Thursday, September 14, 2017


The Hartford Public Library is currently the subject of controversy in the community as members of the public have organized to oppose closing of several library branches

It would appear though that the Executive Director of the Hartford Public Library is no stranger to controversy. Much of that is detailed in the New York Daily News article below from 2015.

That article detailed allegations of misuse of funds and what the New York City Auditor described as
a "significant likelihood of fraud and/or embezzlement.Financial abuse at Queens  Library was so out of control that city Controller Scott Stringer urged  the IRS and local prosecutors to launch criminal probes against both Thomas Galante, the library’s ousted president, and his successor, Bridget Quinn-Carey.

Stringer found that Quinn-Carey used her credit card for lavish meals, personal gasoline bills and other costs that are not regarded by the IRS as deductible business expenses and that also violated the library’s own prohibition against using the organization’s credit cards for personal expenses.

According to the article “I urge the current board to have a serious discussion about whether someone who was a party to so much malfeasance can effectively lead this organization going forward,” Stringer said.

And here is another article describing Quinn-Carey's behavior.

Does this pattern of behavior sound familiar? According to the article"This and other illicit activity covered in the Comptroller’s reports engaged in by Mr. Galante and by current Interim Library President and CEO Bridget Quinn-Carey (who served as Chief Operating Officer when Galante was in charge) took place while “the Library was eliminating services to the reading public, cutting operating hours of Queens branches by an average of 4 hours per week,” according to Stringer.

"Between 2008 and 2013 when library branches in Astoria, Court Square, Long Island City, Jackson Heights, Sunnyside, and Woodside, among many others, reduced hours and programs which had a tremendous impact on almost everyone–especially school children and senior citizens."

Apparently the Board decided she couldn't, and she then appeared in Hartford.

Some things never change, especially in Hartford


  1. And Bronin has the dam nerve to constantly attack the fire and police department regarding cuts in pay, benefits and pensions?! He F-ed HFD with their new contract. He's trying to destroy the PD. A federal judge just slammed Bronin and the city for his attempt to not indemnify officers. Meanwhile.....he doesn't touch the library just because it's a library. The library is out of control!!! The library looks like it's the place to be for outrageous pay and benefits.....along with being a very safe place to be! You Mayor Bronin are a disgrace to the city. No question about it, the worst mayor in Hartford's history!

  2. Everybody knew the story of BIG $$$$$ spending in Queens, NY by Bridget Quinn-Carey, using city credit card for personal expenses and spendings.
    Everybody, that is except Marc DiBella and Hartford board of directors.


    1. A scandal? No way. This is Hartford, fraud and corruption are ok. Sorry, nothing new here.

  4. OMG. What a scandal. For Halloween lets do a witch hunt to every city official including Hartford Public Schools and do a Salem type trial. Postings like this are the perfect example of the mass hysteria that rules Hartford. You go Kevin!

  5. Please remember that Bridget Quinn-Carey's collects $164,000 pus benefits for 2 full time jobs: library chief as well as operating the largest day homeless shelter in the city at 500 Main street.

  6. Kevin I commend you I swear being a Hartford residence and watching all this BS go down I have to laugh at it to keep my sanity this is truly disturbing whoever hired her should be fired as well no one bothered to do a background check on her and if they did why was she hired truly incompetence and or corruption

  7. 12:02pm

    Are you condoning embezzlement and theft from public agencies?

  8. So she makes 160k and probably has a P Card to spend city money. FOI her charges and i bet there is more to this onion of lies. Wtf is bronin thinking ??

  9. Brookman. How dare you point out the corruption going on in hartford. Im sure there are more hacks like her making big money for cake jobs and there seems to be a pattern here.....

  10. @12:14

    You wrote well. She must go now. And indeed, who ever hired her has a lot of explaining to do. Further, although I was in favor of closing three branches on account of fiscal issues, not when library staff have such bloated salaries. Having a meet and greet Miss Cotto for $100,000.00? OMG. Having a Hartford History Department director at $100,000.00? Holy shit.

    This is very troubling since we know Hartford is in such bad condition.

  11. HPL needs to be shut down or at the very least all its employees be placed on min wage. HPL has been a colossal failure along with the public schools. We know most Hartford residents cannot read or at the very least they read at a 2nd grade level or worse. We have data proving this to be the case. The only city service that is functioning at an efficient level is HPD. Lastly, i just saw the dash cam video from Plainville PD about Rob Lanza in the media and Foley totally threw him under the bus just like the Spell

    1. Where did you get to watch the video the news aired it??

    2. It appeared on my Facebook feed. Here's a link:

  12. Kev,I bet you $ 20 bucks that was either Sandra Borges or Terry Waller at 12:02 pm. Those two clowns were so scary they should have stared in that new Stephen King movie "IT"

  13. Kev, will you be able to see the entire Bridget Quinn-Carey file, who suggested/recommended her and who voted for her among all library directors.
    Who'll take responsibility for this failure?

  14. Who hired her, who did her background investigation, and what is in her personnel file?

  15. Bronin has to go. I think Rovella would be a much better mayor than police chief. Rovella should just take over as mayor and Bronin should slither back to Greenwich.

  16. Listen folks the Hartford Public Library has been a sinking ship for years. For sometime the HPL Board of Directors has had less and less Directors. Former Chief Librarian Louise Blalock stole from the HPL yet the Board of Directors granted her a full pension. Then, Matthew Poland became the first CEO. His former job was in Human Resources at the Hartford Courant. Guess what he was a friend of Louise Blalock. Poland did not have a background to become a HPL leader. Now the leader of
    the HPL is Bridget Quinn Carey. I am assuming the HPL Directors search team cannot READ. If these folks could READ Bridget would have never been hired. Let's get rid of the HPL Directors because they are clueless.

  17. Sounds like another Hartford scandal. The Board of Directors must be a bunch of dead roses.

  18. 9:32

    Matt Poland did all right as director.

  19. Anonymous at 9:32 PM needs to get his facts straight. Louise Black did not steal from the Library. That is irresponsible fake news. Under my administration, the CEO without the background, HPL was a finalist twice for the National Service Award from the Institute for Museums and Library Service. On these two facts I can be certain. So come out of the shadows Mr/Ms Anonymous because your irresponsible claims about Louise Black and me are false. Jeez.

  20. The only city service that is functioning at an efficient level is HPD??????? in bed with the chief are we? Another nimrod ...

  21. Leon stop spreading rumours and lies. You only look like an ignorant fool. The Blalock approach of years past doesn't work anymore

  22. Leon stop walking and quacking like a duck. Focus on the job you don't do

  23. Matt Poland, congrads on your paper certificates which mean absolutely nothing since the city is going broke. Im glad more cash is spent on paper books then the much needed roads and bridges. Im glad the city of hartford cares more about bloated salaries then paying their first responders a decent salary.
    What is your pension ? I bet u have lifetime medical from the city also.
    Congrads. Now fade into oblivion and enjoy your life.

  24. National service awards !?!!? I would rather sit at a bridgeport bus stop then go into the 550 main st branch. Homeless folks smelling up the place. But i guess they are voters too

  25. Most politicians or high ranking directors steal. I'm shocked that someone with such a disdained track record would be given 160k a year. I'm sure medical and a nice pension are part of her scam.
    Matt Poland is very lucky he was able to squeeze his way into that spot and steal from the villagers of Hartford.
    Obviously there is no oversight when friends of friends get hired for cushy spots making more then the fire and police chiefs.
    In a failing financial structured city such as Hartford, I'm shocked that money is dumped into an obsolete paper book system. no one rents books anymore. it would be more cost effective to eliminate the customer service employee making 100k a year. this is why Hartford is failing.

  26. 5 million dollar a year budget? 111 employees ? Hartford Fire Dept. is down about 100 guys. The PD is also low about 100 officers. But I guess the money is better spent on immigration services for people who probably don't pay anything into Hartford. This is absolutely lovely corrupt behavior.
    and now they want to dump more money into the pipe dream soccer stadium? I guess no one paid attention the fire go around with the missing million dollars.
    Bronin seems to be doing an outstanding job thus far and surely will get re elected with the help of the Northend vote.

    1. People keep saying HPD is down approximately 100 officers for years now. How about more like 200 soon.

  27. Bridget is currently hiding in her office making her 160k a year with medical does she have a take home car also? that would be nice.

    1. 11:02 AM
      Bridget must have a car, library or city owned car, so she could take home a few paper books for review from time to time.

  28. This is not about Matt Poland. Unless I missed it, I never saw any allegations of embezzlement or theft while Matt Poland was the Library Director. Matt at least was, and is, a Hartford resident and is involved in the community, his mistake was running afoul of Hartford's political monarchy

  29. Thanks for the support, Kevin. Your blog sure brings out those who rant who want to hide their identities - you don't, why should they be hidden.

    BTW I do not have lifetime medical and my pension is a fraction of what others receive because I was only employed for 8 months. And less than what I get from Social Security, that sure isn't the case for many City pensioners, some of whom, I suspect, are on this thread.

  30. i just dont understand who vets the hirees in hartford. once is a mistake, but we have egg on our face when it happens over and over. the library has plenty of money to keep branches open for the kids if they cit staff and salaries. We need to focus on the library's mission...which, i hope, is to provide books and material for residents.

  31. The allegations against Bridget Quinn-Carey, CEO of the Hartford Public Library, are outrageous as is the allegation that the Board of Directors of the Library failed in its due diligence before hiring Ms. Quinn-Carey. A little fact-checking would show both to be false. Kevin Brookman, please write a new post presenting the true story. An apology is in order.

    Here are the facts:

    While investigating the actions of Thomas Galante, the former CEO of the Queens Library, the New York City comptroller released a report in July 2015 that alleged that Ms. Quinn-Carey had made potentially inappropriate expenditures. An independent tax attorney was engaged to review the allegations. The result? The attorney found that all expenditures were made by Ms. Quinn-Carey for legitimate business purposes and were appropriate. Following that finding, the library's board did not pursue the matter further and she continued as interim president and CEO. In other words, the stories that you and others cite that tarnish the reputation of Ms. Quinn-Carey were later refuted. She did nothing wrong and it is unfortunate that members of the Hartford community are misrepresenting the facts when they should have done their homework first.

    By the way, in a response to the comptroller's report, the Queens Library said, "The audit scope reflects practices of the prior administration; the current administration and Board of Trustees has made oversight, transparency and financial controls a priority." I would say that the Hartford Board has a similar priority - oversight, financial controls and transparency. We have a separate Audit Committee to whom our external auditors report. That is a best practice that I am proud of.

    Now, as to whether the Hartford Board knew of the allegations in Queens. Absolutely! The Board asked Ms. Quinn-Carey about them, and she was completely forthcoming in her response. She hid nothing. The Board completed its thorough due diligence and concluded that Ms. Quinn-Carey was in the clear. It also did independent reference checks. It is unfortunate that folks are accusing the Board of not doing its job. Nothing is further from the truth.

    In fact, check out this Hartford Courant article from February 2016: It includes discussion of the Queens allegations and has a response from Board President Greg Davis. This demonstrates that the Board knew of the situation, and acted appropriately in discounting it.

    It is fine to disagree with the Board's decision to close branches to ensure future sustainability of the Hartford Public Library, noted nationally for outstanding service. But it is sad to cast aspersions that are untrue and resort to personal attacks. Let's keep the dialogue at a higher level.

    David Barrettm HPL Board member

    1. Mr. David Barrettm: don't you think the whole 'thing' with Ms. Quinn-Carey smells bad? Seriously.

  32. OK, so what was the scope of your "due diligence"? was it sitting in a room with your candidate of choice and shaking your heads yes when she said it was all a "misunderstanding"? did you read the Comptrollers report to see how he came up with his allegations and what evidence supported those allegations?'From the nonprofit quarterly newsletter"The investigation found that Galante and Bridget Quinn-Carey, the former library Chief Operating Officer (who subsequently served as the interim CEO and President), had used their organizational credit cards to make more than $310,000 in prohibited or inappropriate purchases during the 2012 to 2014 fiscal years". If that were not true I would assume legal action would have been taken. Any idea where that lawsuit stands or were the accusations legitimate? Was it the same type of "due diligence" we have become accustomed to in Hartford like the Board of Education's "due diligence" into the alleged predator Eduardo Genao after he was also sent packing from NYC, or maybe it was more like the "due diligence" exercised before James Duckett and Black Diamond fleeced the City out of millions. Sorry, but I am not buying your smoke screen to "CYA" yourself and other Board members across the City who fail to protect Hartford.

  33. And The War is on Game On

  34. Mr. Barrett,

    You say "Here are the facts", based on whose interpretation yours? I would tend to believe Kevin before I trust the word of one of Hartford's political recyclables like yourself. Kevin has proven himself very capable of rooting out corruption and sifting through the facts. You quote the Failing Courant article but yet never mention that they are your former employer and most likely paying you a pension. So are you saying the New York Times, the Daily news and all of the other articles available on the Internet naming Quinn-Carey as a culprit are fake news? If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.... Keep it up Kevin

    1. I didn't expect Barrett or any of the other directors to say they're bunch of idiots, they made a terrible mistake.

    2. Why doesn't David Barrett just admit he made a mistake. 5:55pm I Agree With you, A TERRIBLE MISTAKE.

  35. Kevin,
    It is sad that your level of cynicism is so high. As one example, Ms. Quinn-Carey used her credit card to take staff to lunch, which was found to be entirely appropriate. At the end of the day, the expenditures she incurred were deemed appropriate. Our due diligence was thorough, and a credit to the integrity of the library board. You are missing the larger point, however: an independent review found Ms. Quinn-Carey did not incur inappropriate expenses. You did not report that. The library board conducted a thorough investigation of her background. You did not report that. You rushed to judgment, and your judgment is wrong and can be proved wrong. Facts are facts. She deserves an apology as does the board.

  36. DEJA VU indeed, ALL OVER AGAIN...
    Corruption gets you promoted and higher salary. Only in Hartford, only in Hartford.

  37. So purchasing meals, wine and hotel rooms on a city card is ok then i guess. 160k a year is rough times to live on. The courant is toliet paper in my opinion.
    So maybe the firemen and policemen should get paid meals added to their 70k a year to be fair with the library ceo.

    1. 5:40pm, please do not insult the manufacturers of toilet paper in this country and do not use the Courant to wipe your behind either.
      THE Courant is simply a trashy paper and should be placed where it belongs, in a trash can.

  38. So, just to be cleat Mr. Brookman you are accusing Ms. Quinn-Carey of embezzlement and theft from the Hartford Public Library?

    1. 6:01 pm
      I'm not here to defend Mr. Brookman, but I don't believe Mr. Brookman was accusing Me. Quinn-Carey of stealing from HPL.
      Mr. Brookman was giving the picture of Ms. Quinn-Carey at her previous job. And, I must add, that picture is ugly.

  39. Man up here buddy, are you saying Ms. Quinn-Carey is embezzling and stealing from the Hartford Public Library? If not this is all just nonsense. So, is that what you are saying? Come on - own it.

  40. 6:01PM

    I am not sure where you read that. Maybe you need to spend more time at the Library honing your reading skills.All I did was post links to New York media sources reporting on an investigation by the New York City comptroller accusing her of embezzlement and other improper acts

  41. I am not sure why Barrett thinks he can post and try to deflect attention from their terrible job of selecting her. Just because and the rest of the political hack board believed her, are we now supposed to be just as gullible and believe Barrett just because he says so. I think not, we are tired of acting like sheep being led to the slaughter by the likes of Barrett and DiBella. Keep questioning Kevin, who cares if they are uncomfortable

  42. I know you are reading this. Come on own it.

  43. 6:47PM

    I don't need to make things up, is it not enough for you that there were allegations of improprieties at her previous position? You have a very warped meaning of nonsense

  44. No it is not enough, are you saying Ms. Quinn-Carey is embezzling or stealing from the HPL?

  45. what drugs are you on? or maybe you should be on some prescription meds. Where did you see anywhere that I have said she is embezzling from the Hartford Library?

  46. Thank you, we can all move on now.

  47. Kevin, you opened a big can of worms about the Hartford Public Library Board of Directors and CEO Bridget Quinn-Carey. Keep the good work up.

  48. After reading all this information tonight, I believe Bridget Q-C must resign.

  49. 9:26PM

    It is called arrogance and entitlement of Authority, who are we the little people to question what they do

  50. Mr Barrett, you mention that the HPL is nationally noted for outstanding service? Hold on there, pilgrim. I don't like using this library because books are frequently not where they are supposed to be. And yes, in addition to other materials, I still read paper books. There is a disconnect between what availability says and what is on the shelf. This has happened to me on a number of occasions and have brought it to the attention of staff. But your $100,000.00 a year front desk manager can't ever provide an answer. Further, although I am sympathetic of the homeless, if the library welcomes them into its facility, it should at least provide shower facilities for them. And laundry facilities. I am being serious. I once brought this up to Matt and he chastised me for my remarks. There is no reason that I need to smell someone who, on account of his or her unfortunate circumstances, smells so bad as to make me want to leave. I now prefer going to the West Hartford library, thank you. And I live in Hartford and pay taxes here. Do you?

    As to your executive director, I won't pass judgement since I am not intimate with the facts. I will say, however, that many of the positions are over compensate and you cannot by any stretch of your reasoning, defend these salaries, especially in light of the poor fiscal position of the City of Hartford. So please, get off your high horse and look around you.

  51. Also Mr Barrett, when your mission is to find a replacement director, sometimes, wouldn't you agree, is it not better to choose someone who has not been tainted by being in an administration who clearly was abusing financial privleges? If Bridget was not personally involved in that abuse, was she aware of it and if she was, it was her responsibility to expose the issue or quickly search for another position. She did neither so in the least, she is tainted by the massive corruption .

    Please do respond, sir.

  52. Mr.Barrett was chosen by the Board to respond to Kevin because of his "journalistic" background, such as it is. It's bad practice to have an individual board member speak on behalf of the board -- where are the officers? The Board chair has been protected by the Ritter clan for decades, and he's not the only one. Keep pushing, Kevin, this rat hole is deep.

    1. 10:43PM: Mr. Barrett's "journalistic" background or "journalistic" power could not help in this smelly "situation." The problem may very well be Bridget AND the entire dysfunctional Board of Directors, incl. Barrett himself.

  53. An important message to Bridget:

    Please resign.

  54. why should she resigned just because you said so. Go there yourself, fire her and escort her out of the building and out of the city. That's what Trump would do

  55. Mr. Brookman I am a little confused in your response to the HPL board member you said-"If that were not true I would assume legal action would have been taken"
    A simple Google search if you put in Mr Galante's name comes up with that very lawsuit and several news articles describing the Queen's library settling with Mr. Galante after they essential lost every pretrial motion. The lawsuit is also public information.
    You should read it.
    It is also interesting that Ms. Quinn-Carey was not removed by the Queens Board in fact served as interim CEO for almost two years after all of these accusations came out.
    I would think that if the Queens board had any misgivings about Ms. Quinn-Carey she would have been gone with Mr. Galante. There are no lawsuits criminal or civil or other naming Ms. Quinn-Carey, but why would there be she continued to work for Queens for that period before coming to Hartford.
    Just some facts Mr. Brookman.

  56. Bridget Quinn - Carey is grossly overpaid and based on her last job and the issues involved she should never have been hired in Harford to lead the HPL. How her employees can have any respect for is beyond me.


  58. It is time the people take a stand. The Hartford Public Library Board of Directors hiring of CEO Bridget Quinn-Carey was wrong. The present HPL Board of Directors did a disservice to Hartford residents and guests. It is Hartford politics as usual. Hartford is ready to close up shop and start over again. Yet, the HPL Board of Directors hand out gigantic salaries to the HPL Leadership Team.

  59. 1:56 PM

    Despite a "journalistic" background I have not been provided any solid information to back-up Mr. Barret's claims. An unnamed, unidentified "tax attorney" means nothing to me and doesn't prove anything.Where is this supposed report he provided and what was the methodology behind that alleged report? I asked who they spoke to and any report to very the "due diligence" he claims. but nothing from Barrett or any other Board member. I will gladly post his rebuttals and supporting documents to verify his claims, if and when they are forwarded to me, until then it is just more "he said , she said" to try to make us think their actions can be justified.

  60. HPL should get rid of the CEO title. CEO? Chief Executive Office? Really? The head of HPL should have the title of DIRECTOR or ADMINISTRATOR the most.
    After you get rid of the stupid CEO title, make sure you get rid of the woman who is currently holding this title: Bridget Quinn-Carey.
    The People of Hartford deserve much better than her!

  61. Kevin, please don't look at it as "He said, she said."
    At this time, in my opinion it sounds much more like "He lied, she lied."

  62. why don't you post those two last posts that actually answer your questions Mr. Brookman?

    1. Anonymous @ 3:31
      Mr. Brookman is not the unethical one. Ms. Quinn-Carey is the one.
      Mr. Brookman is not the one who spent thousands of dollars using NYC credit cards. Ms. Quinn-Carey is the one.

  63. Hey, Bridget, instead of hiding and locking yourself up in the 3rd floor office, you should resign. Why does it take you so long?

  64. 3:31pm

    Your posts answer nothing. Mr Galante is not the issue, and quite frankly , I don't care what he did or didn't do. He is not an employee of the city of Hartford. Where are the documents to disprove the allegations made by the Comptroller of the City of New York against her? I think that should be simple if they exist, which I am doubting more and more with every smokescreen comment attempting to justify the Library Boards actions

  65. Why don't you put those posts up and let your readers decide for themselves? Or do you feel it necessary to filter information to your readers so they don't get any crazy ideas. Like this is all nonsense.

  66. Come on Kevin. Expand the conversation beyond snarky personal attacks. Issues are what matter. Right?

    1. 4:15pm I AGREE with you 100%. The issues are what matter. Here are the issues that matter:

      New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer issued scathing reports on the operations of the Queens Borough Public Library in July that uncovered, what he characterized, a “sickening track record of waste, fraud and abuse” engaged by library executives.

    2. Kevin, could you FOI the entire list of spendings in Queens by Bridget. Although it's out of State, it's still in the interest of the public right here in Hartford.

  67. Since when has accountability become "snarky"?

  68. This is the latest scandal in corruptville. Hartford residents have had enough dealing with dirt. Bridget must go and nobody will be upset if David Barrett leaves with her.

  69. It was reported that Ms. Quinn-Carey's salary in Queens, N.Y. (population 2,350,000) was around $220,000.
    Therefore, her salary in Hartford, CT (population 124,500) should be $11,650, not a penny more.

  70. Ms. Quinn-Carey was paid $224,832 in 2014. Benefits like health insurance and pension are extra.
    "Queens Library executives made sure that their own incomes increased, with executive compensation growing by 6.9 percent even as they cut [Library] services staff and their salaries by 2.8 percent” (as reported by local newspapers).

  71. Kevin, keep doing what you are doing. It is the only way Hartford taxpayers know what is going on. The Hartford Public Library Board of Directors need to be held accountable.

  72. The Hartford Public Library Board of Directors need supervision. It is obvious that they cannot make decisions on how to hire and set salaries. The HPL Leadership Team
    receives outrages sums of money. HPL CEO Bridget Quinn-Carey's salary is enough to pay the entire HPL Leadership Team. Hartford taxpayers need to be informed of the attendance of Directors at each HPL Director meetings. In addition, the name of every Director who sits on standing committees and their attendance.

    1. The entire Board of Directors needs to be dismissed!

  73. NYC Comptroller accusing library executives - including BRIDGET QUINN CAREY - of “sickening track record of waste, fraud and abuse”. His words.
    Did you hear that: WASTE, FRAUD AND ABUSE. Is this for real? Who are you fooling Bridget? Do you think we are all stupid or what?

  74. Ha nothing to see here. Good luck Kevin.

  75. Salaries at the library high? Has anyone checked the City Department Heads' salaries? Hope you're sitting down.

  76. The Hartford Public Library CEO Bridget Quinn-Carey and Leadership Team make more money than Govornor Dannel Malloy and his staff. Something is wrong.

  77. There are many hands in the golden cookie jar. However, in 2017 Hartford's cookie jar is broke. Hartford Public Library you are another source of the problem.

    1. 7:47 HPL exists so executives can enrich themselves, pretending that it's all for the public.
      Thank you Hartford Private Library.

  78. Kevin
    Does Matt Poland have anything to do with this exposing library scandal???? I bet he is laughing right now because he still holds a grudge with the library board for kicking his ass out the door. Go back and look at the P card expenses that his Admin Asst Andrea Figueroa used to charge for all his travel expenses. Really, flying to a destination to pick up an award which involves hotel & food. That's a lot of wasted money.

  79. 8:55am

    I don't usually discuss my sources, but in this case I will say No, he does not

  80. I would like to know how much the CEO of the Hartford Public Library's expense amount is per year. Former HPL CEO Matt Poland, the same Matt Poland who recently proclaimed himself a short term HPL CEO. The HPL Board of Directors need to get their act together. Qualifications, smaller salaries and taxpayer input are key to having a successful HPL.

  81. HPL BofD don't need to get no act together. THEY NEED TO BE REMOVED.

  82. There needs to be checks and balances at the Hartford Public Library. Hartford taxpayers must lead the charge.

  83. Anonymous at 8:36 PM, I agree with you, "Hartford taxpayers must lead the charge." However, this will never happen as long as the Ritters and the DiBellas control our lives
