rather help a fellow brother in need instead of throwing him in the fire. We all make mistakes and deserve chances in life. God Bless!

  16. I lived in Hartford my entire life the fact you have Police officers defending Detective Lanza actions is disturbing and scary, Mayor Bronin I hope you do your due diligence and and force the chief to terminate this guy. Not only did was he driving drunk he resisted arrest and dropped an NBomb or the investigating officers thankfully it was all caught on tape the community and registered voters will be watching this one very closely

  17. Lanza needs to get the boot. You can't drop the n word and be a cop in a department that has a significant number of minority officers serving in it and at the same time work in a city that is majority minority. I'll never look at him the same way either and for all those folks crying about how blacks can drop the n word but whites cannot: can i call some of you pol*ks, or what about sp**? Nobody needs to call anyone any racial slurs. There is never a good time to use that kind of language drunk or not. Oh and he was resisting arrest...Lanza knew better.

  18. regardless is rob used it "in a different context" or it wasn't aimed at a officer of color, it still raises some red flags for someone who works in a urban environment with a high percentage of the community being of color. Let the chips fall where they may, but as a officer of color and others that I have spoken with since the incident happened we will choose to look the other way when passing in the hallway. its gonna be interesting with the stint in booking or returning to Sid with the minority detectives and officers on the floor.

    1. The minority officers in SID, including myself, stand behind Rob, believe that.

  19. When a fellow officer messes up and needs help, guess who attacks him first. You got that right, his so called fellow officers. Grow up and look out for one another. No wonder why police officers get attacked and disrespected from every direction. You guys don't even respect and help each other. Stand together for a change and see what happens!

    1. Absolutely agree. Shameful

    2. These guys are the first to attack each other, it's as if they thrive when one goes down. It wasn't like this 10-15 years ago. There is no brotherhood anymore. No wonder nobody wants to be a cop anymore. You have to watch your back more so from your coworkers rather than a criminal on the street. Criminals have more loyalty to each other than you clowns.

  20. Going foward, any case or arrest he's involved with will be tainted. Any bum can bring up this incident and say Lanza is a racist cop.

    1. Knock it the F off you loser. That's the furthest from reality.

  21. Christopher Lyons retired HPDSeptember 2, 2017 at 3:10 PM

    Pretty amazing the commentary by the innocent anonymous contributors to this blog.

    First of all a thug is defined by the dictionary, you know that thing that defines words int he English language as someone including but not limited to a person who is a criminal, violent, hooligan, vandal,ruffian, gangster or a criminal who uses violence in the course of committing crime.

    If some of the characters posting on the blog want to see a criminal, lifelong criminals in action maybe they could get out of their police cruisers for a short jaunt along any of the following listed areas and maybe in the area 559 Albany Avenue, the little strip mall exterior between Edgewood Street and Sigourney Street on Albany Avenue, parts of South Green Park and along stretches of Park Street (you pick) or Broad Street. Or just try any part of Enfield Street. But you have to exit the car.

    As for Detective Lanza he enjoyed a pretty good reputation before this incident. In a day when he most likely had the worst day of his life making the bad mistake of driving after drinking and compounding that with the use of bad language the anonymous have abandoned him with self righteous indignation. Detective Lanza should receive EAP alcohol counseling, sensitivity training as established by precedent and a trip back to patrol where he can work his way back to an investigative unit through good behavior.

    Police officers are human and make errors in judgement and mistakes. Lanza made his and will pay the price. Anonymous posters might make them as well but no one will know because they are anonymous. Have the courage of your convictions and use your name if you are being critical.

  22. Rob Lanza undone the mayor already issued a public statement wether you fools want to admit it or bot the N Word is the ugliest word in the English language people have have been killed over that word Huey P Newton killed an officer for calling him that in the height of the civil rights era Stack and a Dispatcher were both fired for using that word GA14 cant use him anymore every arrest he makes from here on out will be questioned congrats Rob you made Cop Blocks national website for police officers to look out for

  23. If it's the ugliest word in the English language, maybe African Americans should stop calling each other my N, what up N, where you been my N, every other word is N when referring to each other. You can't walk into any corner store in the north end without hearing the N work 20 times in 2 minutes, that's a fact. Why would any self respecting African American use the N words 100+ times a day. Please explain that.

  24. Another homicide? What's the tally at now Mr. Brookman, I lost count. May St is close to home!

    1. Oh please it was a domestic violence case you're reaching

    2. Because it's domestic violence it's ok?

  25. I think folks have a right to be outraged that a police officer said the n word while resisting arrest so the criticisms towards lanza is totally valid. N word is a filthy word that symbolizes a lot of trauma that the black community has gone through and it doesn't bother me bit nor do i care if blacks use it towards each other. Thirdly, this whole having each others back thing that was brought up: thats been dead for a long time irrespective of this case and I'm not sure why anyone would stand shoulder to shoulder with a cop who calls fellow cops the n word. Just like stak Lanza's cases won't be heard by sup court and a famous example of a cop using the n word caught on tape is Det. Mark Fuhrman of LAPD.
