Wednesday, August 30, 2017


And just when you thought Hartford couldn't go much lower, here they go. With little fanfare or public discussion, some may call it transparency, the Hartford Parking Authority is beginning  a new program as of September 1, 2017 stating that they will no longer recognize Handicap Parking permits for parking exemptions. Other than discussions from concerned residents on Facebook, there seems to be little attempt to advise the public of the changes..

The Parking Authority has the following statement on their website:

To reduce abuse of accessible parking spaces, starting on September 1, 2017, HPA will no longer allow free on-street, metered parking for motorists displaying accessible parking permits intended for people with disabilities.
In the downtown area, one out of six cars in a metered space currently displays an accessible parking permit, indicating there is a significant amount of permit abuse. This means that those truly in need must overcome the challenge and frustration of not being able to access parking in close proximity to the places they frequent.
HPA ensures that our newest technology parking meters and our new “Woonerf” parking app will provide a useful and convenient means for lawful accessible parking permit holders to pay for parking.

Now I will be the first one to admit that there is definitely widespread abuse in the Handicap Parking permits.Doctor's seem to give them out like candy and  I am sure we all know someone who has kept a permit from a dead relative to be able to  grab a coveted parking space marked with the blue wheelchair at Walmart or the mall. I am a little unsure of the Hartford Parking authorities claim that one out of six cars parked in a metered space downtown is occupied by a fraudulent handicap permit holder, that seems a little excessive.

Regardless, is it right to penalize disabled persons who legitimately use their permits to park instead of targeting the frauds? Maybe , just maybe, if we can find grant money to pursue drivers with a cell phone to their ear, can't we do the same for the more despicable drivers who are willing to capitalize on disabled persons to beat the City out of a few dollars?

There is also an issue of whether the parking kiosk's comply with the American's with Disabilities Act (ADA) and that needs to be thoroughly addressed also. Private business owners are forced to comply with ADA regulations everyday for everything from bathrooms to fire pull station heights., so shouldn't the government and the Hartford Parking Authority be held to the same standard.

This is a quick posting to get the word out on this policy before it is implemented, but I will  be requesting additional information from the HPA through a Freedom of Information request and I will post that information here when the HPA complies. Calls requesting comment from the HPA have not been returned at this point.


  1. Handicap parking in metered areas don't have to pay? Did I read that correctly?
    No wonder there are so many bogus permit users. The handicap spaces should still be used,but not for free.

  2. Fraudulent handicapped permits is a HUGE problem in the city kevin. I agree with the one in six. These bums don't want to park like normal people have to. Police can and should run and check tags like they run license plates. Maybe if Foley spent less time on Twitter and frolicking with the media, he could run some fraudulent permits.

  3. 2:29PM

    I hope you mean "bums" as in people that are willing to fraudulently use a handicap permit. And yes, the abuse is a huge problem, but maybe increased enforcement by HPD and DMV is the answer rather than penalizing people who have legitimate permits. I am not sure the last time was that an HPD officer ran a handicap permit to check to see if it was being used legitimately. I know Officer Pepler, who was in the Front St area regularly checked and even confiscated permits being used improperly, but he retired a few months ago. The Walmart Plaza area would be ripe for picking handicap permit abuse.

  4. Captain cicero used to do it also before he drank da cool aid

  5. Where is the " tornado " dui story about to hit national media ? I see foley cares more about the external media then the 400 or so fellow employees in the dept. 6 months from now his twittle days will be over. If only foleys antics were dug up from the shallow grave.

  6. i admit i use my aunts when i go to Boston

  7. Kev, Please comment on Dunkin Donut Park. As we near the end of the inaugural? first year the media is confusing me with double sided narrative.Can a stadium be successful based on attendance and by being voted "number 1" Double A stadium in the league? What about the predicted 3 to 4 million dollar a year lose for the first few years? What if the city loses in court with Centerplan? Centerplan is suing for 90 MILLION DOLLARS! The city doesn't have a good track record winning in court. Just ask Danny Nolan .I guess the CT taxpayers will have to bail Hartford out of this mess too. Also PLEASE check out the interview with Pedro Segarra on Fox 61 Tuesday P.M . It was entertaining,he claimed that he never intended the stadium to be his legacy and then he lied again when he said that while he was mayor the project was on schedule with no issues!!! The reporter at end of segment was forced to remind viewers that in Pedro Segarra's last month as mayor it came to light that there would be no home games in the Yardgoats first year AND that the city was in the millions in cost overruns!! Please comment Thanks Kev

    1. 4:30PM:
      The entire DD Stadium negotiations by "it's a done deal" Pedro Segarra and by "we're good negotiators" Thomas Deller, as well as the idiot Shawn Wooden were a huge scandal. We will continue paying for this disaster-stadium for the next 20 years or more.

  8. I agree with the Parking Authority. There are too many people using these Handicap Stickers. The Parking Authority needs to provide parking spaces for people visiting or doing business in the city and not for those who abuse the system.

  9. This is an excellent implement by the Hartford Parking Authority. In the entire State of Connecticut people take advantage of Handicap Stickers.

  10. Anyone remember the 2 retired HFD firefighters that used fake handicapped parking permits?
    One was assigned to Engine 9 and had the balls to ask the chief to install handicapped parking signs on the front of the firehouse so he could park up front. He would park in his personal handicapped spot and then proceed to ride a fire engine and go on calls all shift long.
    The other scumbag worked at Engine 10. Always bragging about how he would use the permit that was supposedly for his mom. Real piece of work, bragged about his "pit" that was such a good fighter. Spent 12 years of 25 on a-injury before shooting his cousin.
    Can't make this stuff up!

  11. That is an interesting story. Why don't you mention the Firefighters names? It is never to late to do something about what is wrong.

  12. Clearly Luke is putting the squeeze On HPA to generate more revenue. I personally love it and i hope he puts the squeeze on Rovella to actually make traffic div actually do what their name implies so the city can generate a couple bucks a day.

  13. 6:10am

    Parking citation revenue does make its way back to the City, motor vehicle infractions go to the State's General Fund

  14. I will move from Hartford because, well, cheeses, I don't really have a reason to move. Everything is rosy so I will stay and wait to get mugged, shot, parking fined, live in a piss-infested neighborhood formerly a middle to upper middle class environs. And yes, I did see a guy saddle up to a house down the street and take a piss. I can't wait to one day soon drive through my old neighborhood and toss a Burger King wrapper and empty soda bottle out the window just for kicks. And I don't drink soda or eat burgers so I'll probably throw the unused order out for kicks.
